rways 407 Posted July 28, 2013 President Putin's crusade against LGBT community in Russia took a new turn. Infamous Russian ultranationalist and former skin head, Maxim Martsinkevich, known under the nickname "Cleaver" (or "Tesak" in Russian) has spearheaded a country wide campaign against LGBT teens using a popular russian social network to lure unsuspected victims through personal ads. Mr. Martsinkevich's numerous and enthusiastic followers started two projects: "Occupy Pedophilyaj" and "Occupy Gerontilyaj". Allegedly they are trying to identify and report pedophiles using these "movements". In reality, over 500 online groups have been created inside the social network in order to organize illegal militant groups in every Russian city. Oddly enough their idea of fighting pedophiles targets exclusively male teenagers who respond to the same-sex personal ads and show up for a date. Captured victims are bullied and tortured while being recorded on video. These self-proclaimed "crime fighters" perform their actions under broad day light, often outside and clearly visible to general public that indifferently passes by or even commend them. Video recordings and photos of the bullying and tortures are freely distributed on the Internet in order to out LGBT teens to their respective schools, parents and friends. Many victims were driven to suicides, the rest are deeply traumatized. So far Russian police took no action against these "movements" even though Russian criminal code is being clearly violated and despite numerous complaints from parents, victims and LGBT activists. Social network intermittently shuts down selected groups and profiles only to allow them to be re-open on the next day. Currently, the founder of, Pavel Durov, resides in the US and so far has not released any comments. This graphic and violent video shows the group harassing an underage victim in Moscow, Russia. He was bullied, tortured and sprayed with urine in broad day light. Help Those Gays by Signing this petition Source: 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yayoop 4,616 Posted July 28, 2013 Wow .. this is disgusting. I usually don't pay attention to stuff concerning the LGBT for my own reasons, but like this is fucked. I am so disgusted right now I don't even know how to react. Fuck! I'm so angry hahaha holy shit, i don't even know what to say! I can't do anything. But i did sign the petition .. wow. saajdggnfd I pray that humanity will wake up from being braindead wastes of oxygen and that we will eventually evolve into a race that cares more about a person's actions before who they are going to bed with This is disgusting. I legit.. okay i'll stop now otherwise i'll just rant about nothing but like how can people still besgnfadgfs don't get into it yayo. Anyways i'm fine. These people are scum, they must be living in the 1940's with Hitler, i hope they rot for being c**ts. thank you 4 Quote " /> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TIARNZUS 4,599 Posted July 28, 2013 If such anti-gay people they seem to know their stuff. But yes, it's disgusting and we live in a very hateful world. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pinupgirls 1,058 Posted July 28, 2013 This is awful. The world is absolutely awful. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viva 3,173 Posted July 28, 2013 When I say Madge is avant garden I mean it. This is going on for a long time. A girls band called Pussy Riot had their members arrested (3 members one is out of jail the others remain). Their "crime" was to sing inside a cathedral asking for god to get rid of Putin. Madonna during MDNA tour constantly protested against their prison and human rights in Russia. Not only in her concert in Moscow but also almost everywhere she went. Was clear that if they did that to a semi famous punk girls band without a care in the world things would get worse day by day. Russia is in a shit economic place right now and a way to control and take away attention from the real problems is to create a distraction. The gays are the distraction to the sex traffic issues. Blows me away the shit that happens there. I saw a documentary in my UNI of a famous brazilian journalist about what is happening and what would happen to gays and womens in Russia (the doc is from 3 years ago). I will see if I can find it on youtube a version with english subtitles. Is bloody sick tbh abd disgusting. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SparkleJumpRopeKing 314 Posted July 29, 2013 Has anyone seen the video? They're fucking assholes. The video is depressing. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CokoKilos 366 Posted July 29, 2013 I cant bare to watch any videos, the photos hurt even more...I honestly believe someday, somewhere all this negativity will come back to the people who harmed others. 2 Quote Live Forever Golden Grill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viva 3,173 Posted July 29, 2013 Wow .. this is disgusting. I usually don't pay attention to stuff concerning the LGBT for my own reasons, but like this is fucked. I am so disgusted right now I don't even know how to react. Fuck! I'm so angry hahaha holy shit, i don't even know what to say! I can't do anything. But i did sign the petition .. wow. saajdggnfd I pray that humanity will wake up from being braindead wastes of oxygen and that we will eventually evolve into a race that cares more about a person's actions before who they are going to bed with This is disgusting. I legit.. okay i'll stop now otherwise i'll just rant about nothing but like how can people still besgnfadgfs don't get into it yayo. Anyways i'm fine. These people are scum, they must be living in the 1940's with Hitler, i hope they rot for being c**ts. thank you This is one of the things that annoys me about LBGT. When I say that gay rights get in the way of human rights its horrible things like this my exact point. This is not a matter of Gay rights. This is HUMAN RIGHTS. Its a huge violation of basic human rights. LBGT comes far down the road In my humble opinion. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rways 407 Posted July 29, 2013 Has anyone seen the video? They're fucking assholes. The video is depressing. I watched it it made me cry 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sjrq 150 Posted July 29, 2013 I've never seen any evidence that gays are any more or less predatory than non-gays. I've worked with many gays, and those who haven't and expect them to be different would find they are surprisingly "normal". They go to work, try to do a good job, then go home to their personal life just like their non-gay counterparts. The idea that people who are "different" are evil is just stupid and based on nothing. Don't fall for it. Of couse, generally it is a good idea to ignore anything you hear from Russian skinheads, or any other skinheads, as well. