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Boston Marathon Explosion

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i  read that this is fake...


what do you mean?..I've seen some conspiracy theories on fb but I dont get it...fake in what sense? The bombings happened, people were killed and injured. I really wish I didnt click that link though because there was a picture of the dead brother....and it looked like something straight out of the walking dead. I want to vomit. 

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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims. Deny them visa everywhere. They are crazy and medievel. Let them bomb, explode, hurt and kill their own kind in there fucking country. Fuck those crazy bastards who treatevery one like shit specially women. Let them explode themselves. Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world. Let them stay in shit iraq,, saudi arabia or fucking chechenia. Deny those bastards visas to every country that has democracy. Let them make community in congo and senegal where people think is normal to rape little girls cut peoples members and explode others.


This guy should get death penalty. I am against death penalty but in his case i dont see any other alternative. What the fuck now people in USA should be afraid of going to marathons because of these fuckers.? english and french people should hide under their beds because some crazy lunatics think shit like this is some mother fucker they call god will?


Wish the jews blow them all tbh. Would send israel a thank you note


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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims. Deny them visa everywhere. They are crazy and medievel. Let them bomb, explode, hurt and kill their own kind in there fucking country. Fuck those crazy bastards who treatevery one like shit specially women. Let them explode themselves. Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world. Let them stay in shit iraq,, saudi arabia or fucking chechenia. Deny those bastards visas to every country that has democracy. Let them make community in congo and senegal where people think is normal to rape little girls cut peoples members and explode others.


This guy should get death penalty. I am against death penalty but in his case i dont see any other alternative. What the fuck now people in USA should be afraid of going to marathons because of these fuckers.? english and french people should hide under their beds because some crazy lunatics think shit like this is some mother fucker they call god will?


Wish the jews blow them all tbh. Would send israel a thank you note

your islamophobic rant is completely irrational and uncalled for

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims. Deny them visa everywhere. They are crazy and medievel. Let them bomb, explode, hurt and kill their own kind in there fucking country. Fuck those crazy bastards who treatevery one like shit specially women. Let them explode themselves. Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world. Let them stay in shit iraq,, saudi arabia or fucking chechenia. Deny those bastards visas to every country that has democracy. Let them make community in congo and senegal where people think is normal to rape little girls cut peoples members and explode others.


This guy should get death penalty. I am against death penalty but in his case i dont see any other alternative. What the fuck now people in USA should be afraid of going to marathons because of these fuckers.? english and french people should hide under their beds because some crazy lunatics think shit like this is some mother fucker they call god will?


Wish the jews blow them all tbh. Would send israel a thank you note


did you ever heard of Pandora's Box? Well you open it... :facepalm: congrats...or not :deadbanana:


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your islamophobic rant is completely irrational and uncalled for

My rent was irrational? What name do you give to their actions, the way they see human rights and their way of thinking? What you call that? Its that normal to you? To me is not. Like I said fuck them. When are those lunatics going to b satisfied when all people in usa are dead? When they literaly make europe a muslim continent? Where is the line for those bastards? And yes i am islamophobic. And you know why? Because i fear people who think that they are doing god a favor for killing all races and religions that dont think alah is the men. So yeah i think they should be let alone in peace in their shit and dont drag everyone around to their crazyness. Find me one freaking muslim, a real one, that is not fanatic and i will give you reason.


did you ever heard of Pandora's Box? Well you open it... :facepalm: congrats...or not :deadbanana:

Caixa de pandora é ótimo. Mas o que falei é verdade.


I know is kind of radical but if we dont take radical actions we will be fucked in a few years.


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My rent was irrational? What name do you give to their actions, the way they see human rights and their way of thinking? What you call that? Its that normal to you? To me is not. Like I said fuck them. When are those lunatics going to b satisfied when all people in usa are dead? When they literaly make europe a muslim continent? Where is the line for those bastards? And yes i am islamophobic. And you know why? Because i fear people who think that they are doing god a favor for killing all races and religions that dont think alah is the men. So yeah i think they should be let alone in peace in their shit and dont drag everyone around to their crazyness. Find me one freaking muslim, a real one, that is not fanatic and i will give you reason.

there are over 1.5 BILLION muslims in the world and you're telling me they're all "lunatic fanatic bastards"? how are any of us still alive then? you should stop generalising so much, it's offensive and stupid and no one will take you seriously

Caesar said he’d fall in love with me if I was older. I own all of Mexico and I got my own roller-coaster.

