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Charli XCX

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that is the cutest thing I've ever read, it's like a small sense of community idk 


you're so blessed  :defeated:

this really is a community, i'd never been around so many people just like me until the show. 

and everyone was SO nice, i got offered so many drinks and drugs in the crowd, i love irl angels  :hooker:

Aw Charli babe got emotional at the end of the LA show... she is loved.

such a pure moment, i've never seen a more genuine smile in my life. 

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Fuck. It. Up! It's so good and the download option... A saint!  :defeated:


Can you re-upload It somewhere please? I can't reach the site, not available but I love ILY2  :defeated:




better than nothing 

+ who doesn't love ILY2?

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charli xcx: "one-to-watch" artist for 7 years, nice


also just getting around to watching the full performance from the other night and some of the features were kind of a mess tbh... brooke was soooo awkward and off time during i got it and tove lo was sharp singing her own song  

brooke during i got it was one of the hardest things i have ever had to experience


also tove and charli totally nailed their "i don't learn when i burn wanna turn all the way up" and "let 'em dry get me high i get by with a little love" lines, you should go back and listen to it

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just met Kim Petras she's amazing and cute

i saw Dorian but wasn’t able to get in. :( So sad. i really wanted to see the afterparty. ugh. hopefully my boyfriend can record easyfun, at least.

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