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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. How is this possible??!!!!! Poor Lana, there will probably be a miscommunication with AM and PM!!
  2. I think this guy commented on my Instagram and tried to follow me. I have had a few recently out of the blue and the accounts show no posts no followers. Spooky
  3. On a marginally related note Tippi Hedren was beyond gorgeous.
  4. Not a slam on you at all. The movie is old and and not a lot of younger people are that familiar with it. I saw it a few times on TV growing up and it creeped me out. If someone here hadn't mentioned it I might not have made the association either. The locale for the movie is Bodega Bay which is a real place. Lana's twist, "Bodega Bae". Here is a link with some info. https://www.bodegabay.com/the-birds/
  5. Unfortunately some will associate it with what you said. Seems more like a reference to the movie The Birds starring Tippi Hedren. (as others have mentioned)
  6. I'm no fashion plate but those pearl shoes are pretty cool.
  7. Looks so much better on my computer than my phone. Yay Lana.
  8. One of you needs to make a new GIF of that first moment where she enters the frame with her head to the side and the big smile. It can be added to the emoji list.
  9. Oh shit. I commented on his post to have Lana wish me happy birthday in November and he said he would pass the message along! It could happen.
  10. Thanks for posting. Lana seems almost normal.
  11. Sounds like a late night infomercial. 2 CD's for only $9.99!!
  12. At least she said "Fuck". We know Lana is still in there somewhere.
  13. The thing with Lana and our threads is that it's hard to keep up if you go away for a few hours. I have seen her post driving but I don't know the source or reference of the mask picture. As far as the picture I guess masks are masks and not fashion but I don't think she is a threat to society at large. As far as the driving, I DON'T KNOW! On one level it is kind of cool, Lana looks great, is riding free and uninhibited. On another level it comes off at her age a bit reckless, irresponsible and dangerous. I have to think of a young teen who may have died in a crash driving with one leg up while filming herself. Real cool till you go over a cliff. Sorry to bring things down but she is so genuinely clueless sometimes. I'm sure it'll be OK.
  14. I am not that literary but my favorite quote is supposedly from Andy Warhol. When asked by a reporter, "What's art?", he replied “Most people in America think Art is a man's name.”
  15. At about 2 minutes in when she is in front of the screen she reminds me of Jennifer Lawrence a bit. Not a bad thing at all.
  16. The quote about nothing happening in God's world by mistake is from a story in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is on page 417 in a chapter called "ACCEPTANCE WAS THE ANSWER". AA did not invent that concept but this particular passage is often pointed out to people to help them deal with life on life's terms. "And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation—some fact of my life—unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes."
  17. I am not a big country fan but must confess my ignorance. I think true country fans are dismayed at what is considered "country" these days. It is usually twanged up pop music. I don't know what mid west music is. John Mellencamp? Any don't forget whatever the genre the voice will be Lana's!!!!!
  18. "She's random, clumsy and very smart too." Excellent description of her. She does come off as very self aware and totally clueless sometimes. I guess we all are. You don't know what you don't know. Elle thanks for posting this, I hope it doesn't violate anything reprinting all this. Don't worry we'll protect you!
  19. The guy looks like Curly from the 3 Stooges.
  20. Remain calm. This is not an update but this account has some great pictures. Many shots from the same series. https://instagram.com/outfitsoflanadelrey?igshid=r2qc5m9mtzax
  21. This is a natural beauty shot but her expression looks like the album cover for Born to Cry or Loss of Life
  22. "Contemplating in an Uber the end of civilization"
  23. I don't know if this is the right spot but here goes.
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