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Lanascherrypie liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Lana Del Rey interview with Nikos Aliagas on Europe1
You can listen to the interview here:
The questions are in french so I'll translate them (and I'll go ahead and write what she says too)
There's something that I can't understand. How is it that a girl as beautiful and as young as you - you are 26, can sing such melancholic and sad things that she has not necessarily gone through? Where does that come from?
Humm, I have been through them. That's the thing. I had a very very very wild life and an innately old soul.
Yeah. The combination of those two things just kind of formed my entire style, all at once.
Did you have suicidal tendencies when you were young?
When I was young? I don't know, somedays I still wanna.. You know.. Have everything end but that's just human.
But really Lana Del Rey, where does your sensitivity come from? You don't have the typical profile of an American your age. Where does it come from?
That's a good question. I am sensitive. I care deeply about everyone I've ever met and that is something that just comes naturally to me. I have a young brother and sister who live with me. Yeah I've been really touched by artists like Whitman and Gainsbourg and I feel a deep sense of wonder for literature like that, that's changed me. But above that I feel like a great need to take care of people who need to be taken care of and I really- I care!
Lana Del Rey what are the words you have tattooed on the side of yours hands?
Paradise and trust no one.
But that's paradoxical, trusting no one and at the same time seeking paradise.
I know. This one's just in case people try and mess with me
To protect you..
It's a tough environment that you chose. It's also an industry. How do we survive this when we are that sensitive?
I don't know. It's too hard. Yeah, it's just too tough.
Since last year, all we talk about is you Lana Del Rey, what have you learned about yourself with this success?
Nothing nothing?!
Not from this. I never learn things, really.. If I'm talking to someone like you I just enjoy it. If I'm talking to someone who doesn't like the music, there's nothing to learn from that. I never found that there was anything to be learned through suffering going through difficult things, contrary to all the sayings.
I don't find any growth through suffering. I really just think it'd be better if things were always easy.
But I learned more from the work I did before and from the books I've read and the people I love and then being able to sing to people on stage is more.. just a luxury.
Are you interested in politics? Is the election of Obama a good thing?
Oh yeah incredibly. Obama provides an important image that we need to present to the world as Americans. He is a symbol of hope.
There's not enough one man can do as a president that will help our nation. It's up to the individuals to come up with new ideas to sustain economy and more importantly our planet cause every year they say we're running out of time. This year is more than ever, population doubling, everyone's in debt Europe as well.
Last question, in the re-realease of Born to Die, in one of your new songs, you say "my pussy tastes like pepsi cola". Is it a provocation or just a joke?
It's a joke *laughs*
Is it a light or a normal pepsi?
Always, I'm always on a diet. I'm not gonna drink real coke I have a figure to maintain
starriedsugar liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Unpopular Lana Opinions
I might get murdered for it but smoking makes her even sexier...
&her nose is my favorite feature
deleted123 liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Memorable Quotes, By: Lana Del Rey
I really loved when she did that too! So cute
"I just thought it was so sad, that God had found someone so perfect for me and that then we really couldn't be together" - It broke my heart when she said that I'll never forget it
And I really love the line "Fooling everyone, telling them she's having fun", probably just because I can relate to it so much,
HermiticGarden liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Underrated Lana Songs
I'm hesitating between The Man I love, Try tonight and Pride
YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Unpopular Lana Opinions
I really like the way she looks now, even if she had to have plastic surgeries (I don't mind that at all), Lana Del Rey is a lot prettier than the natural Lizzy Grant.
I don't know, I think that's unpopular opinion no?
movebaby liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Instagram Updates
Honestly sometimes I feel that we overestimate her. I don’t think she’s as smart as I thought she was... I agree that the use of ‘resist’ and ‘colonized’ in the same context like that is highly offensive even though I believe in the freedom of word use in poetry.
If she were speaking clearly about how depression is violently colonizing her and killing her and taking all that makes her her, that would have maybe sounded more poetic and adequate. But the whole poem seems silly and not up to a word like this
Myriam liked a post in a topic by urgirl in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - March 4th, 2020
does this mean there is a VIP entrance for celebs? for a church?!? what the hell
there is no VIP before God...
