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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. Most people don't know this but Lana had a back up plan (become a physicians assistant) in case the music thing didn't work out. Even though her career did take off she decided to finish what she started. It took her 6 years but she finally graduated! Congratulations Lana!! (I made that up)
  2. I feel your pain when I see reviews like this but it is past the point of really letting it get to us.Lana is talented. Lana has a huge fan base. She has already accomplished a lot and some of her early negative press will always follow her around. I used to reply to articles and reviews but now I am a little more confident in Lana and her career. (Boosted in no small part by people like the ones on this board) Even now you can see a YouTube comment that will say, "Most people don't know she's Auto-tuned and her father's rich. He bought her career" (Eyes roll) Just don't let it get you down that's all.
  3. Oh well, she can still quit. There was a Toronto paper that wasn't as kind. This is a very good review and more in depth from the Montreal Gazette!! Bad girl. Here was Osheaga, now an alt-fest institution, with its massive mainstream appeal leavened by presenting the cutting edge, the gritty, the raucous, the bands jumping around. And here was the girl who was gonna f*** it all up. And that’s a compliment. You just knew Lana Del Rey’s stage set would look like Sunset Boulevard meets L.A. Confidential, and with the stage surname in blue neon script above the backdrop drapery, and the trees in the stage wings, you were there. The damage-magnet noir princess of the songs, the helplessly lethal fatale was here to bring stardom and poise… And what initially seemed like a programming whaat now looks like a masterstroke. In a short yellow lacey dress, peace earrings and almost cloggy sandals, she looked like a post-Manson Girl as she entered to Cruel World and shrieks of delight from the huge Parc Jean-Drapeau crowd. You had that feeling, that some were here to worship and some were here to rubberneck in case of a trainwreck. For here was what a true live music fan should expect… no, hope for, from the live arena, from a festival: a risk. The possibility that the show would stumble, the performer would underwhelm, that it could all fall down the stairs. Forget it. After the relationship drama of Cola and Blue Jeans, with her band laying down the burbling undertow, Del Rey heard someone in the crowd yelp something. “Chelsea Hotel, you mean?” Pause. And then, casually asking the fan out there to prompt her once or twice, she sang Leonard Cohen a cappella, and you were in the presence of a fusion of genuine noir pop and concept performance art. And therefore, a kind of greatness. She followed it with Born To Die, switching the mic from the hand she was smoking with – or rather, accessorizing with a cigarette. Regardless, I don’t recall the last time I saw a female singer do it like that, but it would probably have been on black and white TV. And here was that most uncommon of creatures: a girl who doesn’t want to dance. No, never mind – this girl didn’t want to move. Every half-shuffle of her leg was like a slo-mo from some narcotized girl-group video, but make no mistake, this was a singer in complete control of her aesthetic and her performance. Smokey-voiced, she also trilled and cooed, and for all the hothouse quality of that singing, it’s better than you’d credit. She delivered like every song was a Lynchian dream sequence before someone gets artfully whacked in shmancy retro clothes; or the heroine drifts into her eternal barbiturate nap. Summertime Sadness sounded like The Carpenters under a billion-ton minor key made of Quaaludes. Amazing. But every wave of her hand drew shrieks. “Been waiting for a long time to get here,” she said of Montreal. “Not so far, really, from where I grew up.” True, Elizabeth Grant of Lake Placid. “It’s amazing to hear you sing along to the words.” And they did, not that it knocked her off her woozy focus. Honeymoon and High By the Beach were accompanied by the final night of the La Ronde fireworks competition, a perfect L.A. gauze-fantasy. But as the world was ending by pyro in the sky over La Ronde to her left and she was, like, whatevs. Which doesn’t mean she wasn’t engaged. After Yayo (simple and gorgeous, solo on Flying V) and Video Games, she slo-o-owly descended to meet the crowd and spent five minutes taking smiling selfies. It was charmingly odd and vice versa. The encore of Off to the Races had her in a barely-mobile shuffle with her African-American backing vocalists and after that inescapably hooky chorus, she floated off with a kiss goodbye. The bad girl of the songs was an oddly undeniable heroine. And if that was an L.A. script, Osheaga just earned its strangest Oscar.
