genghis khan 5,111 Posted May 29, 2020 It was a messy, self-centered post with her acting up as if the other woman she mentioned did not get the shit she does and where she narcissistically portrayed herself as the glamorous, delicate victim while being a rich, priviledged and politically superficial white woman in america. Yup. But making it a big racist issue because the women she mentioned were black and then going in with the "Ok, at this point of the text she mentions Beyonce, who is a black woman, and at this point she is talking some bs about soft women in feminism. SO THAT HAS TO MEAN SHE SAYS BLACK WOMEN CAN''T BE SOFT OMG SO RACIST" is just dump. "OMG SHE CAME FOR TWIGS!" no she did not. She said that Twigs pole dancing is considered art, while hers is considered whore-ish. The fact she ignores that Twigs gets called a whore aswell is problematic and self-centered but she did not "come for her". If you don't try really hard to see every mention of another person in a non-yass-ing way as an attack, then it's pretty obvious that Lana wanted to state that women dancing should not get called a whore. And if you stop with this "rightful anger" mindset, you would see that too. Lanas posts were problematic and exposed her as being a narcissist. But they did not expose her as a racist. Ok well i sort of agree that "racist" isn't the right word. Cause when people label others as racist it's just very unhelpful. But what I am considering it is racially insensitive. Only a white woman with no self awareness in their privelage and pretty much zero understanding of black history and issues in america would be able to type this out and see nothing wrong with it Yeah you dont have to be a POC to analyze and critique a racial matter Lol uh yeah thats a no from me. white people have nothing insightful to say about poc issues, men have nothing insightful to say about womens issues, etc etc. its a simple matter of staying in your own lane and not talking over people who are more entitled than you to speak on the topic 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VeniceBambi 1,304 Posted May 29, 2020 Ok well i sort of agree that "racist" isn't the right word. Cause when people label others as racist it's just very unhelpful. But what I am considering it is racially insensitive. Only a white woman with no self awareness in their privelage and pretty much zero understanding of black history and issues in america would be able to type this out and see nothing wrong with it Agreed. It was racially insensitive. I think she was being very self absorbed and narrow minded, focusing 100% on her own issues so she didnt take a minute to think outside of herself and how the way she constructed her message would offend others. I truly hope she learns from this. She was defintely impulsive and caught up in her emotions and her own little world, wherein, as a white woman, she doesnt experience any race issues so she probably never really thinks about issues like this unless its a hot topic like atm. I know she does alot for native amerucans but I still doubt she REALLY thinks into racism in America. Again she lives in her own little world. I could be wrong but this is just my opinion atm 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WilshireBoulevard 5,421 Posted May 29, 2020 Theres nothing wrong with critiquing someones logic, I dont enjoy someone feeling unnecessary pain. If she had understood it correctly she wouldnt have been upset. Her feeling human emotions is perfectly fine, taking offense to things that weren’t meant to be offensive isn’t good. How did I see myself in it when Im not white? You said that since I dont agree with it Im white. Thus implying POC have to think the same way. What makes you think a POC cant think against the grain? I feel that you may subconsciously feel that POC have to have a particular mindset. I'm not saying you're white at all. The majority of the people railing against WOC in particular and dismissing their insights on what Lana said are white. I didn't @ you. You quoted me. If you saw something in my post that made it feel like I was @ ing you, that's your issue. 2 Quote locals only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thunder Revenant 20,997 Posted May 29, 2020 uh yeah thats a no from me. white people have nothing insightful to say about poc issues, men have nothing insightful to say about womens issues, etc etc. its a simple matter of staying in your own lane and not talking over people who are more entitled than you to speak on the topic I don't think that pointing out someone is misunderstanding/ misinterpreting a statement has anything to do with my race/ ethnicity/ gender/ sexuality. "I'm part of a marginalized group, so I can not be wrong" is a pretty risky mindset. 1 Quote Just do it. Just do it - don't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VeniceBambi 1,304 Posted May 29, 2020 Ok well i sort of agree that "racist" isn't the right word. Cause when people label others as racist it's just very unhelpful. But what I am considering it is racially insensitive. Only a white woman with no self awareness in their privelage and pretty much zero understanding of black history and issues in america would be able to type this out and see nothing wrong with it uh yeah thats a no from me. white people have nothing insightful to say about poc issues, men have nothing insightful to say about womens issues, etc etc. its a simple matter of staying in your own lane and not talking over people who are more entitled than you to speak on the topic That should be judged not by someones race, or gender, but by the content of their character. Their wisdom. Their intellect. Their morals, their