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Mark Dice, conspiracy theorist, attacks Lana as Illuminati puppet

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So I know this is giving him attention...Mark Dice is a conspiracy theorist, along the lines of Alex Jones, who gets on edge over radical issues such as politicians really being reptillians out to enslave us for all eternity  & takes the typical Obama-is-the-worst-president-of-all-time-and-has-destroyed-America stance. As you may see from these tweets below, he is bullshitting his reputation away, but Lana fans have nonetheless attacked him back by threatening to kill him and wish the ebola virus on him. And yes, he also attacked Ke$ha for trying to turn her life around for the better. I wish there were a way to convince him that Lana is smarter than most stars and that she's been through much more accusations & (what he'd call "monarch programming") than most. I have personally seen his videos prior to this incident & I used to buy into these things. Any involvement with conspiracy theories is a descent into madness though. No doubt, I'm pissed off too, & as much as he has his right to diss Lana, he should have known better. Therefore, I tweeted him about Lana's metaphysics degree & about the namecalling, respectfully telling him to leave Lana alone & focus on issues like Hamas or support Malala's quest for women's education. He lives in my city and he has a few hundred thousand Youtube views on his channel where he interviews poor people about Republican sentiments on my city's pier. These people are depressing and their quest is self-defeating. If anything, he is probably the reason why Lana hasn't come to my city, San Diego, & here is why:






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That makes me wonder if she gets hate IRL. I mean... does she meet people that are plain rude with her straight up, face to face? Social medias are a dump. People are so proud to be opinionated, but let's meet IRL and their argumentation skills drop to zero.

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lol yeah I bet Lana sent him a DM. Does he realize who is is talking about here? :omfg2:

He makes up shit for a living - lying on twitter probably doesn't even phase him.


I really long for the days when it was just our parents and priests who tried to tell us that pop music was evil, and not illuminati hipsters.


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@@Tyler: I forgot to mention that I knew he was bullshitting. No way in hell or on this cruel world would Lana follow such an attention seeker.  Sorry about that. Insulting my fave still shook me up though.

@@Viva: That is why I said I was giving him attention. However, I wish to let Lana fans know to be stronger than these people who feed off anger for a living. He lives in my city & I know he's out to give everyone who doesn't share his beliefs a bad name.

@@longtimeman: I'm certain it doesn't phase him. But it phases a lot of people. To quote Lana "I was so confused as a little child, trying to take what I could get, scared that I couldn't find..all the answers honey." I used to hang out with people with this mentality & they are self-defeating. Me nor Lana nor anyone should be so pessimistic about others. I tweeted him to respectfully focus on politicians instead of "pop stars" but seeing my logic, he would not RT me, only those who wished death on him. Social media is no doubt a weapon of mass destruction if knowledge's power is used like this. UGH what a shame that he lives in my city of all places. And I'm certain Lana has met people like him. Gaga deals with homophobes every day.

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@@longtimeman: I'm certain it doesn't phase him. But it phases a lot of people. To quote Lana "I was so confused as a little child, trying to take what I could get, scared that I couldn't find..all the answers honey." I used to hang out with people with this mentality & they are self-defeating. Me nor Lana nor anyone should be so pessimistic about others. I tweeted him to respectfully focus on politicians instead of "pop stars" but seeing my logic, he would not RT me, only those who wished death on him. Social media is no doubt a weapon of mass destruction if knowledge's power is used like this. UGH what a shame that he lives in my city of all places. And I'm certain Lana has met people like him. Gaga deals with homophobes every day.

To be clear, I agree with you. The guy is a scumbag troll, but the difference between him and anonymous message board trolls is that he's making a living out of it. Why? Because people like to believe they've got secret knowledge that somebody else doesn't, and that by seeing through the worldwide conspiracy, they're able to feel superior to the rest of us who enjoy listening to music and watching movies.


Of course, it also allows them to never actually try to do anything that will improve the world, because they're 'fighting the good fight' against a vast invisible enemy, so you can't expect them to actually do anything productive. 


I've seen what people who have a slight public profile have to deal with on a daily basis - I can't even imagine how much bullshit somebody with Lana's profile would have to deal with every minute of the day if they followed social media (which makes it completely understandable why she doesn't spend much time on twitter/facebook/,...).


