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Pre-Fame Projects Recording/Writing Timeline and Creative Process Discussion

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10 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


it was completely finished on february 28, 2008, it was supposed to come out on february 14, 2009, but then got held back until january 4, 2010

ok thanks for the clarification.


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she loved using random stage names and throwing around random song titles and naming files in quirky ways... like it's not that serious... remember when she was in that one youtube uploads comments talking about trash magic 


"God. I forgot that. I don't know if i changed the name- i think i called it Trash Magic in my notebook, but also miss america. I was staying at the sunset motel in new jersey off and on every other couple of weeks. I decorated it with tinsel from the duane reade up the street and wrote this song.. It still makes me happy."


some songs like oooh baby and i don't wanna go has like 3 titles she was just using for no reason... so i'm sure little girls and trash are just as legit  

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btw i really wanted to start the topic, but is there really no way on the earth to get songs that once were uploaded to the internet? i just cant believe that theres no way to get off to the races and some other songs from 2006 or lizzy grant music videos, or archiving is indeed the only way to save the music and if one didnt archive it theres no way to access it?


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14 minutes ago, lanaismamom said:

btw i really wanted to start the topic, but is there really no way on the earth to get songs that once were uploaded to the internet? i just cant believe that theres no way to get off to the races and some other songs from 2006 or lizzy grant music videos, or archiving is indeed the only way to save the music and if one didnt archive it theres no way to access it?


i don't think so, but who knows, i feel like if there was a way to find some of those missing/mysterious songs from her old myspace or even old youtube videos, people would've found a way by now, people tried to find the still-missing performance of pin up galore at the mercury lounge, but there was no way to get it back


On 2/11/2014 at 8:51 PM, Rafael said:

Apart from the two videos we already have from Qik, there's a third one that doesn't seem to work, but it's also labeled "Live from the ...merc lounge lizzy grant". I'm kinda panicking because their website is supposedly going to shut down in about two months. After that the footage might be lost forever  :defeated:

Not knowing what it is, is just so aggravating. Is there any way to revive this video or is it a dead end? 


we're lucky people were able to find some of the thumbnails and screencaps from some of the missing live performances, i believe they used some sort of tool from google but i don't think it exists anymore, we still have some of the URLs of the missing videos, some of the links are in this post, and i'm pretty sure there's more scattered throughout the forum


On 9/10/2018 at 11:27 PM, Dua Lipa said:

So I'm lucky enough to have lana as a friend on FB and wanted to start a thread about all the release dates of each unreleased MV! This goes by the most recent posting of each video on her facebook as she usually updated it when she posted the video. I've included original links, posting dates and screenshots of the post :) (I don't think this has been done yet so if it has.. sorry lol)


Lizzy Grant: YAYO



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Posted January 3rd 2009









Lizzy Grant: Gram



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Posted February 23rd 2009 






*note this version most likely did not include reeve as the og video that featured him was posted in May so that version came out after may if that makes sense lol*






Lizzy Grant: Queen of the Gas Station  



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Posted May 5th 2009










Lizzy Grant: Mermaid Motel



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Posted May 19th 2009









Lizzy Grant: Jimmy Chevy Nova 



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Posted December 21st 2009









On Our Way 



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Posted April 13th 2010









You Can Be The Boss



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Posted April 5th 2010









LANA DEL REY - VIDEO GAMES (first video)



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Posted May 5th 2011









LANA DEL REY - VIDEO GAMES (second video)



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Posted June 10th 2011













Lizzy Grant: Happiest Girl in the whole USA



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probably her cover at arlenes 


Posted February 11th 2009









Trailer Park 1 (clips were featured in gramma)



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Posted May 19th 2009








picture from gramma that im 99.9% sure is from the video





Elvis Presley (could this be a video for elvis?)






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1 hour ago, lanaismamom said:

from what i learnt trash is how lana referred to the song before performing, the same as monster for pin up galore

I think it's a short nickname, like for example:

On 7/3/2023 at 3:54 AM, Elle said:



Here are songs called just as Norman, Chemtrails, Summertime and Ocean Blvd but it doesn't mean they're like alt titles. Just nicknames. Weird is that Candy Necklace is called Candy Necklaces there, but yeah, they call it how they want to.


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1 hour ago, Embach said:

I think it's a short nickname, like for example:

Here are songs called just as Norman, Chemtrails, Summertime and Ocean Blvd but it doesn't mean they're like alt titles. Just nicknames. Weird is that Candy Necklace is called Candy Necklaces there, but yeah, they call it how they want to.

