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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. WOW, what memories you will have. I'm happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Lana Del Ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is an early photo I made. Crude compared to most of you but I like it. Hope the link comes through. https://www.instagram.com/p/2msNdVDAYI/
  3. My friend made it. Here is the full version if it comes through. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cle8YUeWMAQkxKa.jpg
  4. If you happen to see her after the show at the hotel do me a favor if you have time. Ask her if she's seen my Lana and Bob videos. (The guy with the gray hair and cutouts of Lana.) I know you will have other things on your mind but thought I'd ask. Have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thank you. It's Bob actually. Fred Red is just a name I thought of when creating my YouTube account.
  6. I talked about this in one of my earlier videos. (I had just started using my phone and I screwed up so the framing is smaller than it could have been) If you don't want to watch the whole thing go to 2:40 and I talk about my feelings about festivals.
  7. This may have been posted but WOW, her voice is great. Wrong audience that's all.
  8. I saw some clips on Twitter and I liked what I saw. I am getting the impression that the crowd was not that into it(?) If I am not mistaken Bruce S. on after her. I have mentioned in my videos that I am not a fan of festivals for Lana because her specific fan base has no choice but to see her there but since she doesn't usually fit with festival acts the people who are not there to see her don't get it. Not a put down but just a funky mix of people. I hope the Lana fans enjoyed it.
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