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Is Lana's fan-to-stalker ratio unusually high?

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Within the past few months, Lana has had to deal with multiple stalkers. There was the crazy guy who was camping in Lana's garage and got to sent jail, another fan who stole cars from Lana's house, and the two Russian fans who she got a restraining order against. She was already quite secluded and private before that. I'm worried that she will withdraw even more now. It wouldn't surprise me if she doesn't feel safe enough to go on tour in 2016. I hope she does. I feel sorry for her.

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I don't know but it's not entirely to blame on fans, it really, REALLY pisses me off that media like TMZ post stuff of her Malibu house and then jump on the occasion of stalkers to get more clicks, it's just a disgusting attitude and it's not making things better, it's a vicious circle. They're not showing her respect at all. 


Maybe because of the subjects Lana is talking about in her songs it makes people with... a certain approach or mentality maybe? relate to the songs in a particular way that makes them be driven to want to look for more, more than other popstars. She's secretive and elusive but on the other hand her songs resonate so hard with so many people, not necessarily in terms of lyrics. The way she presents herself too is pretty peculiar it's half way through everything. And when she does stuff, she's so generous, like for the signings where she stays so much more or when she goes into the pit, she has a real sincere connection and perhaps it's making the fans feel more intricately bounded than other popstars. It's a whole I suppose, but I'd like to think more about it.


Then again finding her current address from the Billboard interview was so easy and I stalked enough pics of her house to know how her washing machine looks like but I still respect her enough not get a ticket to LA but this is super interesting to me


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tbh, I think in part this has a lot to do with the leaks -- which started out just as song leaks, right... but then, we started getting old "candids", facebook posts, yearbook photos, and whatever else.


a lot of people clearly feel entitled to her private life, having partaken of so much of it already. it's hardly a healthy disposition to have, but it is what it is.



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It does seem like she does. I'm not sure what it is. I know that for me, one of the reasons I find her more interesting than other pop stars is her mysterious aura, even though she insists she's only private and not mysterious. I feel like a lot of these stalkers are desperate to get into her head and figure her out for the same reason. Then I guess that there are others who feel like they have some special soul connection with her because they relate to her songs. 

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I think that despite Lana's enigmatic energy and her inclination to remain secluded and isolated most of her days, she still finds a way to connect deeply with the souls of those who listen to her music. I feel like it is this fact that fuels the obsessive, stalker mentality that some of the fans have developed over time; she's simultaneously mysterious and godly yet a humble human, somehow all at once. I'm sure of most of you would agree that we are all intrigued by the mystique of Lana and want to delve further into her mindset and her world; I think that some people (namely the lunatic Russian girls, the garage camper & the thieves of her car) just take their fixation with Lana's world to the extreme.

As much as I love Lana and want to get to know practically everything about her, I could never imagine myself intruding on her private property to do so. When your intense curiosity regarding a celebrity leads you to break into their home, you know there is a problem.

These people are alike all of us in the sense that their natural compulsion to be drawn into Lana's world is the same as ours. They definitely stand outside of the majority of Lana's fans, though, because there is something very wrong within their minds. I'm sure all of these people are battling some difficult things, from what I speculate, they have mental illnesses that are controlling their minds to a point of madness. Still, what they have done is almost unforgivable. Although I am sure most of us here on the forum possess an equally obsessive disposition towards Lana, I would like to think we are morally superior and more respectful, as none of us have been breaking into an innocent person's home, or stealing private property.


EDIT: At least I HOPE y'all haven't been robbing banks and smashing windows. I suppose you never know for sure who's behind the screen  :creep:

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Basically what the above posts say, she's (un)fortunate enough that she's one of those singers that really connect with people and thus some go into such extremes to try and ''figure'' more out, plus she's SO nice and adorable with her fans, watch any video of her signing autographs and taking photos with them, she's an absolute angel with all of them and usually tries to drive away the annoying paparazzi so she can be in peace with them, no wonder she gathered stalkers, and it's very sad, i hope she doesn't become more reclusive, but also here's hoping she takes care of herself a bit more.

Those summer nights seem long ago
And so is the girl you used to call
The queen of New York City

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