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In all seriousness we need to come up w an idea to promote GNO. Social media is literally the main factor in getting a #1 these days and GNO is the perfect playful/catchy/hooky track to use. 

Ok I have an idea for the challenge: guys dressing up as girls/in drag and just dancing to the song. First it can start out as just the gays but eventually maybe even the straights will jump on to be funny :flutter:


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Ok I have an idea for the challenge: guys dressing up as girls/in drag and just dancing to the song. First it can start out as just the gays but eventually maybe even the straights will jump on to be funny :flutter:


It can start with a guy in regular boy clothes in one frame ( "during I can't wait to live it up tonight") and then when the chorus hits, the frame can change to him in drag/girly clothes dancing. Imagine if some high profile drag queens caught on  :defeated:

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Here are some YouTube streaming rules in case GNO gets a video, YouTube views counts as song streams in some countries


LOG OUT: YouTube will only count views if you're logged out, if you're logged in and view it a few times that only counts as 1 view.

REFRESH, DO NOT REPLAY: YouTube will only count views if you refresh the video, if you replay it it won't coint. If you have a computer and use chrome, you can download Auto Refresh

LIKE THE VIDEO IMMEDIATELY AS WELL: it will help the video get on trending. Turn your notifications on for Charli's channel

and don't forget to buy+stream the song obviously :fabcat:


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It can start with a guy in regular boy clothes in one frame ( "during I can't wait to live it up tonight") and then when the chorus hits, the frame can change to him in drag/girly clothes dancing. Imagine if some high profile drag queens caught on  :defeated:

ugh your minds! but we’re gonna need the audience to actually do the challenge

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ugh, so here for all these promo plans, don't forget to check how many times you played the demo over the past year and make sure to stream it at least twice as much in the first week


also pleeeease stop condemning the cover art before u even see it????? 

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Also I hope that GNO MV doesn't get released at the same time 5itm mv did (almost a month later) because then the hype would've died down. A music video would be great promotion if Atlantic wants to promote this like a regular single

She should perform it at the end of her setlist on rep tour, because the people who came to see Camila & Taylor and aren't Charli fans will probably arrive nearer to Camila's set and they will get to hear GNO. I really hope Atl*ntic will push this single


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I feel like GNO is very different too. No Angel was released bcos we kept asking for it, and she's even said that. but SHE has wanted GNO released for years... "Tell everyone at my label to fucking release this song" and hopefully w her passion for the song itself, she can push Atlantic to promote it 

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ugh, so here for all these promo plans, don't forget to check how many times you played the demo over the past year and make sure to stream it at least twice as much in the first week


also pleeeease stop condemning the cover art before u even see it????? 

1,012 times  :lmao:

im sooo curious to see the cover art

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