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I don't care too much about her. I think her music is nice but yeah, it's definitly been here before. So what?
New Americana is similar at the chorus but ... come on. And the Sky video .. I think calling it a rip off is weird, as the few parts that are similar aren't really that bad.


I don't get why many of you are so aggressive about her ..
"She's not allowed to shove  the meaning of her songs down her fans throats" .. "she's not allowed to be mad at people leaking stuff she privately showed to them" ... "she acts so RUUUUDE" ...

Like, so many people here are around and about finding ONE TRUE meaning of Lana lyrics, they are fans of lana being sassy on social media and sometimes super rude themselfes, because they thhink it makes them interesting for some odd reason .. Have your opinion, like her or don't like her but don't be a hypocrate.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I don't care too much about her. I think her music is nice but yeah, it's definitly been here before. So what?

New Americana is similar at the chorus but ... come on. And the Sky video .. I think calling it a rip off is weird, as the few parts that are similar aren't really that bad.


I don't get why many of you are so aggressive about her ..

"She's not allowed to shove  the meaning of her songs down her fans throats" .. "she's not allowed to be mad at people leaking stuff she privately showed to them" ... "she acts so RUUUUDE" ...

Like, so many people here are around and about finding ONE TRUE meaning of Lana lyrics, they are fans of lana being sassy on social media and sometimes super rude themselfes, because they thhink it makes them interesting for some odd reason .. Have your opinion, like her or don't like her but don't be a hypocrate.


you quote me and yet i've never said jack shit about trying to conclude on the truthful meaning to any song of lana's. and i am not saying there is a problem with a fan wanting to know the exact meaning. my problem is an artist who refuses to allow any sort of interpretation of his/her work. what's the point in creating and sharing then? if only your personal sentiments towards something matter, why share it? why want listeners when you will not let them interpret or find a personal meaning in it?

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I'm not saying she can't clarify something discussed about one of her songs, but she needs to be more selective in what she addresses and specifically, how she addresses it. Coming off bitchy, rude, and ungrateful does not do her any good for her image. With an artist like her, whose fan base in entirely made up of people who frequent the internet, she may need to realize that anything she does do on the internet, her fans will be aware of it. If she continues with a hot & cold attitude, that could turn away potential future fans and  turn off current fans.


I'm put off by her attitude on social media. It's a shame. Her music is catchy (minus New Americana which is not good) but she's also not very mature yet. Maybe with time she'll learn to hold back. 

8/1/13 . 8/2/13 . 5/16/14 . 10/4/14 . 10/11/14 . 5/30/15 . 7/28/16 . 5/20/17 . 1/11/18 . 2/11/18

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Is that a fucking black joke  :derpna2:

This is literally so stupid, I didn't even think of National Anthem when I first heard New Americana. Nor of Sky's video when I first watched Ghost. And I doubt anybody did until a bunch of you started bitching about them.

i read it like that LOL x.x i thought he said ashy x.x!! 

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Its literally the same pose, cigarette placement, and her eyes are doing the same thing :toofunny:


Idk if you're joking or not but that's literally not the same pose. The only similarity is a cigarette and black and white filters.


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And I'm really confused as to why all of you are so hostile. Chill out, we are on the forum for fun, not fighting and bickering like little kids.

I posted it because some people STILL can't see the similarities. Whatever lmao

Overall it shares similar transitional parts and a melody in some parts but they're still distinguishable from each other. People shouldn't take this as seriously, it's not life or death. :eartha:


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Found this, this morning and it makes the similarities pretty clear imo....Judge for yourself i guess. Use headphones btw. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZdZkd7wIcY&feature=youtu.be

a mess

And I'm really confused as to why all of you are so hostile. Chill out, we are on the forum for fun, not fighting and bickering like little kids.

Overall it shares similar transitional parts and a melody in some parts but they're still distinguishable from each other. People shouldn't take this as seriously, it's not life or death. :eartha:

nobody is being hostile the fuck lol yall are overreacting

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I think the songs are definitely similar & I'm sure Halsey (and specifically her label) are trying to cut into Lana's market because theres clearly a lot of money to be made and a pretty large window for it, but at the same time weren't we saying the same thing about Lorde in 2013? Idk I mean she kind of annoys me as a person (I can't tell if she's just full of herself or is actually just an idiot) but I don't think this is like some elaborate scheme to rip off every move Lana has ever made. I think Lana hit/created a niche with her musical style/imagery and I think other artists are probably inspired by that and want to create in that niche as well. People are bringing up Melanie Martinez a lot on here and form what I've heard of her recent stuff isn't she making like the exact same "Indie girl with raspy voice over slow, heavy beats" thing that Halsey is doing? I think its just artists creating in a genre. Music made in the same genre is bound to have some similarities, otherwise it wouldn't be in the same genre.

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People are bringing up Melanie Martinez a lot on here and form what I've heard of her recent stuff isn't she making like the exact same "Indie girl with raspy voice over slow, heavy beats" thing that Halsey is doing?


I think this is what you've heard she's NOT doing

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