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Member of the Month (December): trayertrash

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Give it up for kuntroversial kween and new mom, trayertrash! Cuddle up for the holidays and reminisce on a whole year of LanaBoards with trayertrash as she takes you on a highly inappropriate journey~


Member of the Month (December): trayertrash!



1. What did you do today on the day you replied to this interview?

Sit on my butt waiting for my baby to pop out

2. What's something not many people know about you or that we would be surprised to learn about?

I have a scar on my left foot from a mayo jar falling on it. Also, I was a virgin until I was 18.


SH: That is indeed a fact that not many people know or that we would be surprised to learn about

The girl behind the aura

3. What's your current career? What's your dream job?

​I am a nanny, I want to be the president of Planned Parenthood.

4. What did you want to be when you were growing up? Have you become that yet? Did that decision change for you?

I wanted to be a writer, but was never a strong writer, so I gave up on that lol. I'm happy being a nanny though, I love it more than I would've though.

5. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment(s)?

Overcoming my addictions and finding love within.

6. What are your hobbies?

Having sex, getting super ocd about my music library, reading, eating, there's not much else to me.

7. What's your biggest funny fail?

I wore a strapless dress to school & I had to do a report on the over sexualization of females, have way through the dress just fell down & boobs were everywhere.



I wanna interview an innocent trayer

8. What is your favorite memory?

My grandma and I used to stay up late & talk about her youth. She's always been a great deal of inspiration towards me.

9. Lana's junior and high school years have been rather chaotic from what we know. How were/are yours?

I was perfectly innocent  :creep: But really, I protested all the time, always fought students & teachers over their lack of acceptance, drank a lot & was every girl's science experiment. 

10. Do any of the words “sassy”, “fabulous”, or “flawless” describe you?

Absolutely  :w8ing: 

11. If you could bring two people back from the dead, have an exquisite dinner, and some great conversation with them...who would they be and what would you eat?

Judy Garland & Tim Russert. Steak & kidney pie since it was Judy's fav food.  

12. Do you believe in any form of life after death?

I don't believe in heaven or hell because really, no one deserve either. But idk, I believe in the possibility of ghost, demons, etc. I think some souls are so powerful, whether from good, evil, or other emotions, that they leave energy behind that way still until it's purpose is finished.

13. Who is the person you admire most and why?

Judy Garland. During my childhood, she was all I had. I didn't have friends or family, she was my  family. Her music and movies would help me escape from reality. She understood my loneliness and longing of love. Essentially, she's the famous me.


14. What do you see in people that you yourself wish to emulate?


15. Make up a word that you would use daily and describe what it means.
Prafook, that moment when you know you just shit, but there's no shit in the toilet and no residue on the toilet paper.


SH: :whoopi:


16. If your balls were a celebrity couple, who would they be?
Lana & Barrie


SH: A collective sadcore Scottish cowboy gangsta

in ball form

17. When did you become a fan of Lana? What was it about her that attracted you to her?

Sometimes last year, I heard Video Games, thought it was okay, but Ride really struck me. I instantly downloaded as much of her music as possible & fell deeper in love.


18. Which Lana album is your favorite: Paradise, Born to Die, Lana Del Ray AKA Lizzy Grant, or Sirens?
Sirens & Paradise


19. Favorite Lana song? Why?
Lucky Ones because it's my wedding song 


SH: Bite ur tongue Sitar :awkney:


20. Least favorite Lana song? Why?

Yayo, it's overrated & I played it like 10 times a day last year to get the kid I nanny to sleep


21. If given the opportunity to meet Lana for an hour, what would you do/say?

I'd fuck her until she told me who K was.