heart. How empathetic they are, how informed they are. POC can be extremely ignorant, just as men and white people can. Anyone with a good brain should be helping spread informative messages that can help better society as a whole. Invalidating people, pushing them to the side, not allowing certain people to speak their piece due to their gender or race can really hold things back from progressing. Brilliant, progressive, wise, informative minds and words should never be silenced. We should come together afterall. I'm not saying you're white at all. The majority of the people railing against WOC in particular and dismissing their insights on what Lana said are white. I didn't @ you. You quoted me. If you saw something in my post that made it feel like I was @ ing you, that's your issue. Yeah cause you’re passive aggressive and couldnt @ me lol Dont pretend like you didnt have me in mind when you first posted it darling im sure me among others were in your thoughts... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WilshireBoulevard 5,421 Posted May 29, 2020 . Yeah cause you’re passive aggressive and couldnt @ me lol Dont pretend like you didnt have me in mind when you first posted it darling im sure me among others were in your thoughts... I barely know you lmao. Not even sure if you're on the pages I was reading when I posted that. You think too highly of yourself. Much love x 1 Quote locals only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genghis khan 5,111 Posted May 29, 2020 I don't think that pointing out someone is misunderstanding/ misinterpreting a statement has anything to do with my race/ ethnicity/ gender/ sexuality. "I'm part of a marginalized group, so I can not be wrong" is a pretty risky mindset. That should be judged not by someones race, or gender, but by the content of their character. Their wisdom. Their intellect. Their morals, their heart. How empathetic they are, how informed they are. POC can be extremely ignorant, just as men and white people can. Anyone with a good brain should be helping spread informative messages that can help better society as a whole. Invalidating people, pushing them to the side, not allowing certain people to speak their piece due to their gender or race can really hold things back from progressing. Brilliant, progressive, wise, informative minds and words should never be silenced. We should come together afterall. Yeah cause you’re passive aggressive and couldnt @ me lol Dont pretend like you didnt have me in mind when you first posted it darling im sure me among others were in your thoughts... Yes everyone has the right to have discussions about all sorts of topics, and i'm not accusing anyone here of doing that but i just mean in general the problem is just that too often marginalized groups like poc don't even have their viewpoints heard at all because it gets excused by white people. Lana excusing everyone who found a problem with their post as crazy hyper vigilant liberals/trump supporters and people excusing it as just "you don't know how to read right" is an example of that. Talk WITH marginalized groups but dont talk OVER 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VeniceBambi 1,304 Posted May 29, 2020 Yes everyone has the right to have discussions about all sorts of topics, and i'm not accusing anyone here of doing that but i just mean in general the problem is just that too often marginalized groups like poc don't even have their viewpoints heard at all because it gets excused by white people. Lana excusing everyone who found a problem with their post as crazy hyper vigilant liberals/trump supporters and people excusing it as just "you don't know how to read right" is an example of that. Talk WITH marginalized groups but dont talk OVERYes agree. Lana could have atleast showed she UNDERSTOOD how it was constructed poorly and was racially insensitive, she could have apologized for it tbh, during this political climate idk how she didnt realize mentioning all those black women would have been a bad idea.. Excusing people who were offended is counter productive I have to admit.. comes across unempathetic too. even if they are wrongly offended its not entirely their fault they took offense to it at all, I believe for white people, they should be mindful, careful and self aware of how their actions and words could come across tbh, think twice before!! might be tiring or even burdensome for them but so is systematic racism for us lol 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
takeitdoen 10,630 Posted May 29, 2020 @@sexyslutboy - absolutely! For Harriet's video is fabulous. I'm linking it here for everyone else to check out. A great quote from this is "You don't have to try to do harm, to do harm."I'm unsure how many of the comments on the previous page are taking about my post, but I would like to clarify:Anyone is entitled to be offended by Lana's statement, because despite her good intentions, it was a clumsy and misguided statement.I do however find it dangerous to imply or attribute statements to people who didn't actually say them, and while implications are associated with the original post, to me there is no sentiment where she implied black women in music didn't have the capacity to be sensitive. Just a bunch of other problematic things. 