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Blue Rev

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Everything posted by Blue Rev

  1. Blue Rev


    She edited this Insta bio that previously said new music was coming soon to this https://www.instagram.com/p/BczZtpsADGP/?taken-by=grimes
  2. Really different sound for them but kinda dig it
  3. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    no one cares about transformative energy or trees dancing just release the fucking album already
  4. The way every album is incredible except Devotion Their debut and TYLS are both criminally underrated
  5. New album this year confirmed! https://www.reddit.com/r/indieheads/comments/7u9klr/heads_up_beach_house_fans_new_album_for_2018/
  6. Ultraviolence > Honeymoon >>>>> Lust for Life >>> the rest Lust for Life Roses Bloom for You Love Lust for Life (original solo 'art song') 13 Beaches Cherry Best American Record God Bless America - And All the Beautiful Women in It When the World Was at War We Kept Dancing Tomorrow Never Came (feat. Sean Ono Lennon) Heroin Change Get Free And Yosemite somewhere in there if it's good.... whew, an album
  7. I don't really don't understand Win and his Cali friends... do they not have school? College? Jobs? Personal lives? How can anyone pay thousands of dollars to travel your fave across the country and buy $300 tickets for every damn show.... what do they do once the tour ends? Are they gonna travel to South America, inter rail Europe and go down under and go to every damn show? I mean at least Lana is getting coin, but it just seems odd. Do his parents know what he's doing with their money? I feel like my parents would stop funding me instantly if they found out I had been spending thousands going to the same damn show in every city Hopefully his card gets cancelled ASAP And it is pretty selfish to get your 10th selfie with Lana whilst some people are just trying to be acknowledged by her.
  8. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    The film definitely isn't finished though And I assume she wants to release it alongside the album rather than months later
  9. I know, I was more thinking about the rest of the show like WTWWAWWKD which she's cut out a few times these last couple shows, and the final few songs where she's been switching Serial Killer, UV, Cruel World, Salvatore etc. around from show to show
  10. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    According to her friend she's been spending her time painting in her house in LA with her dogs the album is never coming
  11. The Neohumanism DM is fake as hell You can't open a DM by swiping (as they've done on their story). It's clearly two separate images in their photo gallery
  12. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    More bonus tracks? Melanie said they were being finished up in the Billboard interview in August The movie is probably not even in production yet - she was still writing it as of October/November We still have a long wait probably...
  13. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    What in the world
  14. boot, looks like a mix of Amy Winehouse and suburban white mom
  15. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    Basically Timothy gave the wrong date in her interview and all the pictures at 8:59 in the video prove that it happened on May 6th and not June 25th as Timothy initially stated. This isn't really that game changing because Melanie already said they had sexual interactions, she just denies they were non-consensual.
  16. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    I guess. The album's going to be almost 2 years old by the time it gets released
  17. Blue Rev

    Melanie Martinez

    I just wanna know if it's even going to happen at this point and a vague release date (soon, far off, next year etc.)
  18. ok so decided on the 3 Lana songs I'd want to play during my death cruel world - the ending of "you're crazy fooooooor meeeee" and the psychedelic fading out guitar as I slip away... omg Swan song - literally putting on the tennis shoes of death and following her into a place where I'm free and having all my worries dissipate get free - out of the black-ness of life and into the blue hope that nothing matters anymore and my short life is complete
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