  4. Has she stopped smoking? I haven't seen any pictures of her with cigarettes and her void sounds so great. I hope she has!!!!!!
  5. Nice review Lana Del Rey (8:45 Bud Light) "I'm crying already," a nearby fellow festgoer told his friend as the haunting notes of one of Lana Del Rey's first songs of the night hovered in the air around us. I never quite understood the fascination and fandom that surrounds the singer, but I understand it a little more tonight after her set closing out Day 1. There's a mesmerizing quality to Lana Del Rey, her air of calm, lethargic melancholy that never feels affected and runs at such great contrast to the near-hysteric shrieks of her fans whenever she does anything—start a song, end a song, pick up a guitar at one point. She didn't really do much on stage besides some lightly choreographed movements during the choruses of some songs, preferring to amble around the stage (and down among the front row of the crowd a couple of times) in her frothy white dress and matching flower crown. And yet, it was so very difficult to look away or not sway in time with her tunes. She and her backup singers look like they stepped out of a ModCloth catalog, and the '60s flower child vibe runs so strong that you have to remind yourself you're not watching some throwback performance on TV, but there's a jaded air about her and her songs that's so undeniably 21st century that it brings us back to 2016. After radio friendly "Summertime Sadness" started a crowdwide singalong, some in the crowd weren't feeling it and started heading out during her final song, "Off to the Races," but a good many remained until Lana drifted away backstage and her lead guitarist sent us all home with an extended (and rather jarring) riff, but it was a decent closing to the first day of this music festival marathon. —Elise De Los Santos, executive editor Copyright © 2016, RedEye
  6. Wow it ended then restarted. When Lana comes out some of her fans go crazy!! I love it.
  7. Multiple sites will be streaming. Not sure if they will get all or some of Lana. http://www.spin.com/2016/07/lollapalooza-2016-livestream-lcd-soundsystem-future-red-hot-chili-peppers/ http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/music-festivals/7453592/watch-the-lollapalooza-2016-live-stream-here
  8. I read this a while back and was able to find it! http://radio.com/2015/04/07/brian-wilson-interview-no-pier-pressure-lana-del-rey-frank-ocean-don-was/ The legends are true!
  9. The Last Song recorded for Brian Wilson's album No Pier Pressure. They put his version on the album but supposedly Lana did do a version too. Someday.
  10. I haven't read this whole thread but the notion that Lana or some other high profile artists are involved in some Satanic cult whose agenda is to lead us all down the path to meet Satan is absurd. If Lana is leading me through the gates of hell I will follow and just make sure to drink lots of water, it's supposed to be hot down there!
  11. Trying to post this from work, sorry if it duplicates
  12. Not sure if this was posted. I LOVE seeing her fans when she first appears at a show. https://www.instagram.com/p/BID35PNDDe5/?taken-by=bentap77 Actually I think the show was on but still great fan reaction.
  13. WOW, what memories you will have. I'm happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Lana Del Ray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is an early photo I made. Crude compared to most of you but I like it. Hope the link comes through. https://www.instagram.com/p/2msNdVDAYI/
  15. My friend made it. Here is the full version if it comes through. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cle8YUeWMAQkxKa.jpg
  16. If you happen to see her after the show at the hotel do me a favor if you have time. Ask her if she's seen my Lana and Bob videos. (The guy with the gray hair and cutouts of Lana.) I know you will have other things on your mind but thought I'd ask. Have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Thank you. It's Bob actually. Fred Red is just a name I thought of when creating my YouTube account.
  18. I talked about this in one of my earlier videos. (I had just started using my phone and I screwed up so the framing is smaller than it could have been) If you don't want to watch the whole thing go to 2:40 and I talk about my feelings about festivals.
  19. This may have been posted but WOW, her voice is great. Wrong audience that's all.
  20. I saw some clips on Twitter and I liked what I saw. I am getting the impression that the crowd was not that into it(?) If I am not mistaken Bruce S. on after her. I have mentioned in my videos that I am not a fan of festivals for Lana because her specific fan base has no choice but to see her there but since she doesn't usually fit with festival acts the people who are not there to see her don't get it. Not a put down but just a funky mix of people. I hope the Lana fans enjoyed it.
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