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Ultra Violet

Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East

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1 minute ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

i want a refund  :crossed:



What a warm and welcoming gentleman towards a newbie on the board. I can't sense any hostility in their Palestine butt-licking agenda.


threadbare tapestry unwinding slow.

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A pregnant woman dropping her children off at school was stabbed to death by a coordinated Israeli settler attack today in Jerusalem . She was so close to giving birth, that the doctors even attempted to perform an emergency c section to exhume the child. (She was stabbed, repeatedly , directly in front of her other children and left to bleed out while the attacker hopped into a car that pulled up and got away. He will likely not face punishment, or be identified. As is usually the case in these situations.)



This brings the total number of Israeli-Arab hate crimes / murders to 222 for the year. An unprecedented number, according to ANI Int.



this as just yesterday, nearly another 40 CHILDREN were arrested and are being detained without trail in the West Bank.

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10 minutes ago, OscarScheller said:

3 civilians murdered this morning in Jerusalem by Hamas shooters. 24 and 64 yo women and a 73 yo ultra orthodox man. They terrorists lived in the West Bank where Hamas won the elections in the universities just this past year. 

A young woman and elderly citizens. Its always the defenseless. R. I. P.

I'd like to see them try to attack a 6 ft 4 30 y/o man with a bullet vest and hand grenades. 

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1 hour ago, barttttender said:


and i just want to make it clear that anyone who's pro-israel at this stage most definitely has a mental disorder that went undetected.


i have never in my life seen so much violence, lies, savagery, egotism and sickness - all oozing from one place.


i will consider myself as having lived in absolute ignorance in term of evil up until this point. It's like i had no idea what it looks and feels like. And then i saw Israel in action.


from chanting about murder, to mocking poverty to killing a father in front of his daughter from a moving car - only an absolute disgrace to human kind would be capable of doing this.


and anyone who is pro-israel shall forever be an undetected mental  patient in my books. It's the only reason anyone would ever, ever be "pro-israel."


I wonder if you'd still feel the same if and when they start dropping their nukes, which they've already threatened with. 

thanks for coming to my ted talk

Then you must be blind. You talk about evil and mockery, just watch the videos from Gaza and the Gaza Envelope from last month. Decapitating civilians, filming and live streaming it - even not Jews (as if that were okay), innocent Thai and Philippino workers that lived there to work the fields. 
Parading bodies of mutiliated women on the back of truck in the streets of Gaza, for “innocent” people to spit on and cheer for. 
taking a baby, A LITERAL BABY as a hostage.. who would’ve thought this is where we would come to? 
so save your preachings 

12 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

A pregnant woman dropping her children off at school was stabbed to death by a coordinated Israeli settler attack today in Jerusalem . She was so close to giving birth, that the doctors even attempted to perform an emergency c section to exhume the child. (She was stabbed, repeatedly , directly in front of her other children and left to bleed out while the attacker hopped into a car that pulled up and got away. He will likely not face punishment, or be identified. As is usually the case in these situations.)



This brings the total number of Israeli-Arab hate crimes / murders to 222 for the year. An unprecedented number, according to ANI Int.



this as just yesterday, nearly another 40 CHILDREN were arrested and are being detained without trail in the West Bank.

This women was murdered by her own family under “family honor”. It literally says so in your source - two of her relatives were arrested for this crime. 

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5 minutes ago, OscarScheller said:

This women was murdered by her own family under “family honor”



it was happening very clearly in the video linked. But if your eyes deceive you so heavily, I don’t think anyone can help you much. You might be forced to stay in your racist bubble!

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Thanks to the two who came to my defense. I am waiting for him to utter a sentence after he publicly tested my level of stability. Its taking him a while, he's swatting flies while his donkey chews on a bale of hay, I bet. 

threadbare tapestry unwinding slow.

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9 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:



it was happening very clearly in the video linked. But if your eyes deceive you so heavily, I don’t think anyone can help you much. You might be forced to stay in your racist bubble!

members of her own family admit she was killed by relatives. Family Honor killings are not rare unfortunately, including two queer teenage Palestinian girls just this past year, who were killed for not fitting the culture. 

But go on spread fake news, you’re the one in a bubble as everyone just nod and cheer for your posts

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1 minute ago, Psychedelic Pussy said:

im not here to debate I’m here to dismantle the state of Israel babe

How very ambitious, to think you can do this singlehandedly on the forum of a musician. 

threadbare tapestry unwinding slow.

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Let's not resort to pet names.. its bad enough I called the gentleman a donkey lover before. 

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This is the second time you've brought up racism, first Oscar, now me. You must see the world in a kaleidoscope of racism.


Allies of IDF are as wide and as varied as they come. There are some Muslim IDF soldiers. You are aware of this right?

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1 hour ago, OscarScheller said:

Then you must be blind. You talk about evil and mockery, just watch the videos from Gaza and the Gaza Envelope from last month. Decapitating civilians, filming and live streaming it - even not Jews (as if that were okay), innocent Thai and Philippino workers that lived there to work the fields. 
Parading bodies of mutiliated women on the back of truck in the streets of Gaza, for “innocent” people to spit on and cheer for. 
taking a baby, A LITERAL BABY as a hostage.. who would’ve thought this is where we would come to? 
so save your preachings 

This women was murdered by her own family under “family honor”. It literally says so in your source - two of her relatives were arrested for this crime. 


well, i haven't seen any of that. NONE OF IT.


i've seen zero aggression on behalf of the palestinians.


but i do find your comment amusing. "A LITERAL BABY." What, one baby? Versus 5,000 babies that Israel slaughtered? PUH-LEASE.


All the pro-Israeli comebacks are lame af. There's just no comparison.

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