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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims. Deny them visa everywhere. They are crazy and medievel. Let them bomb, explode, hurt and kill their own kind in there fucking country. Fuck those crazy bastards who treatevery one like shit specially women. Let them explode themselves. Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world. Let them stay in shit iraq,, saudi arabia or fucking chechenia. Deny those bastards visas to every country that has democracy. Let them make community in congo and senegal where people think is normal to rape little girls cut peoples members and explode others.


This guy should get death penalty. I am against death penalty but in his case i dont see any other alternative. What the fuck now people in USA should be afraid of going to marathons because of these fuckers.? english and french people should hide under their beds because some crazy lunatics think shit like this is some mother fucker they call god will?


Wish the jews blow them all tbh. Would send israel a thank you note


you have some serious issues. :whoopi: get help. Obviously looking for attention and I usually do admire some good trolling but you need limits. BYE 

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there are over 1.5 BILLION muslims in the world and you're telling me they're all "lunatic fanatic bastards"? how are any of us still alive then? you should stop generalising so much, it's offensive and stupid and no one will take you seriously

Is the second largest comunity after christians. And is growing as fast as we blink. Fuck.

Its considerad a muslim country places where half or more of the population is muslim. Here is a little list of muslim countries. As you can see in the list all of them are big in human rights and dream places to live. I am aplying for a visa at this moment. If you are born a girl in these countries than is double luck. I highly suggest for girls senegal, pakistan, iraq, somalia, senegal.albania and lybia. Its dreaming places. Why not let them sppread their wings to europe even more, to south and north america? Such nice places dont know what i was thinking



Western Sahara














Saudi Arabia




















United Arab Emirates






Sierra Leone

Burkina Faso







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Christians have blow up Planned Parenthood & other abortion providers, killed homosexuals, lynched black people, Hitler was catholic & we all know what he did. Should we ban all Christians & Catholics from America since SOME are bat ass crazy?


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Im going to say what people think and dont say: fuck those muslims. Deny them visa everywhere. They are crazy and medievel. Let them bomb, explode, hurt and kill their own kind in there fucking country. Fuck those crazy bastards who treatevery one like shit specially women. Let them explode themselves. Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world. Let them stay in shit iraq,, saudi arabia or fucking chechenia. Deny those bastards visas to every country that has democracy. Let them make community in congo and senegal where people think is normal to rape little girls cut peoples members and explode others.


This guy should get death penalty. I am against death penalty but in his case i dont see any other alternative. What the fuck now people in USA should be afraid of going to marathons because of these fuckers.? english and french people should hide under their beds because some crazy lunatics think shit like this is some mother fucker they call god will?


Wish the jews blow them all tbh. Would send israel a thank you note

What the fuck is the matter with you? Everything you've said here is just terrible. First of all, most religions have some sort of Radical side. There's radical Muslims, yes but in no way do those people represent Islam in whole. ''Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world'' ?? Your comments are so hateful and ignorant it's not even funny. We should stop the Taliban and other radical islamist groups, but not Muslims. Normal Muslims, everyday people, are like you and me. What I'm trying to say is that most people who subscribe to the Islam faith are not a problem whatsoever. The media and ignorant people like you build up this hate and it's sick. 


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you have some serious issues. :whoopi: get help. Obviously looking for attention and I usually do admire some good trolling but you need limits. BYE 

I am not trolling. Read more. I have no issues its just reality. They hate us. They dont mix and that is the truth.


Christians have blow up Planned Parenthood & other abortion providers, killed homosexuals, lynched black people, Hitler was catholic & we all know what he did. Should we ban all Christians & Catholics from America since SOME are bat ass crazy?

I live today not 200 years ago. T.o.d.a.y


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What the fuck is the matter with you? Everything you've said here is just terrible. First of all, most religions have some sort of Radical side. There's radical Muslims, yes but in no way do those people represent Islam in whole. ''Muslims are like Grasshoppers if we dont stop them now they will spread thejir crazyness all over the world'' ?? Your comments are so hateful and ignorant it's not even funny. We should stop the Taliban and other radical islamist groups, but not Muslims. Normal Muslims, everyday people, are like you and me. What I'm trying to say is that most people who subscribe to the Islam faith are not a problem whatsoever. The media and ignorant people like you build up this hate and it's sick. 

