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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. guardian liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Pawn Shop Hunny   
    I was bored so I decided to combine these two songs into one. They sound really similar so I figured it wouldn't be hard to make it sound like a naturally long song, instead of two songs just put together. Let me know what you think! I hope you guys like it and I hope that the transition sounds good to you. If I did it well enough, you shouldn't even be able to notice where PSB ends and MH begins!

  2. kid blue liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Pawn Shop Hunny   
    I was bored so I decided to combine these two songs into one. They sound really similar so I figured it wouldn't be hard to make it sound like a naturally long song, instead of two songs just put together. Let me know what you think! I hope you guys like it and I hope that the transition sounds good to you. If I did it well enough, you shouldn't even be able to notice where PSB ends and MH begins!

  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by TIARNZUS in No Doubt   
    Gwen is forever flawless.

  4. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by teethclick in Kesha   
  5. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Adrift in Birds Of A Feather   
  6. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by iloveguineapigs in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Blue Velvet- It's just so beautiful and catchy and addictive! I love the instrumental and the vocal and I know she didn't write it, but she adds another dimension to the lyrics and the melody really lends itself to her style and it sounds like something she could've come up with. I just feel like it fits the vibe so well and I love the way she sings "velveeeeet" I'm probably the biggest Blue Velvet stan on this site, it's definitely in my "Lana TopTen."
    Cola- The vocals on the bridge and the ending of this one surprised me sooo much! I love the chorus and agree with Lana that it just has such a vibe to it. Such a SWAY. Guitar at the end could have been overdone and cheesy, but there was the perfect amount, and of course the iconic line
    Bel Air- Just beautiful. It sounds heavenly! I love the kids in the background and the repeating piano line is gorgeous. Her vocals in the chorus and especially the harmonies are my favorite parts.
    American- Such a cute song, I love the hook "woo-hoo-hoo-hoo, like an American" part. As others have said, the lyrics are a bit cringey at times. "I was like, hell yeah, that guy can sing" is my least favorite, but I love how light-hearted and poppy it is.
    Ride- Perfect lead single choice, it's epic, but something about it is not as epic as it could be. It definitely benefitted from the music video. Overall, it's a fun track to sing along too and sounds like it would sound good on the radio.
    Yayo- Yayo was not my favorite track on AKA (not even top 5, maybe #6), but I do love the AKA version so this one kind of threw me for a loop. The lyrics are gorgeous just like the rest of the AKA era lyrics, but the vocals on this one are not very good. She just sounds like she's drunk and singing from her throat, very strange, i dunno. AND the omission of the "daaaark niiiight" !! But, I do love the insturmental, very pretty and the shuffling drums are cool, give it a very jazzy, loungey meets c&w sound.
    Burning Desire- I think this is definitely the sexiest and the most catchy (besides Blu Velvet) song on the album. I also think it's underrated, because the percussion and the little background bass noises and sound effects are pretty cool. It's an okay track, but the ones above are better in my opinion. It's good for riding at night, in a car or whatever
    Body Electric- Never really liked the lyrics, but the live version was really cool with the heavy piano and the epic strings. The studio version is both just so flat and over-dramatic at the same time, it's so odd. Her vocals sound over-processed and the ending is just flourish is just oo dramtaic for me, I don't know how to explain it. It kind of reminded me of "The Mummy" move/ride at Universal Studios like 10 years ago.
    Gods and Monsters- Biggest dissapointment for me. I like the percussion and the bass in the chorus and the little huildup of the chorus, but the rest is just flat, it doesn't move. The melody is the same the whole time with no real shift between verse and chorus and the vocals are the same the entire time. Although I will say that they are pretty strong vocals. I like the chorus melody but it just doesn't scream chorus for me. The snippet sounded awesome and then we get it and the bridge was just awful.
    Oh well, that's my Bible.
    I think they sound really processed throughout but especially on "Mary prays the rosary..."
  7. Trash Magic liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Smiley Requests   
    Ugh stop being so critical. Sometimes I feel like I don't think hard enough because you post such ridiculously obvious and honest things. YOU'RE KILLING ME MONICKER. *looks for emoticon of someone else to express my own angst towards you*

