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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. So by saying this are you implying that it is why you think the artwork is fitting for Paradise? Really curious. When it comes to assigning feelings and colors / whatever to songs, it's entirely based on sound to me. Lyrics are one of the last things I pay mind to when I'm analyzing a song. Everything else you said... god. I am stupid.
  2. Awesome! That makes a lot more sense, thanks for elaborating.
  3. i loVE YOU nope DP sucks bye this artwork is tired and a joke.
  4. I don't have the actual condition (sounds correlating into actual sights and whatever else synthesia entails), but I'm very affected by wordings and colors and sounds as well, and I seriously won't listen to songs if everything is not organized how I like it - unless there's no alternative. Paradise as an EP is very sunset to me and not so tropical and summery like the cover art. I love the case the CD is in from the box set, it fits the music very well to me. I also hate the AKA artwork. It's so bland and ugly - completely opposite of the music it represents.
  5. How does it look like she's trying too hard? There were a handful of parts where she looked really awkward in her movements, which is very Lana. I don't really get the other thing you said either. Lesser artists? I'm just confused. I mean it definitely comes off as commercial (of course it will guys, it's basically a car advertisement) but it's still a lot of Lana.
  6. I really don't like the Paradise cover art. It doesn't fit the sound of the EP at all.
  7. You didn't ask me but oh god, HBO at night should just be considered comedy after dark or something. Too much. You are such a party pooper sometimes.
  8. Why should it be? She's singing to an empty room.
  9. I like her expression, it's great. I just really don't like how her hair looks so frizzy and the way the light hits her. Let me see that fancy Sirens cover tho, I agree on how the one everyone uses is washed out - that's why i fucking upped the contrast on the picture to all hell so it wouldn't bother me so much, since I couldn't find another cover I liked for the album.
  10. I feel really bad for her, I don't think she knows when to stop sometimes. I think if she had addressed the problem sooner on and maybe cancelled a few shows, she could have recovered in better time and continued on to finish the tour. She's too kind. I want to hug her.
  11. You think it's more fitting there? I thought about it but I'm not sure. Others chime in?
  12. yES FINALLY A MUSIC VIDEO FOR ONE OF MY FAVORITE LANA SONGS. :lange: uGHH THE WAY EVERYTHING GOES BLACK & WHITE FOR THE FIRST CHORUS - PERFECT. & how she's singing to an empty room.. I could die. It was a really simple video but definitely my favorite. She looks better than she did in any other video (a challenge considering Ride) and it's so wonderfully sultry. 10/10
  13. I can't stand this picture, or anything from the Carmen video, for that matter. Jesus.
  14. I know that feeling!! I'm working on it now.. pray for me.
  15. Okay, I will after I organize it.... so about 20 years from now
  17. I think her not-so-great performance on SNL did a lot more for her popularity than a good performance would have.
  18. Well when it first came out, their second album was called Crystal Castles (II) on iTunes, but now it's just (II). The third one is (III) and the first one is just called Crystal Castles.
  19. Are you serious? Adele is beautiful. Being overweight doesn't mean she's not beautiful.
  20. If he's not now, he will be when I find him.
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