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AKA Lizzy Grant

Lana Del Rey Covers Billboard (October 22, 2015)

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“My dad’s that guy with perfect Hawaiian shirts and matching shorts,” says Del Rey. “The other day he said, ‘We should see about getting you a vintage Rolls.’ I said, ‘Um, it’s a little attention-grabbing.’ And he said, ‘Uh, yeah.’ ”

Ha. This made me giggle.


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It makes me happy that Lana was shading Francesco. It seems like she doesn't think that they will be together for much longer since she makes it seem as though he wouldn't be father material.

She probably already has another guy on the side  :smile2:

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I kind of dig the photoshoot for this interview  :smokes: 

But why does she keep mentioning mixing/mastering her music in almost every recent interview of hers? :biblio: 


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But why does she keep mentioning mixing/mastering her music in almost every recent interview of hers? :biblio: 


I thought about this too, I don't know but maybe since now that she doesn't edits videos anymore, she want to emphasize for herself how she still has control over her creation and now this comes through the mastering and mixing process.


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A little bit of the queen of non-sequitur in this, or she has a pretty convoluted way of thinking, idk. 


I think her fear of death is sincere. I interpret her famous Guardian quote as meaning she wanted to know an answer about existence after death (or simply not to know anything at all). I got that impression from the Frank Lloyd Wright snippet she instagrammed a while back. The "wanting children" aspect is interesting. Someone who really wants to die (or has the philosophical position that being born was not an inherently good thing, as some philosophers actually argue) should not want children.


As far as not touring goes, unless she's breaking up with her band, she will be putting on shows. Her band has to eat. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she only tours Europe and mostly excludes the US (sort of the opposite of the UV tour).


I would have liked more Barrie stanning music-wise. I know she doesn't owe him this, but he is good enough to have deserved a more interesting comment than a) he's a fraternal twin -- although this DOES imply significant musical talent, imo (I just wish she would have footstamped it more) and b) a clairvoyant predicted he wouldn't be "present" (the relationship?, the planet?)! Maybe we'll get some candid interviews from Barrie in the future because of this interview, and I certainly hope his debut LP breaks him out commercially.

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A little bit of the queen of non-sequitur in this, or she has a pretty convoluted way of thinking, idk. 
I think her fear of death is sincere. I interpret her famous Guardian quote as meaning she wanted to know an answer about existence after death (or simply not to know anything at all). I got that impression from the Frank Lloyd Wright snippet she instagrammed a while back. The "wanting children" aspect is interesting. Someone who really wants to die (or has the philosophical position that being born was not an inherently good thing, as some philosophers actually argue) should not want children.
As far as not touring goes, unless she's breaking up with her band, she will be putting on shows. Her band has to eat. However, I wouldn't be surprised if she only tours Europe and mostly excludes the US (sort of the opposite of the UV tour).
I would have liked more Barrie stanning music-wise. I know she doesn't owe him this, but he is good enough to have deserved a more interesting comment than a) he's a fraternal twin -- although this DOES imply significant musical talent, imo (I just wish she would have footstamped it more) and b) a clairvoyant predicted he wouldn't be "present" (the relationship?, the planet?)! Maybe we'll get some candid interviews from Barrie in the future because of this interview, and I certainly hope his debut LP breaks him out commercially.


What she says was enough tbh, in fact she went a bit too far with how she talked about him, while being in another relationship. You dont talk like that about your ex's specially when the relationship was toxic lol. 

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What she says was enough tbh, in fact she went a bit too far with how she talked about him, while being in another relationship. You dont talk like that about your ex's specially when the relationship was toxic lol.


and we know how bad the relationship was in her lyrics (TBD & TLY?)


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I think Francesco is delicious cock, and Barrie is her actual soulmate, so she misses him like amputated misses his estranged limb (The Blackest Day?), and Franny's cazzo cannot replace the dark arcadia with B. nor fulfill the abyss that gapes inside of her after that relationship ended, no matter how infected with tantalizing melancholy and agonizing personal demons it was.

She would probably rather have some magic hybrid between both.


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I don't know, I still think the record executer was The One, I don't hate Francesco other than the fact he's shagging her, but I do feel like he was a kind of crutch to move away from the Barrie breakup disaster. This is all speculation, of course. Other than the fact she's getting some serious some.


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^ Yeah I think she knows Francesco is just a temporary affair. Barrie is her soulmate, but they have a "can't live with you, can't live without you" thing going on.


Yeah, like Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton (and she confessed that she adores and admires Liz), except those liquor-fueled savages had explosive, wild and excessively extrovert nature and were permanently on and off, because they knew and admitted to themselves that they are blood bonded - Gods sewed them together. :D


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I think the jerk boyfriend is the same one who told her she's pretty when she cries. To me it seems that the pickup incident was the start of him getting obsessed with her crying. :poordat: of course, should we believe what she says this time? she could be playing us again. This is way I want Lana to trip and fall sometimes ugh


She should do a Q&A ala FAQin' Hell  :hooker:



Lana, dear, get your shit together with the public please. She seems so normal when she talks with her family but when she talks with an outsider about herself she changes into a more glamurous persona I guess?? I don't expect her to be the same way she's with her family but like, why do I get the feeling she romantices some aspects of her life in order of appeal to the masses? It all seems a little thinked, like not so natural. Of course, herself could just be like this, a glamorous persona? Sigh.


The talking of Lana talking about Lana, the whole "I see her I listen to her and watch her, and I'm ... protective" was not creepy at all, it felt like she talking about a ghost + the fact that she says she herself is Lana and not a persona... Why does she keep trolling us?  :defeated:


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I really liked her "movie" idea, although I think it's more fitting for a short film or a music video.


Also, that she's thinking about the idea of writing a book really interests me. Although, I don't think it'll be very good. I think one of the challenging things for her would be to fill everything in such as character development, dialogue and create an overall story arc. With her visuals, she doesn't have to do that. So I can see why she'd be hesitant.


And despite what happened with Tropico, I'm excited to see what she will do for another short-film/music video if she does it. She acknowledged that Tropico didn't get good reception in the past, so she might have learned a thing or two from it.


So is her older boyfriend her teacher? She was 16, so it was around the time she was at boarding school right? And the guy was 25. Wasn't her teacher like 22 or 24?


Or maybe K? Someone we don't know yet?

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Let's be honest here, I don't see why Lana would still hang out with Francesco if he wasn't nice to her and whatnot. He honestly seems like a sweet guy from what I've seen on YT, I don't know him, you don't know him so it's flat out wrong to make these negative assumptions.


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