  8. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    You make my life. Seriously. I'm on the phone with Sitar right now and we spent like 5 minutes laughing together over the amazing amount of sass you possess. I think this post deserves the Sassiest Post Ever award. I LOVE YOU.
    Anyway, TPD seems like a really awesome person all around. I don't know much about her so I can't really say I guess lol!! ;'))!! You seem really intelligent and slightly introverted. I think you'd be a great conversationalist.
  9. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Mileena in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    ah hdb, i imagine you to be a very attractive man who is sociable (you are veeeey attractive from what i've seen in the pic post thread) and i can imagine you being someone that everyone has a laugh and a really good time with. but equally i think you'd like time to yourself every now and again.
  10. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Madrigal in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    When I grow up, I want to be like Maru whatever she wants to be called.
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    You're a great member and you've never done anything worth getting reprimanded, nor do I think you ever will
    These sorts of things happen very rarely at LB -- if you're thought to be doing something hurtful/spamming, you'll get a PM giving you a heads up that what you did was inappropriate -- if you do it again, then warning points, posting + status restrictions, possible banning is considered, whatever is appropriate given the circumstance. So we do give people a chance to correct their actions before any sort of reprimanding takes place -- what you see here is the result of the Moderating Team having given too many chances and finally, someone (me) does what should have been done a long time ago. There's a long history of inappropriate posting with this member... usually, this isn't dealt with so publicly and is done through PMs, but blatant disregard of the rules and moderator PM Warnings forfeits the member's right to have this dealt with in a quiet and discrete manner. Respect is a two-way street.
    Also, post restriction =/= banned. I can lift this any point and the user can resume posting; banning is permanent and will block IPs.
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    Ugh, us moderators have given you too many chances. You're right, it's not going to happen again because you're getting post-restricted. Ooopsy, so sorry!!!
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    Then why bother posting if that's what you're going to say? Why not at least attempt a guess? It doesn't have to be 100% dead-on.
    - _ -"
  14. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Harlem in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    someone should make a
    'whining because our boxset hasn't come' thread tbh
  15. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in Kesha   
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Vote for Your LEAST Favorite Song on Paradise!   
    Why does that matter though? Her cover is a lot more orchestral than some of the older versions and in my opinion she's really put her own spin on it. Not trying to be rude, I just don't really see how it being a cover should impact ones judgement.
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Auto-Tuned Loon in Member of the Week #7: Hellion   
    I always thought Monicker sucked, that SLUT!
  18. HunterAshlyn liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Member of the Week #7: Hellion   
    He actually was nominated before but he threw a temper tantrum about it.
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by ednafrau in Member of the Week #7: Hellion   
    Congrats, Hellion!
    This interview is further evidence that you rock rock rock rock rock! ^_^ (though i think you probably won't get this reference because of your indifferent-to-unreleased attitude! i think you should definitely check out "delicious" - and go on slamming the basic bitches of the world!)
  20. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by drewby in Kesha   
    Album of the year tbh
  21. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by lola in What do you think the person above you is like irl?   
    they didn't party, their relationship is strictly professional.
  22. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Member of the Week #7: Hellion   
    Hey everyone, I know we've been extremely a bit behind schedule with MotW lately, but Hellion's awesome interview along with the super-amazing-fantastical-cat-tastic interview coming after his will hopefully make up for it! I definitely think it will. Anyway, I had a lot of fun reading this one. It's one of my favorite interviews to date, although everyone's has been great. Let's all give Hellion a round of applause for beating out the.. uh.. thing... that is frankee. We all know that Hellion's sass is insurmountable though, and it sure shows through the interview! You'll all love it. On we go!

    Member of the Week: Hellion

    Yay! Congratulations again, Hellion, you rock. I'd put a smiley but we're at the limit...
  23. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Lad in Kesha   
    We have demos for Kiss n' Tell, Blah Blah Blah, PAARDH, Backstabber x2, Blind but idk if it's fake, Dinasour, Dancing with Tears in My Eyes, Boots & Boys and VIP.
    Didn't know we have all the instrumentals, link please?
    Warrior (Japan Cover)

  24. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by drewby in Kesha   
    Fuck me.
    The snippets of the album. I need it
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