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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. I thought oh we're going to make all the way through smoothly, and then boom.
  2. Good one but be nice.
  3. If you click on TBA by her name on Sept 5th it just links to the story a few days ago. Their source is Lana not the record company.
  4. Good morning! The good, the bad and the truth! When I first saw her talking stripped bare of the Lana essentials of hair and makeup, I got nervous that we may see a bizarre irrational rant like someone with some mental illness in the middle of an episode. Or at the very least that she might sound medicated, not high or on drugs but medicated. After watching the whole thing I don't think either was the case. That's good. Unfortunately the rant is a bit scattered and and I don't know if the world has been calling Lana to task on these things (pre initial meltdown) especially lately. So odd at this point that stripper girl, bad girl, broken girl, runaway girl, younger woman etc. thing is still so important to her. The kaleidoscope of what it is to be human and specifically a woman is so much larger than these themes she is obsessed with. "The difference is when I get on the pole people call me a whore, but when Twigs gets on the pole it’s art." Is this actually a concern at this point?? The point may be valid but Lana gets a ton of respect in the world and for those that don't give her respect fuck off. This is the bad. The truth is it really is like the Wizard of Oz. It's all right here in front of her and she can't see it. Millions of people genuinely love her work, buy her albums and pay to see her in concert. Why are the opinions of some alt singers or critics more important than ours!! Let us love you. I have a top secret connection that told me this in confidence. When told her next album was to be called "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" the record company, management, everyone all breathed a sigh of relief. Then Lana showed them a basic mock up for the cover with the title. "Chemtrails over the Cuntry Club"
  5. Yes it's 6:15 am for me. It's a holiday and I am looking at my phone. I haven't even listened to the whole thing but am still floored. Maybe I can get back to sleep and log in to my computer later. Maybe this is a dream. I hope so. If you're in my dream I'm sorry.
  6. You didn't hear. Earlier Lana and Chuck rented a helicopter for a tour around Los Angeles and it was coming up the coast over the ocean. Just when they got to Malibu the helicopter had engine trouble and they had to put down in the ocean!! They were missing for like 2 hours. It was all over the news. The Coast Guard finally found them and they were safe thank God. When the boat got to shore there were reporters and police and as Lana and Chuck were getting off a policeman or someone was giving them a hand and said, "Are you ladies OK?" Lana went OFF! "Ladies, we're not ladies, we're women. Grown up adult women! So back off you ignorant motherfucker!" Then there was silence. It was so quiet you could hear the last snowflake hit the ground at the end of a blizzard. OK don't be mad, I made that whole thing up but the fact that you might have believed it just for a moment shows us where we're at.
  7. This is really, really cute. Look at her right hand. I guess she's holding the mike but the way her hand is bent forward she looks like a little kid, "I got my SpongeBob".
  8. That's the greatest story. Something I am more likely to do.
  9. Just so you know if you didn't already I have a YouTube channel with 40 something videos of me talking to Lana. (a cardboard cutout and low quality by YT standards) It's over 5 years old and the last one I did was from the Jones Beach show so I am a little behind. I have always been concerned about someone stumbling on to the channel and thinking this guys nuts, tell Lana! I have had some comments like that over the years but no harm. When her car and house were broken in to a few years back I made it clear up front that I am a fan and completely stable. (more or less) That I have no delusions about my relationship with her. Please if you see one don't report me as a threat. Thank you.
  10. Beautiful. If this singer songwriter thing doesn't work out she could always get a job doing audio books.
  11. I don't know the context of the quote from Sylvia Plath but I find it heartbreaking, sad.
  12. My little analysis. Below is from the link you posted. Hope I am not violating some copyright rules or anything. “I had removed my patent leather shoes after a while, for they foundered badly in the sand. It pleased me to think they would be perched there on the silver log, pointing out to sea, like a sort of soul-compass, after I was dead.”― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar In Lana's poem To bring my pair of baby pattern leather shoes to turn them the other way towards the sea cliff stairs, not at the ocean To bring them back up safe to the facility instead Lana wants to point her shoes towards the land and not the ocean like she is choosing life! Too heavy? I don't know.
  13. Thanks, You're not the one I'm worried about. I think she said what you wrote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Ok I'm not trying to be an ass but there is one line I have a problem with and it's things like this that could come back to bite her from well, critics. You have to separate the wheat from the shaft I listened a few times closely and that is what she said I think. The expression is actually "You have to separate the wheat from the chaff" From the web. Definition: Select the valuable things/people and take them away from the non-valuable things/people. This expression first appeared in the Bible. It is a metaphor that speaks about how God will separate those who are worthy and those who are unworthy. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. It comes from the age-old practice of literally separating wheat from chaff. When winnowing grain, farmers wanted to remove all chaff from wheat. In the literal meaning, chaff is the husk around a seed, which one does not eat. In order to eat the wheat, one must remove the chaff.
  15. Please don't ask reasonable questions. With Lana up is down and left is right and on and on.
  16. Calm down someone posted above this post.
  17. No it wasn't cringy at all. I had the same feeling but was pleasantly surprised.
  18. Since we have some calm here is little interlude.
  19. I'm not challenging you but I have come to the conclusion this is how Lana is. Maybe tone deaf but more in line with clueless about what results her actions will get. Just like the President who can't stop tweeting no matter how much his inner circle tries to tone him down. I don't think it's an intellectual understanding it may just be wiring. She reacts/responds and has no ability to think it through. My point is that unfortunately this is not the end. Maybe of this episode but I'm sure we'll all be gathered around this campfire at least once again in the next year or so. I'm with you though, I HOPE she doesn't go on any more rants.
  20. Thanks I was just curious. Anytime I have posted a video of Lana I film it with my phone and then upload that. I have an Android and maybe IPhone's have a screen capture feature I don't know.
  21. Pardon my older person ignorance but how does she upload that clean clip? Its not part of YouTube and doesn't look like she filmed it on her phone and then re uploaded it.
  22. I posted earlier in the thread the idea that Lana and her family live in an asylum, a madhouse. It was some dumb fooling around. And yet I see Chuck's latest Instagram story is a pic of her cooking some potatoes or something. From 14 hours ago. I just find it odd. Like fiddling while Rome burns.
  23. It's Saturday, about 1:30 and I am going to go out for a little while. Lana if you are reading this be happy, be healthy but don't post. Don't even reply to this one.
  24. But LDR isn't 14, she's not someone just out of the gate. She's in her 30s and has been at this a while now. I have mentioned this before. She is an adult and didn't get famous 3 months ago.
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