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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. Ok I'm not trying to be an ass but there is one line I have a problem with and it's things like this that could come back to bite her from well, critics. You have to separate the wheat from the shaft I listened a few times closely and that is what she said I think. The expression is actually "You have to separate the wheat from the chaff" From the web. Definition: Select the valuable things/people and take them away from the non-valuable things/people. This expression first appeared in the Bible. It is a metaphor that speaks about how God will separate those who are worthy and those who are unworthy. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. It comes from the age-old practice of literally separating wheat from chaff. When winnowing grain, farmers wanted to remove all chaff from wheat. In the literal meaning, chaff is the husk around a seed, which one does not eat. In order to eat the wheat, one must remove the chaff.
  2. Please don't ask reasonable questions. With Lana up is down and left is right and on and on.
  3. Calm down someone posted above this post.
  4. No it wasn't cringy at all. I had the same feeling but was pleasantly surprised.
  5. Since we have some calm here is little interlude.
  6. I'm not challenging you but I have come to the conclusion this is how Lana is. Maybe tone deaf but more in line with clueless about what results her actions will get. Just like the President who can't stop tweeting no matter how much his inner circle tries to tone him down. I don't think it's an intellectual understanding it may just be wiring. She reacts/responds and has no ability to think it through. My point is that unfortunately this is not the end. Maybe of this episode but I'm sure we'll all be gathered around this campfire at least once again in the next year or so. I'm with you though, I HOPE she doesn't go on any more rants.
  7. Thanks I was just curious. Anytime I have posted a video of Lana I film it with my phone and then upload that. I have an Android and maybe IPhone's have a screen capture feature I don't know.
  8. Pardon my older person ignorance but how does she upload that clean clip? Its not part of YouTube and doesn't look like she filmed it on her phone and then re uploaded it.
  9. I posted earlier in the thread the idea that Lana and her family live in an asylum, a madhouse. It was some dumb fooling around. And yet I see Chuck's latest Instagram story is a pic of her cooking some potatoes or something. From 14 hours ago. I just find it odd. Like fiddling while Rome burns.
  10. It's Saturday, about 1:30 and I am going to go out for a little while. Lana if you are reading this be happy, be healthy but don't post. Don't even reply to this one.
  11. But LDR isn't 14, she's not someone just out of the gate. She's in her 30s and has been at this a while now. I have mentioned this before. She is an adult and didn't get famous 3 months ago.
  12. Ha-ha it's weird I think we all might be a little afraid of her. I admit I have said some maybe not so nice things but I have some strong opinions that I am afraid to share for fear she might see them. What if I had to call in to work and say I can't come in because Lana Del Rey is mad at me?
  13. I am mystified by this whole thing that Lana has group chats with fans. I was never invited.
  14. If you go to YouTube and type Lana Del Rey and then filter by "Today" there are a ton of videos about this whole thing. What a soggy mess this has become.
  15. We have all known the feeling of depression or being down but putting on that happy face for the world. I know Lana has had to do this sometimes just being famous. I am a fan 100% because of her voice and songwriting and sensibility. She is beautiful but I don't have a crush on her and am not "in love" with her. BUT her natural beauty and SMILE is a big part of her mystique or whatever you want to call it. Whenever I see pictures of her smiling it always warms my heart. When she smiled in the "Love" video I remember I was bowled over with happiness. She has that affect on people. I have said in many of my videos we all just want her to be happy.
  16. I had to sleep and I wake up and it's still going on. Follow, unfollow, who can keep up? It's like follow the yellow brick road at this point. "Are you a good witch or a bad witch"? Depends on who you ask I guess.
  17. I envy the people who will be at her next concert. When Lana first comes on stage at any concert the outpouring of love is incredible. I guarantee the next one the outpouring will be quadruple. Some of my favorite videos are of Lana coming on stage and the crowd going wild. I'm getting anxious just thinking about it.
  18. I agree, not that I am "Mr. literate" but sometimes when she writes these long things they seem clunky or bloated if that is the right word. I have an opinion of what might happen when these poetry books get released but I am a little nervous about saying.
  19. Cantaloupe? I mean she seems to have a thing for fruit.
  20. So what's the verdict? Is Lana having a breakdown or just posting some ill advised posts? Truth is probably the latter as we have no idea what is going on.
  21. If you need a drama break just listen to her voice. One of my favorites.
  22. From Instagram weadorelana I'm not a bad person what the fuck I've defended the shit out of you Lana Genuine concern. When there's nothing to be concerned about. It's people like you who make people concerned about the people who are actually doing well. A little drama stirer (Lana misspelled stirrer)
  23. That was me. I feel bad for her.
  24. This is so sad. I hope the user does not take it too personally.
  25. Does she want a wrist-watch like Sean Connery is wearing in that picture? If it were anyone else this would be a joke. But this could be true with our Lovely Lana.
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