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Little Adults also known as pageants

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Pageants contests freak me out so much LOL. For real they are a scary show. They stare, they are small and look like grown ups. I see those peagents  and ordinary little adults and  I think to myself that those kids wear more "grown up "  clothes than I do. Not even gonna mention those sadic mothers caring around those little monsters.


Toddlers and Tiaras scare me to death and I laugh at the movie The Exorcist. So there you have: if you want to freak me out just post one of those little ones that I will loose my sleep.


What your thoughts on pageants and ordinary little adults and the show Toddlers and Tiaras?





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I think pageants can be nice if the little girls genuinely want to do it and actually have fun doing it but to me it seems like most of the mothers are just pushing them and it really isn't fun for anyone and all they do it for is the money. Dressed up little girls do look cute though.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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The oversexualization of young girls is highly disturbing. I'm not saying it's just America that does this because it's probably not but when you're telling young girls to dress up like that and put make up on and to be judged by how cute they are, then that says a lot about the society.

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I'm going back to Aberdeen where when I was a beauty queen



I think it's great that these kids can get scholarship or money for their futures, but I don't like how they are exploited by their parents at times who are overcompensating for who knows what,


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Although shows like Toddlers & Tiaras mostly or only show the bad side of kiddy pageants, I do think it's mostly wrong. I don't like how some mothers bring up their children to think that you have to be beautiful and have a spray tan to get far in life.


I mean, the best years of my life were when I was a toddler and yes I understand that the kids probably usually enjoy the fun of dressing up because I loved wearing a little bit of makeup and my mum's jewellry at home and dressing up as a princess or a fairy or whatever was awesome so I guess pageants are like an extreme version of that.


Still, you can just tell these kids are probably going to grow up to be stuck up little brats unless they realise how ridiculous they look when they mature a bit. Because seriously, these kids are not cute like their mummies might think :lanasrs:


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i was a pageant baby til like age 8 when i started getting into my awkward phase  :biblio: 


i just liked the frilly dresses and such, wasn't spray tanned like kids on that show.. didn't even wear makeup.  My family needed money and that was one way to try to get it.


I would never let my daughter participate in something like that though. it's like telling her the only way she can make $$ or feel self-worth is by being judged on her appearance. men play sports for scholarship while women get pretty? why isn't there a mr. america? same reason why playgirl doesn't sell as well as playboy i guess.

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OMG what the new PinUp means @Baby?? hahaha

he made a thread about black people 


if this was a thread about 'little people' you would take his title. 


Anyway, if it's something my child would really want to do, I might think about it. But I would never force my child to do anything like that, which is what you see a lot of the time in pageants. Sometimes it even feels like the mothers are trying to make up for the failures they made when they were younger through their children. 


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