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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. I love that song and the concept. I posted somewhere it would make a great movie. (or great bad movie)  Keanu Reeves/Sandra Bullock type of nonsense.
  2. Here is another Lady Penelope from the Thunderbirds TV show. Creepy marionettes and yet I have a strange fascination for them. If this was on a picture disc it would be so cool. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAteswcn0gQ/
  3. One of my old Instagram posts. Fits in. https://www.instagram.com/p/BnxFhpOnOt4/
  4. Speaking of chemtrails the SpaceX launch was cancelled a few minutes ago due to weather. I think Lana made the call.
  5. Made me laugh. From twitter song from new album If This is the End - I Want a Boyfriend
  6. Read this in a quiet whisper. It has been quiet for a bit and I don't know how long it will last. Think of tip toeing by a sleeping grizzly bear. You want to stop and look and behold its magnificence but you know you should keep moving lest it catch your scent and awaken. Sleep peacefully Lana. My thoughts before I gently depart. Some Lana songs on NFR and LFL have what I call the coffee shop guitar girl sound. Chords and no real melody or structure. Just kind of moving forward. Lana can make it work because her voice is so beautiful. I like songs with verse/chorus/verse/chorus/bridge/chorus. I am not a musician but I think you know what I mean. I'd also like more beat and movement so that my body responds as well as my ears and heart. Having a beat or rhythm doesn't necessarily mean a dance or pop song. IF we are really getting this album in early September then it is probably done now so I will just have to accept what she gifts us with. I'm sure I will love it but I am biased. OK time to quietly slip away as not to wake Sleeping Beauty.
  7. Hi all, quite a holiday weekend. I spent way too much time on here but it was kind of fun. Time for sleep and back to work tomorrow. Hopefully Lana will sleep tight tonight and not post so maybe I can get some work done. I was at this show and this is a great video. She could have just said this. https://youtu.be/T4CJRFbAdv0?t=199
  8. You did a great job. I like the black one. If you took out the title or maybe all the words it would make an outstanding poster. See if you can get the rights to that photo and your ship has come in. You could actually do a whole rainbow of them.
  9. After Lana being accused of being racist lately I just think itd be a bad move cuz ppl are already sus of her You know what you may be right!
  10. Why like "Black Lana"? For someone else maybe but black is part of Lana's rainbow.
  11. Careful Grasshopper, you put your hand in the hornets nest you could get stung.
  12. You need to do an age progression on that swinging cat on the right. Maybe 10 years so he fits in to Lana World. Nice pic by the way.
  13. True. I watch Project Runway and the judges usually love everything that I don't. I don't know fashion though so that's not saying much.
  14. Since there is talk of covers I bumped in to this. Laurel Canyon Lana. https://www.deviantart.com/stueydee/art/Lana-Del-Rey-Born-To-Die-288622265
  15. I know I'm getting seasick. I think I need some Dramamine.
  16. Yes! I became a fan barely post SNL. I had heard Video Games but was not as familiar as maybe some of you were back then. I didn't see that performance but read about it and the backlash. I listened to other songs got the album and became a fan. Obsessed almost. On a daily basis I would Google her name and it was astonishing the amount of articles that were written about her. Not just reviewers from music publications but scholarly types putting Lana in as the target of some cultural crossroads that needed to be examined in depth. I am not exaggerating when I say it was truly unbelievable the amount af attention she got for a person that released "1" album. I will never understand it and some day sociologists or someone will look back and unwind all the minutiae to make sense of it. BUT that was then!!! Lana to her credit, God Bless Her, didn't fold and become a one hit wonder or one hit blunder. With her own determination and our support she came through and has created an amazing and solid body of work. So, why now this whole outburst in the past few days. Easy for me to say let it go but she has lived it. Maybe the scars she got early on just won't heal. I have to let go actually! Sorry for my outburst. (I will be releasing a poem shortly)
  17. 2020 is a leap year. There was an extra day in February so every day after gets pushed ahead one day. In 2019 Sept. 5th fell on a Thursday. If this was a normal year that day would fall on Friday this year. Lana believes that leap years don't exist and are part of a much deeper conspiracy based on control by the unseen and unknown. Her calendar has Sept. 5th as a Friday. The album will be released on Saturday.
  18. Need to add to the list. You think of yourself as a glamorous person and let people know that. That was one of the oddest statements of that first post.
  19. That's good. I will put a twist in it. “(with your) chem trails over the country club gate. you wouldn’t love women if it wasn’t for hate.” Ha-ha it sounds like it means something deep but I don't think it does.
  20. I did this with my phone so be gentle. Just an idea. Lana and rockets. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAnjs-4HmNj/
  21. I play golf and some courses have young woman riding around with a food cart and they are always gorgeous! I always tip them.
  22. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
  23. Hopefully some media outlet doesn't misconstrue and has a headline, "Lana Del Rey shares poem from behind the iron gates of an institution".
  24. I hope there is only one release from the album before it drops. If I'm not mistaken there were 4 from NFR and to me that kind of dilutes the impact of the release of the final product.
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