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Carhaix-Plouguer, FR @ Les Vieilles Charrues - July 17th, 2016

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it's so fucking sad she dyed her hair back to brunette, she looked GORGEOUS as blonde, like it makes me suuuuper sad



Yeah, this colour was amazing. The lighter her hair is, the younger she looks. It's a fact


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dude chill


You would say exactly the same in my place and again I was really sleep deprived and there's some stuff you don't know so honestly let me live. @ I said hi to the girls, the mother was incredible omg


Idk it just felt like a really inbetween show and the stage was really not for her and considering it's France hugest festival it makes me sad that it wasn't more of a big deal for her but again I'll do a report later. I hate how whiney I sound and I know how lucky I am, I'm less pissed about not meeting her than about the setlist and the whole vibe she didn't looked to enjoy herself as much as the previous shows at all


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You would say exactly the same in my place and again I was really sleep deprived and there's some stuff you don't know so honestly let me live. @ I said hi to the girls, the mother was incredible omg


Idk it just felt like a really inbetween show and the stage was really not for her and considering it's France hugest festival it makes me sad that it wasn't more of a big deal for her but again I'll do a report later. I hate how whiney I sound and I know how lucky I am, I'm less pissed about not meeting her than about the setlist and the whole vibe she didn't looked to enjoy herself as much as the previous shows at all


I'm really sorry the concert wasn't that great for you. Btw, the reason why I chose to fly to Montreux instead of the festival in France (something I thought about at first) was that the Montreux gig was not open air, at a very small venue and it was "Lana exclusive", not her being just part of a long lineup of random other artists - for me Lana's music and atmosphere is no mega-festival banger stuff but something for more intimate locations. And obviously Lana needs the positive vibes coming from the audience to enjoy herself and pull off a great show. If I were her I wouldn't do those big festivals at all...

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You would say exactly the same in my place and again I was really sleep deprived and there's some stuff you don't know so honestly let me live. @ I said hi to the girls, the mother was incredible omg


Idk it just felt like a really inbetween show and the stage was really not for her and considering it's France hugest festival it makes me sad that it wasn't more of a big deal for her but again I'll do a report later. I hate how whiney I sound and I know how lucky I am, I'm less pissed about not meeting her than about the setlist and the whole vibe she didn't looked to enjoy herself as much as the previous shows at all

I can understand that you are upset. Bit I guess the best hting to do now is to focus on the good things that happened at the show ♥

And thanks that you remembered to say hi :P


Maybe in one year or two when she comes back again, everything will be better :)


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You would say exactly the same in my place


no I would not i would have enjoyed myself throughly seeing my favourite singer live in a beautiful part of the world without setting the weight of the world on my shoulders in expectations.

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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it is. Floppymüün even re-entered some charts. It helped. Even it sells like 2 or 3k more. A dollar is a dollar


yeah, BTD and HM are #70 and #20 respectively in Switzerland rn

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yeah, BTD and HM are #70 and #20 respectively in Switzerland rn

I mean, iTunes chart positions don't mean that much anymore, but yeah, it's nice. She re-introduced herself. And that was highly needed in Europe. Shame she didn't perform in Roskilde or some gigs in Germany or the UK.

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Well I slept, rehydrated a bit showered and I'm home safe and I just realised how ungrateful I sounded and I apologize. I did enjoyed the concert very much and Lana's posts about it reassure me so much.

no I would not i would have enjoyed myself throughly seeing my favourite singer live in a beautiful part of the world without setting the weight of the world on my shoulders in expectations.

I apologize, I was extremely happy to see her, and I regret only stating the bad points. It's Lana, I love her more than anything in the world and seeing her is an extreme blessing, especially considering how astonishing she sounded. The dancers were so much better than I thought too! It actually really added. And in retrospective the setlist even though it wasn't specially my taste, could have been worst. I'm sad about Serial Killer because it's genuinely one of my favourite songs ever and she did it before and I was already sad WC wasn't on the setlist anymore, but also because it's the song that made me definitely stan and it would have meant a lot to me.


I'm angry at myself only, like I didn't prepared myself the right way at all and ended up making all the wrong decisions, like I changed side of front row at the last moment just to cite one and the guys I was waiting with were the ones she met, and I didn't thought I could meet her afterwards so I lost my chance too but now I feel kinda better I'm going to go away a tiny bit (like try but I will probably fail) and focus on making better stuff and getting a broader audience so she can actually see something I've done


I can understand that you are upset. Bit I guess the best hting to do now is to focus on the good things that happened at the show ♥
And thanks that you remembered to say hi :P


Maybe in one year or two when she comes back again, everything will be better :)

Thank you so much, I hope :)


Oh also I was so happy to meet a French boy there, he's not on LB but he's the literal sweetest guy and he has an AHS insta so promo for him Elias if you see this one day bless you


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I apologize, I was extremely happy to see her, and I regret only stating the bad points.

Why are you apologizing? You are one of the most dedicated fans here. The setlist is boring to any Lana fan but maybe she chose it because there are more diverse people in the crowd who don't know shit about HM or UV.

I’m not as interested in flip-floppers

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I seriously think I'm the only one who thinks this festivals thing is actually a really good idea.

So far it wasn't a good decision in my opinion because she didn't revived her fanbase in Europe and the media coverage was rather weak. I have the feeling that she choose festivals to not change dramatically her setlist. The only thing that will matter for her  career wise in this tour is Lola and SF in the US which will get a fair amount of media coverage but with this level of performance she will be rather ignored or slightly criticized as boring.   

I’m not as interested in flip-floppers

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I mean, iTunes chart positions don't mean that much anymore, but yeah, it's nice. She re-introduced herself. And that was highly needed in Europe. Shame she didn't perform in Roskilde or some gigs in Germany or the UK.

In Switzerland she did two gigs and she did an interview. She kind of promoted there! But the sales surge won't last more than 2w. Instead of this festival tour she would have needed an extensive theater/arena tour with a lot of dates in Europe and not only in the countries you mentioned. But for that she should have to learn a lot of new songs to perform live which she clearly is not intending to do. In my opinion this festival tour was another bad decision from her and her management in a point of her career when any bad moves threaten to end her career as a major act. So far this tour didn't do any damage but didn't helped revive her flopping career either. Let's wait for Lola and SF but from what I saw so far I'm not optimistic about her reception there. 

I’m not as interested in flip-floppers

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