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Chris Cuomo

Little things that you love about Lana

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Visually, cinematically, sonically :D 


Her eyes, and how shy she seems. Plus, how nice she is towards her fans, the paparazzi, everyone. That peace, aura she has around her. God, I love her so much

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Whenever she does a southern twang ~come on kitty cat, fill'er up~

Her speaking voice in general gives me tingles. And her hand movements as has been said, like when she runs her fingers through her hair.

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her shyness is just absolutely adorable.

the fact she sings about video games :creepna:

her new york accent.

her gangsta-ness.

the fact that she's so arty and yet the rest of the stuff i hear in the charts all sounds the same.

she's such a kind and warm person, i got such good vibes from her.

the fact she looks even better in person than she does on photos.

her handwriting,

her songs always sound different to each other.

the way she says 'man' in kill kill.


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She reminds me of myself, and I love myself!

k :wtf:


I love lana bc she is a humble, down to earth, and genuine girl and u can see it. she is beautiful inside and out, and the way she gets misunderstood by the us media makes me sad :sadcore:


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She's beautiful (& young), genuine, so kind to her fans, smart, cute. I also love the style of the old homemade videos. And i looove her lips. I like that she has different kinds of songs. There are moods that I want to listen to pop songs, so lana can also give me that. And I have sooo many songs From her I can listen to

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I like Lana for many reasons.


I like the way her music sounds. That oldish sound to it but with current style lyrics.


Also her look and attitude. She seems very genuine about herself and her fans. Plus writing her own music is def. a A++ in my book!

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I was wondering what is it about Lana that makes you guys and girls so obsessed with her?:


For me it's how meaningful and passionate her lyrics are, like even though she's this beautiful talented women, she's still able to bear her soul to us so that we (her fans) can enjoy her songs.


my next favourite thing would probably be her amazing personality, I wouldn't love her as much if she was self-centred, rude or arrogant  so i love how even though she has become well known throughout the world, she is still the same old Lizzy grant that she's always been!


So anyway I'm interested in what you guys have to say! :) :kiss2:


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I voted all of the above because i wanted to voted her personality, her dedication with her fans (i never seen an artist like her, with her fans, i mean, she is so nice, so sweet, even i'm a britney fan and i know she is so sweet with her fans too, but lana is more special, i don't know, it's like she is connected with her fans), i love her music, her lyrics are everything, her voice... and i also like her clothes, her style! i'm not obsessed with marilyn or elvis like her, i mean i like them but that's all, but i don't care, i love lana


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haha I voted for all of the above because I simply couldn't decide.


Lana herself is like art that was painted without trying too hard, it came naturally.

all the single pieces wouldn't be that magical if you saw them seperate but all of them combined reveal imperfect perfection.


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haha I voted for all of the above because I simply couldn't decide.


Lana herself is like art that was painted without trying too hard, it came naturally.

all the single pieces wouldn't be that magical if you saw them seperate but all of them combined reveal imperfect perfection.


beautiful words  :crying5:


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I picked one instead of all of the above because that's an easy way out of answering the question...  :bye3:


Hahaha but no--it's all of the above, but I wanted to actually pick one.


I picked her large collection of songs, because that's why I loved her first. It was her music for me, that's what drew me in. Her personality, obsessions, meanings, and artistry all show with just her songs. So I think that's why I like her most.

8/1/13 . 8/2/13 . 5/16/14 . 10/4/14 . 10/11/14 . 5/30/15 . 7/28/16 . 5/20/17 . 1/11/18 . 2/11/18

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