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rways 407 Posted July 29, 2013 I've never seen any evidence that gays are any more or less predatory than non-gays. I've worked with many gays, and those who haven't and expect them to be different would find they are surprisingly "normal". They go to work, try to do a good job, then go home to their personal life just like their non-gay counterparts. The idea that people who are "different" are evil is just stupid and based on nothing. Don't fall for it. Of couse, generally it is a good idea to ignore anything you hear from Russian skinheads, or any other skinheads, as well. You do know that most of LanaBoards is composed of Gays and that we don't listen to them right? We need to do something tho this is Horrible. Did you guys sign this petition? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lauradelxx 1,082 Posted July 29, 2013 This really disgusts me when is the world finally going to accept that some people are gay. Some people are straight. Some people like peanut butter. Some people like crunchy peanut butter with nuts wtf. Ugh don't they realize that thousands of those who are gay never get to live their life because they committed suicide? Don't they get that some even hate themselves because they are not straight and "like everyone else"? Karma's gonna get them bad. I signed the petition I didn't even know this was going on the word needs to get out, it's people like this that make the world so fucked up. 6 Quote god knows I tried Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viva 3,173 Posted July 29, 2013 You do know that most of LanaBoards is composed of Gays and that we don't listen to them right? We need to do something tho this is Horrible. Did you guys sign this petition? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
surf.noir 265 Posted July 29, 2013 I'm not strong enough to watch the video... Why this is important to me? HUMAN RIGHTS SIR! JUST THAT! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Intriguing Penguin 867 Posted July 30, 2013 I watched some of the video, I skipped around a bit, the part where they pour urine(whatever was in the bottle) breaks my heart. It really shows how weak people can be, having to get a group to go against 1 kid, just because he's different. It shows how low people can be over one thing. I just wanna take that poor kid and just hug him. I wish someone with a lot of fame and power would expose this more to help bring it to more attention, so maybe than something will happen. The fact the Russian police are ignoring this is sad. Whoever is running this country (Putin I assume, but I don't know if the President or Prime Minister has equal power, or one has more sorry for my lack of knowledge on it) needs to stop this even if he is against LGBT, it's not right for the people of your country to be hated on, and for him, as the leader of the country to do nothing about it. If he continues this, he should resign, it's not right for a leader of the country to discriminate against a type of people, and than when this bullying and torturing happens, and he does nothing about it, just shows he shouldn't be running a country. If this world keeps focusing on petty things such as, sexuality, the world will never progress. We honestly have more important things to worry about, but all governments want to do is debate on sexuality, religion, abortions, and other human/civil rights that people shouldn't have. Every country should have given all their citizens the rights they deserve from the start. It's 2013 and people need to get the fuck over a person's race, gender, sexuality, etc, etc. People can't control their race, sexuality, and gender that they were born as. It's really sickening. Sorry, for the rant I'm just tired of seeing all these innocent people who do, nothing wrong in their life get beat up over something that they can't control. I don't know if I made sense... :c I signed the petition and hope it reaches its goal or surpasses its goal. I hope the best for Russia and its people, and something will happen soon. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mileena 2,696 Posted July 31, 2013 y'all seen this? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rways 407 Posted August 1, 2013 This gurl is a singer? She seems so closed minded. And LOL she couldn;t explain anything at the last sentance! The fighting part scares me so much 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viva 3,173 Posted August 1, 2013 (edited) This gurl is a singer? She seems so closed minded. And LOL she couldn;t explain anything at the last sentance! The fighting part scares me so much From what they say on the video she is @@rways. This video tells so much about the system in Russia... For example when she refers to gays she mentions Gay Society separating them from the rest of Russia. In my mind thats a very damaging statement Gays don't have their own society they are a part of it. Such statement places gays as a parea, something apart of the rest of Russia basically takes away their citizenship. The guy mentions that just by saying I am gay I am the same human being as you or President Putin he is doing propaganda. There for he has to pay a ticket for that statement since is against the law. He can say he is gay that is not ilegal but saying he is the same human being as her is ilegal. Putin took some notes from Hitler's Mein Kampf didn't he? I honestly hope that the LBGT moviment backs off and calls Human Rights in Geneva. People tend to confuse things when the subject is rights. Such actions takes away 2 basic human rights which is the right to come and go and freedom of expression. Torture is also a matter of Human Rights. Making the subject a matter of gay rights is dangerous in my opinion since decreases, in the eyes of Russias society and the world, the extent of the problem. Basically states that Human Rights are random when the issue is the violation of rights in a particular group in this particular case based on sexual preference. People should never, ever forget that everything Hitler did was legal (in brazil we use a lot this sentence when the subject is discrimination). The Pop singer is the pixel on the left LOL Edited August 1, 2013 by Antonia22 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SparkleJumpRopeKing 314 Posted August 2, 2013 test 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrettyBaby 2,222 Posted August 6, 2013 I honestly hope that the LBGT moviment backs off and calls Human Rights in Geneva. People tend to confuse things when the subject is rights. Such actions takes away 2 basic human rights which is the right to come and go and freedom of expression. Torture is also a matter of Human Rights. Making the subject a matter of gay rights is dangerous in my opinion since decreases, in the eyes of Russias society and the world, the extent of the problem. Basically states that Human Rights are random when the issue is the violation of rights in a particular group in this particular case based on sexual preference. So the rights need to be thought of as "human rights," even when the target of discrimination is a particular group. This is making a lot of sense to me. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites