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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. Oh, my mistake. I was just making an assumption based on your actions, that's all.
  2. You know, I feel like a dick for never bringing it up, but that really has to be one of my absolute favorite songs by her. It's just so fucking good and that's all I know to say about it. It's probably my most quoted Lana song, for whenever I'm frustrated/upset, I stop what I'm doing and swoon "I wanna die, I wanna die, ooooOoHhhh." It's just sheer brilliance, in song form. Cute. Actually you can leave this one to me, because it's another one of my favorites. And besides, @ stans for the flop album version, not the godly demo.
  3. How do you guys just find stuff? Do you start with google and you just know what you're looking for, or something?
  4. She should write a murder-mystery novel about the death of her vagina.
  5. Uggghhhh one of the best tracks tbh/10
  6. Ooh what's it of? Just one shirt? I'm sure there should be more when I go since I'll be at her headlining show. There better be.
  7. Do you guys think she'll have merch at her shows? (This may be a stupid question but whatever.. I've only been to one concert before.)
  8. Oh look, it's a couple of angry 15 year olds. Cute.
  9. Hundred Dollar Bill


    Is it available in the US? Me!!
  10. Hundred Dollar Bill


    Play the Game Boy is a bop. Would anyone like to help me get into her music, perhaps with a folder of her songs?
  11. Well of course a theft of this caliber was planned.
  12. But all of the decent people who may have shopped there before will realize how disgusting that man is and stop supporting his company.
  13. I'm sure he excited millions of people with his wonderful outlook on life.
  14. Can we just forget about this filth, please.
  15. We need lessons on the art of internet-ing...
  16. We all need to get to work on getting more unreleased Charli songs tbh.
  17. Send me DLs for these pls like you said you would 5ever ago.
  18. Charli did an interview with Elle Magazine! Read it here.
  19. Anybody got a DL link they can send my way for that demo of Ooh La La, please?
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