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Fuck you guys for posting this i literally couldn't breathe for a second






My favorite moment from the movie is

the midnight scene particularly when Elio kind of turns around terrified not knowing what to do to get Oliver's touch but then he leans on him helplessly as if all the energy was gone from his body and then they share the most beautiful & genuine hug I've ever seen on screen!! I sigh with relief every time as if it was me who wasn't able to embrace Oliver for  so long but finally got to. ALSO the kiss on the foot



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A legend making twitter love him again.


Selena's pr team must be fuming while she's slowly unfollowing all of her co stars who put out a statement against her X WA movie on instagram :rip: .


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I have a fuck load of uni things to do but I keep thinking about the following:


There was this moment in the book, I can't remember when or in what context, but Elio was basically thinking about how he'd love to talk to anyone about his feelings towards Oliver but no one besides Oliver would understand, so even though he hated the thought of failure he wanted to tell him because there's literally nobody else besides him (kind of sounds like me stating water is wet but I hope you feel me & I'll get to the point).


And I just realized Timmy delivers the same thing in the peach scene kiss. Right when he sobs, then kind of hides his face from Oliver, he finally decides to lean for a kiss because he realizes Oliver is his one and only option.


I'll link a shitty edit but you get the idea - 00:25-00:35.

There's so many things happening on Timmy's face I wanna scream



When I met my first girlfriend (I was still in the closet & we didn't know we're equally into each other) we were doing this little staring contest and I started crying in the middle of it because she was seeing right through me and I hid my face the exact same way but then she talked me through that and I remember us just hugging the fuck out of this weird situation. I felt like she's the problem but also the solution and that's why this thing hit me.



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