Yes most religions have a radical side. Islam is much more than a religion that is why is so fanatic and dangerous. In 2013 dont you find strange someone that thinks that a religion where rape is aplaude, womens and children have basically no rights, usving their body as a weapon of mass destruction is a good and a act of faith is somone with problems? Off course you gonna find some nice muslims but all in all i wish theynever get to close to south american boders. Give yourself the trouble to google muslim in france, muslim in belgium and dinamark and take a look what happened to those european countries. I am not repeating what the media tells me because they cant make a rent about muslims. They can not even print a cartoon in a college news paper.


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I live today not 200 years ago. T.o.d.a.y


A group of Christians set the Planned Parenthood I go to on fire less than a month ago. Several people I went to school with were killed for their homosexuality, one guy that was supposed to graduate this year was drowned by his father for being gay. Westboro Baptist Church protests funerals of soldiers and national tragedies, should we base our entire view of Christianity based upon a few people? 


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I've seen some conspiracy theories on this too... Sandy hook part 2 lol

I'm not serious though


But it is a good point how in the photos with their legs blown to pieces they are not even dripping blood whilst being wheeled away...

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Yes most religions have a radical side. Islam is much more than a religion that is why is so fanatic and dangerous. In 2013 dont you find strange someone that thinks that a religion where rape is aplaude, womens and children have basically no rights, usving their body as a weapon of mass destruction is a good and a act of faith is somone with problems? Off course you gonna find some nice muslims but all in all i wish theynever get to close to south american boders. Give yourself the trouble to google muslim in france, muslim in belgium and dinamark and take a look what happened to those european countries. I am not repeating what the media tells me because they cant make a rent about muslims. They can not even print a cartoon in a college news paper.

Like I said, most muslims are not like this. Muslims take their beliefs very seriously from what I know, some so much that they're willing to do horrible things to people or groups that they see as enemies. But those are radicals. They do not represent all Muslims! The media will report on the radical doings, i guess it seems to you that these are common events and normal for muslim people to do?? You're generalizing.  I'm not even going into this anymore it's obvious there's not talking to you. You should at least keep these hateful beliefs to yourself.  


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Yes most religions have a radical side. Islam is much more than a religion that is why is so fanatic and dangerous. In 2013 dont you find strange someone that thinks that a religion where rape is aplaude, womens and children have basically no rights, usving their body as a weapon of mass destruction is a good and a act of faith is somone with problems? Off course you gonna find some nice muslims but all in all i wish theynever get to close to south american boders. Give yourself the trouble to google muslim in france, muslim in belgium and dinamark and take a look what happened to those european countries. I am not repeating what the media tells me because they cant make a rent about muslims. They can not even print a cartoon in a college news paper.


Ok I was waiting for you to mention Belgium and France since those videos were circulating AGAIN in FB and twitter last week. I can understand (not saying I agree - because I don't -  but I UNDERSTAND ) some of your points. I am quite radical against radical tbh. Muslims, jeaovah's, christians all of them annoy me equaly. Maybe the jeovah's annoy me more than anyone else because they choose my UNI to profess their BS. Anyway I just think that fear is a poweful weapon of mass corruption. There for can also be a powerful weapon of mass destruction.


I also get that the subject (the bombs in Boston) was highly mentioned in the news here. Well all those bombings are highly covered but this one was special because of the circunstances was a bit more me thinks. The circunstances I refere is the fact that we probably got a lot more cover and interviews that the other networks since Boston has a massive brazilian community. Also they cover a lot because of the olympic games and world cup.


EDIT: because what we will do to protect people from such things to happen since these particular type of violence is completely new to us. Doesn't happen here and the government has to find a way a efficient way to prevent such horrible actions to happen during the games.


So I get that the nerves on such subject are high right now but I think you are using the wrong words to make your points and sounding as radical as the ones you are criticizing.


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I've seen some conspiracy theories on this too... Sandy hook part 2 lol

I'm not serious though


But it is a good point how in the photos with their legs blown to pieces they are not even dripping blood whilst being wheeled away...


OMG is everywhere!! I saw in basically every journal! HA! what do you think about that?


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A group of Christians set the Planned Parenthood I go to on fire less than a month ago. Several people I went to school with were killed for their homosexuality, one guy that was supposed to graduate this year was drowned by his father for being gay. Westboro Baptist Church protests funerals of soldiers and national tragedies, should we base our entire view of Christianity based upon a few people? 

Good try to change angles to a subject thta interests you and have nothing to do with what i am saying. First i am not even chrstian second i was not talking about abortions, christians or not christians, gays or not gays. I was talking about muslims and islam


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