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Swap the lyrics: what a 'good girl' would say

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All you have to do is take a rather 'dirty' line from a lana song and make it good/less explicit

From Lana to Taylor Swift let's say


(you can't even use kiss, no drugs references, and it has to turn out really lame lol)


I'll start:


Have to touch myself to pretend you're there: Have to hug your photograph to pretend you're there


(You can use the same line different times if you have another idea)

Long hair, Lana that's my bitch

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Love you more, than those meanies before...

hahaha, this is too funny


Lights, camera, and books, if he likes me let's get married first.

Long hair, Lana that's my bitch

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If you wanna get down with G-O-D, I'm in the chapel if you wanna p-p-pray with me.


Everyone from home says that we're so pure,

Come on everybody to the Catholic school.



In the land of gods and monsters, I was an angel. Period.

Long hair, Lana that's my bitch

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Off to the races: Birthday Girl (edition)


And I'm off to the races

Cases of party streamers

Popping out all over town

Cause it's just my b-day

Bracing gifts again on Rikers island

And I just want more


Because I'm greedy, baby

I need you to buy me more and praise me

I'm your little party, popper

Eating in the garden,

Cake goes in my open mouth

Ready for more




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Take your body into the shower and clean yourself before you go downtown tonight.


You can be the boss friendly co-worker to help me finish a task.


You call me lavender, you call me sunshine. You tell me to cover myself up so I don't look like a harlot.

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