13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tristesse 1,776 Posted May 29, 2020 Anyone is entitled to be offended by Lana's statement, because despite her good intentions, it was a clumsy and misguided statement. I do however find it dangerous to imply or attribute statements to people who didn't actually say them, and while implications are associated with the original post, to me there is no sentiment where she implied black women in music didn't have the capacity to be sensitive. Just a bunch of other problematic things. I really don't agree with that. Because for most people, being offended justifies attacking back. Anyone in bad faith can say they are offended by something they did not understand. I don't think that's legitimate. On that note, I still think the accusations of racism against Lana are nothing more than bad faith. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AngelHeadedHipster 2,858 Posted May 29, 2020 There are definitely flaws in Lana's statement which can lead to people misinterpreting her opinion. She shouldn't have name dropped those ladies because their music and style is completely different from Lana. If anything she should have said how Male singers in the Rock Genre and Rap Genre can sing about extremely dark stuff and not be crucified for each lyric constantly. How they get embraced with open arms and not get questioned at all about the content of their songs and instead get put on the highest pedestal and get called Rockstars and Rock Gods for their honest lyrics. Again without name dropping Lana could have gotten her point across very well that there is still a great deal of sexism in the industry where women's feelings are invalidated. Women aren't allowed to feel the full spectrum of emotions in their songs without being questioned about their intentions. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultra Violet 19,276 Posted May 29, 2020 Just Lana unintentionally offending people, then getting offended that people got offended, then getting offended that that offended people even more. Like, it's not easy to come to a conclusion when all some people want to see is Lana as a bitter racist and all Lana wants to see is people attacking her right to sing about her life. Neither is true. 13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unknown 3,247 Posted May 29, 2020 I'm sorry but it’s really pissing me off that Lana has said nothing in support of George Floyd/the black lives matter movement. I used to take her silence on important political issues as just part of Lana’s image/persona, but now since she has had no issue speaking out about things that effect HER, whether it be Trump in 2016 or her most recent “question for the culture”, there is really no excuse for remaining selectively silent. Idk I’m just feeling really disappointed with Lana at the moment. Her behaviour is screaming white feminist and I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt with the *questionable* IG posts but her silence on the George Floyd murder is even more problematic and indefensible to me. 12 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
partymonster 4,728 Posted May 29, 2020 Lana did however claim to have care and support for the black community in her instagram video. if someone has millions of dollars and a huge influence on millions of kids around the world, i just don't buy that you get to do nothing with all your power and still claim you advocate for them Yeah i've definitely changed my mind about that. She should really post something if she actually cares about 'black reparations' 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flowerbomb 65,600 Posted May 29, 2020 I think Lana's silence is probably because if she does speak up about George Floyd, people are gonna be like "didn't you invalidate black women in your post?" etc. But overall it's still strange imo. She was quick to call out Kayne, Azealia, because it benefited her at the time to do so. Also let's not forget Lana literally dated a cop, who was guilty of racial profiling. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flowerbomb 65,600 Posted May 29, 2020 if she was really really supportive of the movement and cared about it, she would not give a single fuck about people saying that she's doing it for a good image. If you support it, you support it, whether you fucked up in the past or not. You're right 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildMustang 14,778 Posted May 29, 2020 I undestand why she hasn't posted but I think she should post. Who cares if people will drag her or not, this is serious and important. Either you are with them or you are against them 10 Quote ...just you and me feeling the heat even when the sun goes down... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
urgirl 5,751 Posted May 29, 2020 if you're silent you're siding with the abusers. if this were true then everybody in the world is siding with a lot of abusers... there's a lot of abuse going on in the world, no one could speak about everything 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
partymonster 4,728 Posted May 29, 2020 if you stay silent you're siding with the abusers. i think we're expecting too much from someone who dated a cop. if this were true then everybody in the world is siding with a lot of abusers... there's a lot of abuse going on in the world, no one could speak about everything i have a very strong feeling this issue is all over the usa right now, plastered on all the news channel and social media. as an american, lana is definitely aware of the issue and is choosing to stay silent (so far), she also went out of her way to make a post dragging everyone "trying to start a race war" so why can't she make a simple post raising awareness or sharing the petition that literally everyone is posting? p.s. if u haven't already... sign please 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drugsdesire 10,456 Posted May 29, 2020 she SHOULD post something but we all know she won’t. she dated a white cop, what do we expect? 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites