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Ohio School Shooter Laughing at Victims Families

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I would like to ask why........ 

I don't know. He took 3 peoples lives, why should he still have his? 


It devalues life. I also believe that the death penalty is an easy way out, a life sentence is harder.


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Now, this is one of the few situations where I believe the death penalty seems to be the best option. Actually, if I could torture this kid, I think I would. 


Imagine being a parent of a young child just in grade school, and the killer is sitting there laughing at you over it. 

I couldn't contain myself. I would either have to leave, or I would jump over the podium and give him what he deserves. I just ugh, this makes me so mad. 

 Nobody deserves to die, nobody. I don't think the death penalty is ever appropiate. 

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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I don't believe in the death penalty.. and I think those Ohio boys deserve the same sentence as this kid. I think this boy should serve out his sentence and be studied.  He apparently has no mental illnesses and was very smart.  Criminology could benefit from a study on why relatively ~normal~ people kill.. cos it's always thought to be the mentally disturbed. Thesis idea~~


It's insane that his defense attorney allowed him to wear that.. hope the victim's family find peace one day.



“This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. F*** all of you,” Lane said, addressing victims’ families.


(Jesus Christ..apparently he was caught feigning mental illness?)

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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I don't believe in the death penalty.. and I think those Ohio boys deserve the same sentence as this kid. I think this boy should serve out his sentence and be studied.  He apparently has no mental illnesses and was very smart.  Criminology could benefit from a study on why relatively ~normal~ people kill.. cos it's always thought to be the mentally disturbed. Thesis idea~~


It's insane that his defense attorney allowed him to wear that.. hope the victim's family find peace one day.



“This hand that pulled the trigger that killed your sons now masturbates to the memory. F*** all of you,” Lane said, addressing victims’ families.


(Jesus Christ..apparently he was caught feigning mental illness?)

Never thought of it that way. I actually do see how that would be beneficial, because that could have the chance to help save lives in the future..........thanks for sharing that. 


 Nobody deserves to die, nobody. I don't think the death penalty is ever appropiate. 

No one deserves to be killed either......and that was their intention. 


If I did so much as even accidently killed someone via car crash or anything, I for-sure couldn't live with myself. Even though it wasn't my fault. 


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It devalues life. I also believe that the death penalty is an easy way out, a life sentence is harder.

Karma will eventually get these people, I believe. The death penalty isn't a black or white issue, either. However, I do understand how people can say that as he's devalued the lives of the people's he's killed and the families he's ruined and doesn't care a jot about it.

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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It is always a white person who shoots up a bunch of people. There was a guy today at the college I go to that was spotted with a gun and the whole school went on lockdown. He was white. Smh. Look it up IUPUI.


Crazy rednecks. don't tread on our second amendment rights..awful. 


and of course lower income African American males continue to be the target of ~prevention~ policies. smh

*** People call me crazy but I'm in demand ***

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Just on the death penalty point, I basically agree with LDR. The state shouldn't have the right to choose which people live or die. The very thought that my state can choose whether I have to right to live is frankly quite mortifying. How can I trust in a government that has that kind of blood on its hands, regardless of how deserving/undeserving it may be?


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I don't know much about this, but I will share my opinion on a death penalty.

A death penalty shouldn't be allowed because it is less suffering than actually being in prison their whole life. I do agree that it is bad enough that this man took the lives of children, but the police officer who has to kill the killer will feel guilty all his life (most likely) and in my opinion, if I was a police officer who had to do that, I would feel sincerely depressed for a while and it will always be at the back of my mind. I think killing a few people is bad enough, but there is no need to take another life for the sake of that.

He should live to a very old age in prison, with the basic human rights.

I don't get why he would turn up in court like that. What a mess. And the cheek he has to laugh. I repeat, I don't know much about this. He could of been civil about it, and at least apologize and turn up in appropriate clothing.


*I like to rant about stuff so I will stop here as I will end up talking about his parents and gun laws*

Lana.pngAngel-Headed Hipster

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Nobody deserves to die, nobody. I don't think the death penalty is ever appropiate.

Strictly speaking, I think murderers deserve to die, yet I don't think it's right to kill them. And even if it were, I share ata's concern with entrusting the state with that power.



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Strictly speaking, I think murderers deserve to die, yet I don't think it's right to kill them. And even if it were, I share ata's concern with entrusting the state with that power.

Well, in my opinion everybody should have their human rights, even if they've violated another person's. I mean, what gives the person who actually has to kill the guy the right to do that? One judge? I just think murder is illegal, even if the victim is a murder.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Well, in my opinion everybody should have their human rights, even if they've violated another person's. I mean, what gives the person who actually has to kill the guy the right to do that? One judge? I just think murder is illegal, even if the victim is a murder.

Even if someone has taken away an innocent person's human rights? Where's the justice? 

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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Even if someone has taken away an innocent person's human rights? Where's the justice? 

He's going to prison. You can't bring the people he killed back just by killing him, it won't help anyone.

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Since you don't believe in the death penalty, what about torturing? That sounds really wicked....but if hes not gonna die......where exactly is the justice? Our taxes pay for his life? Im not exactly comfortable with providing a "nice enough" place for a prisoner. I suppose he will be either killed or beat in prison though. 


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