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Chords and scores for songs

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Okay, so Noir is more complicated than first thought.


The verses are Cm, Ab, Bb, Fm


The chorus is Ab, Bb, Cm, Eb

thank you:) If it's not much to ask, can you please post Velvet Crowbar and Making out please?? :)


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I believe she plays the entirety of Get Drunk on the low E, like someone who's been playing guitar for a week :hooker:  Not that it matters anyway, it can be played to your liking--all on the E or a combination of the E and A strings. Or you can just smash your guitar to smithereens and get drunk  :deadbanana:


A bit of advice to those who are interested in more than just playing along to a handful of your favorite songs, and would like to work toward being competent musicians: with songs like Get Drunk where it's all single notes, try to pick them out by ear, it's the first and most basic step in some of the best ear training you can give yourself. It may be frustrating at first, but it's really not that difficult, and it gets easier with time and practice. It'll really, really develop your overall playing and ear/listening. Train your ear to recognize notes. You will thank yourself later. 


And for those who are a little more serious and ambitious, moving on to picking out chords will enrich your overall musicianship tenfold. It'll take more time than picking out single notes, of course, but it's invaluable training. A little tip: keep in mind that most of Lana's song only use major and minor triads (3 note chords) and each song is usually just 3 to 5 total chords, so it's not that hard to play around and find the chords. I mean, think of it this way: there are only 24 different chords to pick from, right? (though there are a handful of her songs that have the occasional 7th or suspended chord or whatever). 


If you're just interested in playing along to the occasional song here and there for fun, then kindly ignore everything i've just said. Actually, you should just ignore everything i've ever said and will say and just get hammered. 

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." -Wittgenstein

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sort of hard to follow after a post like that, but im not an aspiring artist or anything, i just wanna play along to my favourite songs on the guitar and maybe even become a better player than my sister is,so...


does anyone have chords/tabs for the following?:

For K (part 2)

Dangerous Girl

Ooh Baby


^They were the only ones that I either couldnt find tabs for/sounded wrong when i did

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were the chords to last girl on earth and playing dangerous ever posted? 



were the chords to last girl on earth and playing dangerous ever posted? 


Yes:) http://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/l/lana_del_rey/last_girl_on_earth_crd.htm

what is Disco? It sounds like only a few strings


I'm not sure, but I think that it's something like this: B, E, B, E (the strings from the intro)  :)

Anyone know hundred dollar bill..? Please x

I would love to know too


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