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44 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

we really are capitalisms slave :brigitte:


1 hour ago, ultrabanisters said:

its a cute record, for £11 the colour is cute and the packaging feels good


38 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Now why does it say $20 instead of 12 for me :brigitte:


Meanwhile me who spent uh.....several lots more dollars to get it when it leaked months early because I said "we finna secure, real or boot be damned".


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14 minutes ago, Veinsineon said:

Shake It would be 1000000x more iconic and loved by fans if Pabllo Vittar didn’t ruin everything she touched

You guys don’t even try to hide your xenophobia towards Pabllo lmao

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1 minute ago, blameitonme said:

no offence but i’m not that worried about this uk pre sale, she ain’t gonna sell out a stadium :P

duas tickets go on sale at the same time as miss xcx and i am far more concerned about getting dua tickets - i will be waltzing into that o2 arena presale 30 mins late 

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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6 minutes ago, blameitonme said:

no offence but i’m not that worried about this uk pre sale, she ain’t gonna sell out a stadium :P

I didn't pay attention - is there a general go-live date for sales on all locations or?

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45 minutes ago, Jujuba said:

You guys don’t even try to hide your xenophobia towards Pabllo lmao

I have nothing wrong with her other than the fact that her voice is annoying and the two times she’s been featured on a Charli song the production + annoying vocals just ruins the thirty seconds she’s featured for…. It’s really not any deeper than that :brigitte:

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1 hour ago, Jujuba said:

You guys don’t even try to hide your xenophobia towards Pabllo lmao

Using buzzwords to try and make someone look bad for not liking an artist :toofloppy:

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4 hours ago, Veinsineon said:

I have nothing wrong with her other than the fact that her voice is annoying and the two times she’s been featured on a Charli song the production + annoying vocals just ruins the thirty seconds she’s featured for…. It’s really not any deeper than that :brigitte:

It's so weird how people try to act like you can't dislike someone who's a minority or from a different country. No matter where you're from or who you fuck you can be terrible..

3 hours ago, DD said:

Using buzzwords to try and make someone look bad for not liking an artist :toofloppy:


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5 hours ago, Jujuba said:

You guys don’t even try to hide your xenophobia towards Pabllo lmao

liga não amg! vms fingir que o post da mona não era hate e deixar esses gringuinhos falarem as babozzzeiras deles e vamos simbora curtir bt2 mais tarde!!!!  



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B2b in a live performance sounds like it could be magical


im seeing green flashing lights

Charli having a mic stand moment for the final bridge/verse where the entire venue can feel that energy

then the back back back back chanting continues until the end

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