SH: OMG this is what Barrie's doing. He must be collecting intel for us from the inside (of the cola). AHS Coven teas

22. Would you rather love and be loved or know all God knows?
Love & be loved.


23. Of all the unreleased videos and songs we have knowledge of, what do you thirst for most?
Criminals Run The World & All Smiles


SH: :OG: :runs: :justride: & :slayty:


24. Are you the leaker?
I wish


25. Are you Lana?
She wishes


26. Are you Ben Mawson?


SH: :judgingu3: :judgingu2: :judgingu:


27. Did you answer the 3 questions above honestly?
Yepper doodle dandy!

28. Who are your favourite artists?
Judy Garland,  Courtney Love, Lady Gaga, The White Stripes, Stranded Mermaid, Rob Zombie & The White Stripes.


SH: :oop:


29. What was the last book you read?

Takedown Twenty by Janet Evanovich


30. Recommend us a song (can’t be top 40/popular) that we just have to listen to!

Nobody's Daughter (Demo) by Hole


31. If you ever became a musician, what would you make your stage name?
I am a musician, I go by Pissed Soaked Gramma Feast, check out my first single Suicidal Rabbits on soundcloud!



SH: "Sorry! We can't find that track. Did you try to access a private track, but were not logged in? Maybe the track has been removed." :judgingu3:


32. What comes after “Lana Del Rey” in your music library?


SH: #1 answer to this


32. Put your iPod/music library on shuffle and tell us which 10 songs are played. Don't skip, don't cheat!
Don't Ask Don't tell from Zanna! Don't

Devoted To You by Linda Ronstadt

10th Avenue by K. Flay

Armour Of Love by La Roux

Kreepsville 666 by Kitty In A Casket

No interest by Nina Nesbitt

Give Me Fire by Alexz Johnson

Colorblind by Love Factory

Perfection by Next Stop Atlanta

Sorry To Myself by Alanis Morissette


33. What are your thoughts on emotions, and the way that people express them?
Idk, I don't really understand people


34. Do you hate anyone? If so, why?

My dad for being a useless piece of shit.


SH: A Lana fan appears in the distance

35. What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam?
How do we know if the clam is happy or not? Clams can do show emotions. Are you able to speak claminese? 

I was putting baby clothes away yesterday & I realized how happy I am to have her soon. There's a life inside of me & she's this tiny little thing that'll fit into a pair of shoes smaller than my pinky. One day, I'll regret letting her grow up.


36. What do you think your purpose is? Are you happy with where you are in life?

I have no idea tbh. And yes, I absolutely am!


37. What is a characteristic / trait you see in others that you wish you had?
Nothing, I'm perfect the way I am.


SH: A verbal ":hottie:"


38. What are your pet peeves / deal-breakers when it comes to friends/relationships?
Unacceptance of the other persons past. Unless they did something really fucking bad, you should focus on who they are now, not who they were 5 years ago.


SH: (Lesbian) :creep:


39. What would you say is your favorite physical trait + personality trait in potential partner?
Hairy chest & hard working.

40. do u like pies

Who they hell doesn't like pie?

SH: http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/1014-member-of-the-week-6-myriiiam/ :smokes3:

41. what is ur favourite kind of pie
Seriously, don't make me answer this. My cravings are bad enough.


42. do u enjoy flying kites, if so, what would ur ideal kite look like, describe it
No really, but I guess it'd be a penis shaped one.


SH: There she is


BONUS: Is there anything you'd like to tell the community of LanaBoards?

I hope everyone who voted me gets lots of pussy & dick tonight.

But really, this site has been great & I love being y'alls main bitch  :smokes:


Congrats on your family, sis! :mariah:


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35. What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam?

Trayer: How do we know if the clam is happy or not? Clams can do show emotions. Are you able to speak claminese?




Literally though, started hysterically crying midway because both of you were perfect in this interview and so fucking sassy.


Congrats², @@trayertrash!!! Thank you for existing. Thank you for the baby. I wish to baptize her.


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35. What are the small things in life that make you as happy as a clam?

How do we know if the clam is happy or not? Clams can do show emotions. Are you able to speak claminese? 

I was putting baby clothes away yesterday & I realized how happy I am to have her soon. There's a life inside of me & she's this tiny little thing that'll fit into a pair of shoes smaller than my pinky. One day, I'll regret letting her grow up.




u in 16 years


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