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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. It's to the point where "fuck" is no longer a powerful enough word for her. She may start using the "C" word as her go to. Coming soon "My C****, Your C***, It's All A Stinking Mess" The latest album from Lana Del Rey.
  2. :facepalm: :facepalm:
  3. I must say I am very disappointed. I'm sure years ago Lana's management threw their hands up in the air when trying to deal with Lana. Albums, tours, interviews, promotion etc. need planning and structure and at some point Lana said let me just do things on a whim as my muse guides me. OK fine so now we know how stuff works in Lana land. We deal with it. But to post something on Mother's day referencing "Mothers" and clearly leave your own out is kind of immature. YES as adults we get to choose our friends our "family" and hopefully surround ourselves with people that support us and we can support. Lot's of people have a bad relationship with their parents and there is no law that says you need to have anything to do with them. Lana's Mom may be a flaming asshole but Lana is not 16 and she is not you or me. When she posts to millions of people clearly disrespecting her mother it has to be hurtful and it is just plain adolescent.
  4. Congratulations I guess. If Lana is happy I'm happy. This is from the web if the link works. Guess which one is Jen. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/70/84/4670842f562e57708a46ffce8d5db4ed.jpg
  5. That is creepy! I'm gonna have trouble sleeping tonight.
  6. Remain calm. This is not new news. Just sharing from the classic Bowie album Hunky Dory 1971. Until you get Lana's poetry maybe this will do. The tactful cactus by your window Surveys the prairie of your room The mobile spins to its collision Clara puts her head between her paws They've opened shops down the West side Will all the cacti find a home But the key to the city Is in the sun that pins The branches to the sky, oh, oh, oh
  7. 2 of the shots of Lana where you see her natural skin are great. Freckles and all. As amazing as smartphones and cameras have become there is one thing I hate. So many photos of people, selfies and the like look more like illustrations than photos. I like to see the texture of a persons skin and not some computer generated human.
  8. She didn't really. It was my projection of a Lana thought. I should have been more clear.
  9. "I've always had this strange affinity for the moon. When I think that Julius Caesar, Abe Lincoln, Bob Dylan and I have all looked up and seen the same moon I'm just like, WOW." LDR May 2, 2020
  10. I post a pic of Lana in a mask and then she posts one! She must be following me incognito like.
  11. I don't post much on Instagram but this is my latest. Quick edit on my phone. Came out pretty good. https://www.instagram.com/p/B_PoSAXpDrb/
  12. I can't even keep up. Is this not happening now or are we just in the dark till it does? I hope her "poetry" does not have some line which may have been written well before COVID-19 that is suddenly very inappropriate or tone deaf. It's almost inevitable with her history. Lot's of love Lana and be safe. (I always thought it was a bad idea for her to kiss every human that walked down the street)
  13. So an "insider" leaked some hot news to Life & Style? This sounds so bogus. Vague info and the source seems extremely suspect. (Not the ever wonderful Elle but Life & Style) Hard to believe a true "insider" would pick Life & Style to be the outlet for breaking news, "Lana is making music based on her personal experience!!" Oh wait I just heard this from one of my trusted sources, "Lana Del Rey has an album in the can but will delay release for 18 months just because she can't do anything on schedule!" You heard it here first!! (On a more serious note much love and best health to everyone)
  14. My best to all. We are in this together. One day at a time we will survive. This is Lana's rough draft on some new poetry she is working on. Trying to stay relevant as always. Corona sits on the bar half full I'm infected with the virus of your bull Where's my Warren Beatty, my lover my man? Am I not part of God's fucking plan? Listen at my bedroom, the whispers the sighs Is it my mind or my hands that I must sanitize?
  15. I know I am older than all of you and I guess I am out of the loop but the stories thing on Instagram and Facebook I don't get. I see a picture in a story for 5 seconds and then it disappears. (?) Annoying!
  16. I like these shots. She looks very natural.
  17. Ha-Ha I'm not that but that is pretty much what I said in the Instagram thread!
  18. At least she's among the living. We'll probably never know what happened. She looks so odd in this video. Sick or shots at the doctors office. I'm not trying to be an ass just very strange that's all.
  19. My condolences to all those who were going to see her. Hope she gets better soon. Could easily be the flu. You can be sick for over a week and then have a cough and congestion for 10 days beyond that. It's flu season and she kisses every person that smiles at her! Add this to the Lana scrapbook.
  20. If Lana had won. https://twitter.com/Bob_Turn/status/1223455997093728257
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