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Lana Del Rey to Be Honored as 'Trailblazer' at Billboard's Women in Music

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http://flavorwire.com/546515/if-lana-del-rey-is-a-trailblazer-then-words-have-no-meaning <- This Granny Swift Stan has a problem with Lana winning the trailblazer award.... DRAG HA XD

I really think that when articles from stans get written they just not be taken very seriously. In the very end, she gave Taylor another Top10 hit

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yes true, articles written by any stans for any artists (lana inclusive) are all to be taken with a grain of salt.

i always say, believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see.


sure is nice to have our own brains and minds to formulate our own opinions of everything in life hey?


Have a good weekend everyone .. ;)

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https://www.twitter.com/PoRican Loool this writer is seriously deluded!!! Look at him trying to defend his idiotic article!!! He's the one who wrote this moronic article -> http://flavorwire.com/546515/if-lana-del-rey-is-a-trailblazer-then-words-have-no-meaning In one of his tweets he's sayin that National Anthem is a ripoff of Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve XD Which world is this guy living in ??

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The haters hate, but as the years go on the lifetime awards will flow and the haters will still be in their basement wannabeeing as haters always do.


btw- The Verve were sued for STEALING Bittersweet from the Rolling Stones "The last time" . The Rolling Stones got  a retroactive credit and royalties for it.


Lana should have writing credit for both Taylor & Adele's song.  The inner satisfaction though shows Lana stands way taller than both Taylor and Adele. (If it were me, I would sue).

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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and the stupid stay stupid too i guess. lmfao..


i heard Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe should sue Lana del rey too.. :P


and the Cowboy Junkies are a total Lana rip off. (she ripped them off- and they should sue her..) :poordat:

same for Chris Isaak songs and styles Lana copied, i guess he could sue her too? lmfao.. at the deranged thinkers .. :burn:


NO BODY COPIES ANYONE.. :creepna: please stop the mindless bullshit.

that my friends is the truth, whether you want to believe or not. :rollin:


There are only a few melodies and chords i hope you know? there are many people with the same sounding voice ya know?

Its common sense. well maybe not for all of us.. bye. :welcome:

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yes but the Uomo shoot is *imho* the worst shoot I've ever seen (makeup is the definition of a mess) and the Versace is amongst the very best so :toofunny: in any way she looks unreastically surreal beautiful and I don't see how I'll ever be able to unstan smfh


Live is over :(


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