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I enjoy most remakes - especially horror remakes.


I just can't deal with purists. The original is still there, it isn't going anywhere, it isn't being "ruined." It's still there for your enjoyment. I, personally, like seeing different interpretations of ideas. That's the basis of all originality is it not?


Sometimes they're needed (A Nightmare of Elm Street, Evil Dead), sometimes they work (The Ring, Evangelion) and sometimes they don't (Steel Magnolias). It varies, but I use.


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Don't ask me anything about those big productions we got since years now, I'm not interested in them.

But ask me whatever you want about Tim Burton, Lars von Trier and Woody Allen, I am obsessed!

What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. ~Woody Allen.

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the 5.42 version of "Johanna" >>>


Yes! SMOKE, SMOKE! Sign of the devil, sign of the devil! City on fiyaaaaaaa, city on fiyaaaaa. My favorite part :teehee:


Me and some friends made essentially a music video to the short version of "Johanna", which entailed me going to the park dressed as a little girl and getting stolen by my friend dressed in pedo gear. Needless to say, that video will never see the light of day :toofloppy:


And today, me and my friend did a flawless duet of "My Friends" on the spot in the car. It probably isn't normal for that to be the go-to friendship jam, but lol whatev YOLO.

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Don't ask me anything about those big productions we got since years now, I'm not interested in them.

But ask me whatever you want about Tim Burton, Lars von Trier and Woody Allen, I am obsessed!


Thoughts on Melancholia?


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Thoughts on Melancholia?


In a sublime esthetic charged with symbolism and history (of art),Lars von Trier presents a desperate vision of the existence. He constantly reminds us that death waits for us all, at one time or another.


Here, deep black nihilism requires, there is no real consolation. We can only not be afraid, just like Justine (Kirsten Dunst) who embraces the end of the world in so serene we are not ready to forget. The course of the young woman is the opposite of the other characters. They wallow in alienating social rituals (marriage, beautiful mansion in the countryside, domestic delivered, neat family) whose Justine’s sister, Claire, is the condensed neurotic symptom. Justine rejects these shackles, leaving her sweet and beautiful love and walking alone on her wedding day, to hide where she can undress and finally just be herself. When the actual end of the world is approaching and all the horns of the "normal" life abandon the ship, when helplessness and anxiety are revealed, it is the so-called "fragile" that bring a bit of beauty in the chaos that is the universe : the child and the sick one, the innocent and lonely, both dependent and apparently eventually so strong, the only ones to not be afraid of this outcome inevitable destruction of all life.


It is in a flamboyant final scene, cosmic union that could be perverse and ridiculous that Lars von Trier reached the great, perhaps because unlike in the movie "Antichrist", he doesn’t spread too much of arrogant contempt but a deep sincerity inhabited by an abysmal sadness and beautiful as a Dürer. Whatever one thinks of Lars von Trier since he started, his provocations - sometimes meaningless (except for himself) - or his often misinterpreted excesses, "Melancholia" unexpectedly transcends the pseudo- nerds vagaries putting the guts on the table and the artist in the spotlight.



What if everything is an illusion and nothing exists? In that case, I definitely overpaid for my carpet. ~Woody Allen.

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Has anyone seen this?


Loveee Transamerica. I'll be really surprised if Felicity Huffman ever tops that performance. So emotional.


Need some movie recs guys. Anything you guys strongly recommend?


Have you seen Moonrise Kingdom yet? Also speaking of kingdoms, Animal Kingdom was a fantastic Australian film.


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I've never seen a Wes Anderson film, except that Fox movie, which is his right? Is Moonrise Kingdom on DVD?


I have a 3 day weekend coming up and am most likely going to the library tomorrow. I need films to watch since I never do anything else.


Fantastic Mr. Fox? Yeah that was him.

I suspect it would be out by now. I know for sure there are torrents online though.


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Ugh, I hate watching films online to be honest. I watched Megan is Missing and Vixen! online and both were bad experiences.


I get what you mean. I dunno it can be alright though if you find HQ stuff. But as a rule, I'd prefer to have the actual DVD.


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Guest Maru the Cat

Yes, it is on DVD.


Oh, you should watch Bottle Rocket, The Darjeeling Limited and, of course, Rushmore. Those are GREAT. :legend:



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