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@@longtimeman YOU ARE ON POINT & now that I come to think of it, conspiracy theorists, (even if they have good logical reason to question authority) are like cliché hipsters. Whereas the stereotypical (if I can say that) hipster feeds off the unknown status or irony, the conspiracy theorist feeds off anger and misplaced rage against broken privileges. Hence his 'need' to attack Lana and Ke$ha of all people. What has Lana done for "the illuminati agenda"? Include Jesus in a movie? Be honest about her past & present feelings? Admit to sleeping around like any lost person would?

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@@longtimeman YOU ARE ON POINT & now that I come to think of it, conspiracy theorists, (even if they have good logical reason to question authority) are like cliché hipsters. Whereas the stereotypical (if I can say that) hipster feeds off the unknown status or irony, the conspiracy theorist feeds off anger and misplaced rage against broken privileges. Hence his 'need' to attack Lana and Ke$ha of all people. What has Lana done for "the illuminati agenda"? Include Jesus in a movie? Be honest about her past & present feelings? Admit to sleeping around like any lost person would?


Actually, it's none of those mundane things. It's things like having photos where she shows only one eye, or just being a woman in the music industry.


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Mark Dice is a total spoon. I worry for people who hang on every word he says tbh BC rather than focus on real issues like the Gaza/Palestine conflict or Ukraine/East Ukraine & Russia conflict he comes out with a load of made up bullshit deterring people from what is really happening in the world. Some of the stuff he preached is sometimes racist/homophobic. I just don't have time for people like him tbh. Let the fool play his foolish games...


As for people/fans sending death threats I wouldn't bother as he clearly gets off on it. He's an attention seeker and do you what's the best way to piss off an attention seeker don't give them any attention. You could give him cast iron facts about Lana but he'll still won't and will not listen. He's an arrogant charmless man at the end of the day...


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LEAVE LANA DEL REY ALONE!!!!!!!! :crying:



This guy is so annoying. Don't even give him attention tbh. He's one of those trolls that relies on the hate he gets to continue writing, lmfao. When people stop giving a fuck about him he'll fade  :makeup:


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I've been on both sides and it is hectic. In terms of Lana, she is nowhere near a "illuminati puppet", she does not display being a monarch victim like Britney Spears or anything ridiculous like that. Most of Conspiracy Theorists forget that what they are talking about is that, a THEORY. There is no concrete evidence of whatever topic they are talking about (US Government did 9/11 for example) but there are clues that do back up their THEORIES .But some people like to mix up and change those clues and what you get are annoying idiots like this Mark guy and Alex Jones, who makes all of the Conspiracy community look like tin-foil freaks.


Also, a big misconception in terms of celebrities, actors, singers, etc. being in the illuminati is wrong. The only ones considered in the "illuminati" as well as the Masons are wealthy politicians and bankers. If you think of Jay-Z, he's not "in" the illu. but has connections with them. The illu. uses subliminal messages to show everyone who they are and what they want to be at one point in time. Some artists (lets say Britney Spears) may look like they know what they are doing but all they do is being told what to do, what songs to sing, what specific things to do in music videos, etc... that's a puppet, which many singers are. There is a possibility that some artists do "sell" their souls with a special contract to make it to the top (the weirdest one i;ve heard is that you sign your name with your own blood). But once they realize what they have done, there's no going back, and if they fight or show who is controlling their careers to the mass audiences, they'll be stopped no matter if killing them is the only way .


Again, this is a theory, and if it turns out real what are we going to do? Not really worth working over about it.

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"The thing is, these Lana Del Fake trolls will remember me for the REST OF THEIR LIVES while I don't even notice them for a blink of an eye"


And with narcissism to boot, what a package!

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I just read an article that said " Her Music is steeped in violence and darkness". And" promotes suicide". I don't ever want to agree with Evil (jk) but they give her to much credit. She's just singing about the things she knows.

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He has freedom of speech, you can't stop him and you won't accomplish anything except give him attention... so what's the point of it? gayb2.png


Just ignore him.

oh lord..this freedom of speech bollocks.


ppl have freedom of speech to tell him to shut the fuck up also.

Sweeping scents and blue hydrangea. Summer hail and summer stranger.

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