yeah but since that is unreleased we can really consider any of these 3 titles 


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yayo's theorized timeline


let's start with the first two versions, the version included on the no kung fu mixtape, and the live rehearsal recorded by the rich whores, structurally, they are very similar, they lack the bridge, as well as the "i need you like a baby when i hold you" verse, also, the first two choruses only include the "let me put on a show for you" section, while the last chorus includes the "put me onto your black motorcycle" section, it almost seems like that part was intended to be the bridge at first, now, i'm not entirely sure which came first, one could assume that the version recorded by the rich whores could've been recorded at some point during the summer months of 2007, her peformance of yayo on july 9, 2007, with the rich whores, is incredibly similar to the live rehearsal version

it's hard to say exactly when the no kung fu version was recorded, two tracks off of the mixtape have confirmed recording dates, get drunk, which was recorded on august 14, 2007, and the mermaid motel demo, which was recorded on september 6, 2007, which was shortly after the supposed time of recording of the live rehearsal version, regardless, there is no clear evidence to suggest that the no kung fu version of yayo was recorded in the later months of 2007, only just the fact that other tracks off of that mixtape were recorded after july, 2007


now, let's talk about the laptop demo, this is where things get kinda confusing, the laptop demo is different structurally compared to the other three versions, it includes the "i need you like a baby when i hold you" verse, as well as the "hello heaven" bridge, also, the two verses are switched around, the "i need you like a baby when i hold you" verse is the second verse, coming after the opening verse, and the "you have to take me right now" verse is second, coming after the first chorus, but what it shares the with other two demos is that two of the choruses, the first and last, lack the "put me onto your black motorcycle" section, only the second chorus is complete, so, it would be reasonable to guess that the laptop demo came after the live rehearsal and no kung demo, since it includes more verses and bares more of a resemblance to the album version

however... the first known performance of yayo on june 14, 2007 includes the "i need you like a baby when i hold you" verse, while the live rehearsal and the no kung fu demos don't, the live performance from june is pretty similar to the laptop demo except for the fact that it ends after the second chorus, however, it isn't really clear whether or not the song was actually done or if she purposely ended it off early, since she says "i think we'll stop it right about there...", also, the june performance lacks the "yayo, how now, yayo"


so, in conclusion... it's hard to put together any sort of timeline because she kept changing the song :whatever2: i feel like the laptop demo is more likely to be recorded in between the no kung fu demo and live rehearsal simply because of the fact that it features the most resemblance to the album version despite everything being switched around, but it could've been recorded anytime between june 2007-october 2007 (?) the most likely month the live rehearsal with the rich whores is probably july, 2007, and the no kung fu demo could've been recorded during july 2007-october 2007... not really sure, i don't actually know what month she started working with david kahne, but she did move into the trailer park that month


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On 6/26/2023 at 1:42 PM, ImenaOphelia said:

i think you forgot about the foster home in Spain she mentioned in Fingertips

also what is the source of this? I've heard it so many times it's obvious to me but never seen a proper source


from a live stream


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3 hours ago, Surf Noir said:

yayo's theorized timeline


let's start with the first two versions, the version included on the no kung fu mixtape, and the live rehearsal recorded by the rich whores, structurally, they are very similar, they lack the bridge, as well as the "i need you like a baby when i hold you" verse, also, the first two choruses only include the "let me put on a show for you" section, while the last chorus includes the "put me onto your black motorcycle" section, it almost seems like that part was intended to be the bridge at first, now, i'm not entirely sure which came first, one could assume that the version recorded by the rich whores could've been recorded at some point during the summer months of 2007, her peformance of yayo on july 9, 2007, with the rich whores, is incredibly similar to the live rehearsal version

it's hard to say exactly when the no kung fu version was recorded, two tracks off of the mixtape have confirmed recording dates, get drunk, which was recorded on august 14, 2007, and the mermaid motel demo, which was recorded on september 6, 2007, which was shortly after the supposed time of recording of the live rehearsal version, regardless, there is no clear evidence to suggest that the no kung fu version of yayo was recorded in the later months of 2007, only just the fact that other tracks off of that mixtape were recorded after july, 2007


now, let's talk about the laptop demo, this is where things get kinda confusing, the laptop demo is different structurally compared to the other three versions, it includes the "i need you like a baby when i hold you" verse, as well as the "hello heaven" bridge, also, the two verses are switched around, the "i need you like a baby when i hold you" verse is the second verse, coming after the opening verse, and the "you have to take me right now" verse is second, coming after the first chorus, but what it shares the with other two demos is that two of the choruses, the first and last, lack the "put me onto your black motorcycle" section, only the second chorus is complete, so, it would be reasonable to guess that the laptop demo came after the live rehearsal and no kung demo, since it includes more verses and bares more of a resemblance to the album version

however... the first known performance of yayo on june 14, 2007 includes the "i need you like a baby when i hold you" verse, while the live rehearsal and the no kung fu demos don't, the live performance from june is pretty similar to the laptop demo except for the fact that it ends after the second chorus, however, it isn't really clear whether or not the song was actually done or if she purposely ended it off early, since she says "i think we'll stop it right about there...", also, the june performance lacks the "yayo, how now, yayo"


so, in conclusion... it's hard to put together any sort of timeline because she kept changing the song :whatever2: i feel like the laptop demo is more likely to be recorded in between the no kung fu demo and live rehearsal simply because of the fact that it features the most resemblance to the album version despite everything being switched around, but it could've been recorded anytime between june 2007-october 2007 (?) the most likely month the live rehearsal with the rich whores is probably july, 2007, and the no kung fu demo could've been recorded during july 2007-october 2007... not really sure, i don't actually know what month she started working with david kahne, but she did move into the trailer park that month

we need more of this sleuthing with the rest of the AKA demos :defeated:

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