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some of you are acting like children.


I only listened to the first verse + chorus of each track in that awful quality


So far I think Dope shouldn't have been changed


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i need a hq download link asap


EDIT: I downloaded it and it's  :defeated:

And you know every album has like this song you kinda, don't like but it's not bad.. It just doesn't suit you so you always skip it...


Jewels n Drugs will be that one for me..

First we feel; then we fall.

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So here is my veredict


Aura 7/10 that damn intro 

Venus 10/10 it's my Bloody Mary of the album, the track I won't skip

G.U.Y 9/10 it's screams Fame Era so loud, but IDK it get's old pretty fast

SeXXX Dreams 6/10 I was hoping something like Erotica or Touch of My Hand but no, it sounds like the audio it's fucked up

Jewels n' Drugs 5/10 Love the rapper's verses but it doesn't sound like a Gaga song, it sound like a featured

Manicure 9/10 love the Stephanie sound on this, but again it gets old pretty fast

Do What You Want 8/10 Love the 90's vibe on it, however the lyrics doesn't do nothing to me

Artpop 8/10 a song that it's futuristic but at the same time it sounds like pure 90's synth pop (very Madonna)

Swine 10/10 Fucking perfect, agressive and on point. The "I now, I now" part sound like All men are pigs by Studio Killers and I LOVE THAT

Donatella 10/10 Love the Ode to Donatella "I'm rich and I'm a little bit of a bitch" kills everything, better than the Ode to McQueen on BTW

Fashion! 0/10 just because it's not a new version of the Heidi Montag hit song tbh. J/K 7/10 love her vocals but that's it

Mary Jane Holland 7/10 the beat eats her vocals and it's a shame

Dope 6/10 It doesn't follow the sound of the album at ALL

Gypsy 9/10 I loke how it grows and the lyrics are really good

Applause 7/10 It's good, it's catchy but they are better songs on the album




Better that BTW but The Fame & TFM are still her best albums till today


No, I'm still not a LM but it got me interested in her stuff again


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