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I can't believe it. We were fooled all this time. THIS SHOW KEEPS ON GETTING BETTER UGGGGHHHHHH

lol i thought the opposite tbh, in my eyes this shit doesn’t even make sense

it’s a great twist, don’t get me wrong, but like ?????? what???

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I've watch DOZENS of hours of theory videos and NONE of them got it right I'm crying like a newborn rn. I love this SM. This is exactly the kind of content I've been craving for a while, who gives a shit about city episodes, the gem lore is one of my favourite alternate universes and learning about it drives me insane and I'm so fucking here for this turnout aaaaaaaaaah it's 3am and I'm having a huge emotional breakdown because of a """children""" show


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alright, so here's my whole take



i like the twist, i would have never guessed that after all of these years that the whole rose is pink theories were (somewhat) true, but the.. mechanics of this don't entirely make sense, and it completely throws my entire perception of 'rose quartz' off. why did she rebel as a different gem? i feel like her cause may have had more of an impact if she had rebelled as hersef

also, how did nobody EVER manage to find out about her double life?? how was she able to stay shapeshifted for over 5500 years when most gems begin struggling after just several? why is she the only gem that has the capability to move her gem around while shapeshifting? why is pink diamond shown as like 9 different sizes? do their fusions just take guesses at what their names would be? what will come of jasper? she wants to destroy rose because she shattered pink diamond, but now....


also fuck lapis, im really over her character arc.

her development has gone absolutely no where and she just keeps running away, she can stay gone at this point. 



i have like 900000 more things to say i'm sure but my scatterbrains self cant think of anything so! look out for another one of these probs

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can someone give me a tldr on wtf happened. im familiar with the premise of the series but didn't even know there was a thread for it on LB until yall freaked out over whatever happened tonight 

in short



rose quartz never existed, she was pink diamond this entire time. after pink started to establish her colony, she fell in love with humanity etc and wanted to stop development (i think), but she knew/assumed the other diamonds wouldnt have it, as they probs wanted pink to be like them taking over colonies etc, so she shapeshifted into a rose quartz and began rebelling against herself. in order for her to live freely on earth with the crystal gems, she had to have pearl shapeshift into a rose quartz and fake a shattering of pink diamond so the rebellion would end and they could be free as themselves. pearl fake shattered pink, and pink began her new life as 'rose quartz'



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Okay, but the animation for Can't Go Back and Lapis' song were wonderful! Shame it got outshined.

I also appreciate some of the development she got, but they sill stayed true to the idea that she has a form of PTSD (and likely other mental illnesses such as depression) , it felt much more realistic than her just getting over her fear and trauma.  However, I do wonder how they're going to reintroduce her back into the plot.


As for A Single Pale Rose.... phew! I've read and watched theories before surrounding that idea, although I was never really for or against it since it did have PLENTY of foreshadowing and evidence. But, I was still a little surprised to say the least. There are things I like and dislike about it though, trying to avoid details for spoiler reasons, but I feel so much was lost, it's just odd due to the whole build up and development to it from certain characters like Steven. Although, then again, it's likely more development can be attributed from this.




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Really loved the episodes, but I'm honestly really confused.

 Was Rose her true form and she shape-shifted as Pink, or was it the other way around?

I hope they explain more of what happened in future episodes and not have the next five episodes just be Steven dicking around in Beach City.

death grips is online !

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alright, so here's my whole take



i like the twist, i would have never guessed that after all of these years that the whole rose is pink theories were (somewhat) true, but the.. mechanics of this don't entirely make sense, and it completely throws my entire perception of 'rose quartz' off. why did she rebel as a different gem? i feel like her cause may have had more of an impact if she had rebelled as hersef

also, how did nobody EVER manage to find out about her double life?? how was she able to stay shapeshifted for over 5500 years when most gems begin struggling after just several? why is she the only gem that has the capability to move her gem around while shapeshifting? why is pink diamond shown as like 9 different sizes? do their fusions just take guesses at what their names would be? what will come of jasper? she wants to destroy rose because she shattered pink diamond, but now....


also fuck lapis, im really over her character arc.

her development has gone absolutely no where and she just keeps running away, she can stay gone at this point. 



i have like 900000 more things to say i'm sure but my scatterbrains self cant think of anything so! look out for another one of these probs

She rebelled as a different gem because if she  did the things she did in the form of a diamond it would have caused problems with her people.

There is no reason for randoms to find out her double life, Diamonds are the ultimate leaders, it's not like a gem can just casually pop in and try to see them. It was also said that back when they were fighting in the rebellion Pearl was very fierce was about protecting Rose. That was because if she was poofed the cut of her gem would have been exposed and the truth would have got out.

A diamond has stronger abilities than everyday gems so they are better at shapeshifting too. BUT in the case of the 5500 year change, that was simply being reformed. And any gem can do that, get poofed and come back in a different form. What they can't do is come back in a form bigger than their usual size. But they can come back in a form smaller than their usual size because it takes less energy to maintain that form so it doesn't put  a strain on them.

She can move her gem around because diamonds are capable of far more things than everyday gems.

She is shown as 9 different sizes because the people drawing the cartoon lowkey SUCK, and draw the characters off model, this is the most spectacular in the change of Peridot's portrayal over time.

Jasper will probably become a very loyal servant to Steven after she gets healed from corruption.


Really loved the episodes, but I'm honestly really confused.

 Was Rose her true form and she shape-shifted as Pink, or was it the other way around?

I hope they explain more of what happened in future episodes and not have the next five episodes just be Steven dicking around in Beach City.

Pink was her original form.

The promo for next episode makes it obvious that they will deal with the consequences of this revelation and it will not be a random townie episode.

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alright, so here's my whole take



i like the twist, i would have never guessed that after all of these years that the whole rose is pink theories were (somewhat) true, but the.. mechanics of this don't entirely make sense, and it completely throws my entire perception of 'rose quartz' off. why did she rebel as a different gem? i feel like her cause may have had more of an impact if she had rebelled as hersef

also, how did nobody EVER manage to find out about her double life?? how was she able to stay shapeshifted for over 5500 years when most gems begin struggling after just several? why is she the only gem that has the capability to move her gem around while shapeshifting? why is pink diamond shown as like 9 different sizes? do their fusions just take guesses at what their names would be? what will come of jasper? she wants to destroy rose because she shattered pink diamond, but now....


also fuck lapis, im really over her character arc.

her development has gone absolutely no where and she just keeps running away, she can stay gone at this point. 



i have like 900000 more things to say i'm sure but my scatterbrains self cant think of anything so! look out for another one of these probs


the answer to all yours questions: she's a goddam diamond, ruler of the universe

Really loved the episodes, but I'm honestly really confused.

 Was Rose her true form and she shape-shifted as Pink, or was it the other way around?

I hope they explain more of what happened in future episodes and not have the next five episodes just be Steven dicking around in Beach City.

most likely the other way around. Imagine what would have happened if the diamonds had seen one of them appear out of nowhere lol

Anyone else gonna rewtach the whole series with this new perspective lol

i knowwwwww right

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Anyone else gonna rewtach the whole series with this new perspective lol

I did that with a couple episodes lately.

Everything is seen in a different light.

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It leaked?? I can't find it anywhere!

i dont think so, it would have been all over reddit and youtube by now




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