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'Ultraviolence' Album Cover Confirmed

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I wonder if she is doing a beyonce...


Like In Beyonce's 4 and self titled Album ( If any of you have the physical copy) In the booklet/sleeve she had a photo linked to every song and may be this is what Lana might be doing to build up hype and anticipation for the new album. So every couple of Days We get a track name say for instance Cruel World and a new photo along with it.

That would mean she would have to release 1 new promo pic 2.53846154 days for that to be realistic. I hope the booklet does have a lot of photos though, maybe that's what the 16 page book thing French Amazon is for.

I wonder if she is doing a beyonce...


Like In Beyonce's 4 and self titled Album ( If any of you have the physical copy) In the booklet/sleeve she had a photo linked to every song and may be this is what Lana might be doing to build up hype and anticipation for the new album. So every couple of Days We get a track name say for instance Cruel World and a new photo along with it.

That would mean she would have to release 1 new promo pic 2.53846154 days for that to be realistic. I hope the booklet does have a lot of photos though, maybe that's what the 16 page book thing French Amazon is for.


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That would mean she would have to release 1 new promo pic 2.53846154 days for that to be realistic. I hope the booklet does have a lot of photos though, maybe that's what the 16 page book thing French Amazon is for.

That would mean she would have to release 1 new promo pic 2.53846154 days for that to be realistic. I hope the booklet does have a lot of photos though, maybe that's what the 16 page book thing French Amazon is for.


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Guest Dot

This is most definitely the album cover, the photographer and designer confirmed it, Lana tweeted it, stop being in denial.


And if you're in denial, pretend my cover is the official one and use it, cool? Cool.

I don't mean to be rude, but that's like one of the only covers from you I don't like. Sorry, beau. :hooker:


EDIT: Nevermind, I somehow got linked to the WC-esque Ultraviolence cover and thought that was the one you're referring too.  :facepalm:  Your new one is actually perfect. :hdu:


However, if you really want a cover that matches the title and not some oxymoron, antithesis kind of shit Lana had in mind for the original album cover, feel free to use my #coverlandiafeatured cover for your iTunes. :hottie:




It comes with a promo poster, also made by moi, obviously. :makeup:




Don't pay attention to the date, lol. :oic2:

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I quite like the cover, i wish it was more styled like the promo billboards but oh well!


I WISH THERE WAS THE RED "LDR" UNDERNEATH ULTRAVIOLENCE THOUGH. Cause i thought that was clever  :blush2:

tumblr_mmkkluK6l81sp6362o1_500.png" />

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I WISH THERE WAS THE RED "LDR" UNDERNEATH ULTRAVIOLENCE THOUGH. Cause i thought that was clever  :blush2:


YES! It's such a great idea, don't know why didn't they used it in the cover, would've been great...


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I bet I am in denial it's a single cover, like the west coast cover was released before being released as a single.. she's just letting us know about the next single.. yeah that's it! :lanasrs2:

 I am a shark,  beware of my bark

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YES! It's such a great idea, don't know why didn't they used it in the cover, would've been great...




Does anyone wanna make an edit of the cover but just adding the red text for @GangstaDollarBoy and I? :blush:

tumblr_mmkkluK6l81sp6362o1_500.png" />

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One redeeming factor about the cover is the cool mirror effect in the car window + she looks a little like she's about to rip the door off in a sudden eruption of anger. Always the quiet ones.

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One redeeming factor about the cover is the cool mirror effect in the car window + she looks a little like she's about to rip the door off in a sudden eruption of anger. Always the quiet ones.


I don't think this cover really means something deep. She probably wanted something simple, like a fond memory of hers or just something she thought looked "pretty".

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