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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. It's not a lie if Lana believes it.
  2. So true. I'd like to say with Lana up is down and left is right. It's more like she's swinging in the backyard upside down.
  3. The Banisters are blue because they are sad.
  4. No please. My dream is a world where there is silence then an actual statement. A real video, a full single release or maybe even an album. All done in tune with her record company. I shudder at something like, "And another thing, let's stop with the term 'Plastic Surgery '. Labeling all woman as plastic as though we are all fake and hollow needs to stop. My skin is flesh and I am deep. Cut me and I bleed but I strike back. I, we, are not Barbie dolls"!!! OK Lana, we love you. Take your meds and get some rest. ???
  5. Yes it was a joke. We all love making up Lana titles. She is still the queen of them though.
  6. I haven't kept up with the latest. That Chinese rocket fell to earth or maybe it was Lana's latest project. Don't worry an insider on an obscure Peruvian web page has good news. Lana's latest project (album, book, video ) is tentatively titled, Broken Heart Debutante. (July 5th)
  7. As usual it's hard to keep up. She's not gonna change her name to Lana Yo Rey is she?
  8. Here is my quick phone cover. I have no other way to share but Twitter.
  9. I don't know an eye space from a hooded eye but I do know a beautiful woman when I see one. The one, the only Lana Elle Rey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I accidentally hit the start of this thread instead of the end. Lana just got Instagram? It's 2013? That means the last 8 years have been a dream. That makes more sense than reality.
  11. I know. Last summer I was driving listening to Doin Time and noticed my body was moving. I love Lana's voice but not every song should have me gazing at the ceiling watching swirls of imaginary cigarette smoke gently rise. (I don't smoke)
  12. Weathervane should be one of the more popular songs. https://i.imgur.com/hoLo9zD.mp4
  13. Lana's twitter: Baby Coming!! October Next tweet December Next tweet January Next tweet Early Summer
  14. I think Lana saw my post and threw something together on an impulse!
  15. I kind of like it. RCS sounded a little forced to me. You're right it doesn't instantly evoke much. Let's be patient and remember who we're dealing with. Chemtrails, Mariners and Violet were perplexing too. Trust God, trust Lana.
  16. Staircase in a mansion 100 years old, The tales it has heard, The tales it has told, His love overwhelms, Like gas from a cannister, As I lose my grip, On the lovely Blue Banister.
  17. Not exactly. There are SOME people you can trust. Just not Lana. Not because she's evil but contrary to what she says she is 'unhinged '. (Aren't we all?)
  18. The 4th of July release can't turn out well. She will probably wear American flag socks and get dragged for it.
  19. Who knows what the cover will be? https://images.app.goo.gl/yjGuf9gKkv6Kqmyv9
  20. Maybe Lana presses the records in her basement.
  21. Part of your subscription will be donated to Native Americans.
  22. I don't know. I don't have the energy anymore. There are 2 albums coming out? Is July 4th real? Is the record company aware? I feel like the Godfather.
  23. She can't get a break. Some bozo will spill hot coffee on their dog by accident and say they were inspired to drink it because of Lana.
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