Myriam liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - March 4th, 2020
kind of obsessed with this candid, it's like a pop culture visual poem
Myriam liked a post in a topic by amostori in Instagram Updates
im not even mad about the cancellation anymore, i just wish she'd tell the truth??? like i'd have more respect for her if she said "i do not want to tour anymore i don't enjoy it i want to be with my friends go hiking be a baddie and go to disneyland w my family" than make something up IF that's what happened here
Myriam liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates
I can't believe people really thought she was sick.
She didn't want to tour right now because she didn't feel like it and seeing how her first leg of the NFR tour went, why would any of you want to see her like that? Unless you like throwing $400 away. No real singing. Mumbling and lip syncing. Awful outfits. Low energy. Same set lists. Short shows.
Honestly let her have her break and happy moments with her family. She might come back really revitalized from this break and do a stellar job at Coachella and the other shows.
Myriam liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates
She looks (and, when you watch the video on Elle's thread, sounds) remarkably good for someone who is so unwell that they need four weeks off to rest their singing voice.
Inb4 she cancels the South American dates over coronavirus.
Ivory Cricket liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Instagram Updates
Hahaha she’s literally fresh out of fucks forever
Myriam liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Instagram Updates
Am I glad she cancelled a world tour to be able to watch the Bachelor
Myriam liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates
What exactly do you want people to do, though? You make it sound like you want the mods to ... stop people from criticising her?
If everyone was only allowed to sit here and say that everything she does is great, LanaBoreds would be like her Instagram comments: completely pointless. Also, what makes you think that you get Lana? You, after all, don't know what her intentions are - you can only speculate, which is what everyone else is doing. Have you considered that maybe the atmosphere here has changed because she has changed? That it's because she's doing and saying a lot of problematic shit?
It seems to me like you really just want this community to be on your (very sensitive) terms.
movebaby liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Lana cancels EU/UK Leg of the Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour
Yup, pretty sure she never really did care that much about her fans and I don’t say that to be rude or offensive but what I mean is that she’s always said she never planned on getting famous and that she prefers the quiet life and that she ‘just wanted to sing’. And lately it’s been kind of showing that the rush of being famous has worn out and that maybe she isn’t ready to handle the responsibility and commitment that comes with being famous.
Tbh I need to find a way to detach myself from her ‘personally’ and only stan the music but it’s so damn hard!
Myriam liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?
Why do you keep scrapping your film clips and using them for other, irrelevant songs?
Myriam liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?
Are you a compulsive liar or is it a choice
Myriam liked a post in a topic by Kommander in Lana arriving to Churchome in Beverly Hills, CA - February 26th, 2020
The fillers have me screaming but y'all shall not forget she was just "sick" and they are very obviously not settled at all, given how bloated her face looks. We'll see this through later as the fandom has now turned into a small cult around some random bourgeois woman going to church and dating cops.
Myriam liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in How does that track make you feel?
It matches how I've felt in most of my relationships. Like I'm at the beach and we're drifting apart but it's all good because life always goes on. But I still don't trust anyone.
Bel Air
Myriam liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Instagram Updates
release this trash book and move on already
Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Instagram Updates
Honestly sometimes I feel that we overestimate her. I don’t think she’s as smart as I thought she was... I agree that the use of ‘resist’ and ‘colonized’ in the same context like that is highly offensive even though I believe in the freedom of word use in poetry.
If she were speaking clearly about how depression is violently colonizing her and killing her and taking all that makes her her, that would have maybe sounded more poetic and adequate. But the whole poem seems silly and not up to a word like this
WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Instagram Updates
Honestly sometimes I feel that we overestimate her. I don’t think she’s as smart as I thought she was... I agree that the use of ‘resist’ and ‘colonized’ in the same context like that is highly offensive even though I believe in the freedom of word use in poetry.
If she were speaking clearly about how depression is violently colonizing her and killing her and taking all that makes her her, that would have maybe sounded more poetic and adequate. But the whole poem seems silly and not up to a word like this
Foxglove liked a post in a topic by Myriam in Instagram Updates
Honestly sometimes I feel that we overestimate her. I don’t think she’s as smart as I thought she was... I agree that the use of ‘resist’ and ‘colonized’ in the same context like that is highly offensive even though I believe in the freedom of word use in poetry.
If she were speaking clearly about how depression is violently colonizing her and killing her and taking all that makes her her, that would have maybe sounded more poetic and adequate. But the whole poem seems silly and not up to a word like this