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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. your "they're disgusting" goes very well with your signature....
  2. Alright, alright.. as long as you keep it quiet when you're having "Deen time"...
  3. Old enough to be your grandpappy! Now show me some damn respect! Shave that beard off your face, fix all those tables you've been flipping, and get rid of some of those damn cats! I'm trying to get some sleep over here!
  4. There's a Lana song called Gloria? I waaannntttt itttt.
  5. I'm so disgusted at today's youth, I mean, the fact that I really have to point this out to people sickens me. Senior citizens need to be more heavily recognized and appreciated!!! WE DESERVE ATTENTION TOO. BUT DO WE GET ANY? NO.
  6. I completely agree! Blue Velvet has made me realize how much I miss some songs from BTD, I haven't payed the album much attention in a while since there are so many good demos/unreleased songs of Lana's. I really look forward to hearing the rerelease now though.
  7. What are you talking about? Those two songs are the golden turning point of the century for music, they are sheer masterpieces which can never be topped, they are a beautiful pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, they are a grandmother's hug and a warm plate of cookies on Saturday morning...
  8. "The girl from interscope"? Really? I wonder how well he knows her. I think it would be kind of odd if they colaborated when they're not very well accquainted. Do artists do that a lot? Anybody? Monicker?
  9. I understand what you're saying, but stating an obvious difference in her face from Point A in time to Point B in time is not shoving our opinions down anyone's throat. There is a difference in the way her nose is sloped now to the way it wasn't sloped a few years ago (the bridge of her nose, specifically). Losing weight doesn't change the slope of someone's nose. Of course we can't prove that she got the surgery, but it's common sense when you look at her then and now. Seeing old pictures of her lips compared to newer pictures, it's really obvious that she's gotten injections. I'm not trying to be pushy or forcing of my beliefs; they aren't beliefs. It's like if someone had a flat tire and they got it pumped with air. If someone else says that the tire naturally refilled itself with air, that's wrong. Telling someone that the tire was pumped with air isn't shoving beliefs in anyone's face, it's stating the obvious. I'm not intending to come off pushy or mean, I'm just tired of people making excuses as to why Lana's lips are natural when they so-obviously aren't. Edit: Also, I have no problem with her having plastic surgery, I'm just irritated with how people deny the obvious because they love her too much, or something. I think she looks fine now, and she should do whatever she wants with her body!
  10. WHY CAN'T I LIKE THIS POST IT IS SO PERFECT. Anyway. Guys. PLEASE. Lana. Has. Lip. Injections. Her lips didn't inflate because she gave a thousand blow jobs. They didn't plump up that much from cayenne pepper. She. Got. Lip. Injections. Look at old pictures of her, and then look at ones from the Vogue photoshoot. It is so obvious that I am in physical pain every time I see someone make up an excuse for why her lips are naturally that big. Seriously. Please use your brains here. Lana has lied about a lot already so what makes you think she isn't lying about her lips? She got a nose job, too. Seriously guys.
  11. Thank you! You're one of the nicest people I've seen on the forum.
  12. At the moment, I am really enjoying Trst by the band Trust. I think you'd like them since you enjoy Crystal Castles!
  13. Amazing and a great friend! Also really funny, like, one of the funniest people I've ever known. Really nice hair, too. Wonderful big lips, you're gorgeous. You're an absolutely lovely person. I LOVE YOU MARU THE CAT!
  14. Can I apply to apply? I'd love to host some shows but I can't really make an organized application post right now because I'm not on my computer. My name is Hundred Dollar Bill. I'd like to be called Hundred Dollar Bill, or just Bill if HDB is too much for anyone. I have a mic but I can't record myself from mobile, duh. I'm 17, and I can host any weekend, although I'll need to be notified a bit beforehand incase I've got plans. Eastern time, in America and I speak English. I'm a male. Pleeeaasseee don't be too late for my application! I'd love to help out.
  15. *I wasn't anything, It wasn't anything.
  16. Fair point, but reread this. She evolved from her Lizzy Grant era, I'm sure she'll evolve from her BTD era, too. Most artists do, pretty much every artist does, I'd say.
  17. My unpopular opinions: Lucky Ones is the best song on BTD. The album version of Dark Paradise is annoying and melodramatic. I don't care that Lana has become a caricature of herself because I think she should do what she wants with her career, in terms of her writing style and all. If she wants to fit a certain ideal in her mind, go for it. I like both albums and I enjoy the diversity between them. I don't care that she isn't Lizzy Grant anymore. Every artist is going to/needs to evolve at some point, for themselves. Also, guys, she has a nose job. It's so fucking obvious. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2: I think her nose looked way better before she got it done. It still looks fine, though.
  18. I like the dark undertone of the photo-shoot. I think it's fitting, she is Lana Del Rey after all. I don't think there's anything wrong with a woman wanting to show off her body. Some might think it's degrading, but I personally believe that the human body is beautiful and I love the pictures in the shoot. I think more people should embrace their bodies instead of covering them up. I'd say it's pretty obvious from this shoot that Lana is comfortable with herself, and that's awesome.
  19. What are you even talking about. Not me! I voted Dark Paradise. :haha:
  20. OH, I SEE HOW IT IS. LUCKY ONES IS TOO GOOD FOR YOU ALL ANYWAY. Born To Die 16 Off To The Races 18 Blue Jeans 16 Video Games 15 Diet Mountain Dew 15 National Anthem 16 Dark Paradise 15 - Radio 15 Carmen 15 Million Dollar Man 15 Summertime Sadness 14 This Is What Makes Us Girls 14 Without You 19 Lolita 13 Lucky Ones 9 +
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