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Hundred Dollar Bill

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  1. WilleoSoeurs liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Before I rate the individual songs, I just want to make an annoying HDB-styled post on my overall thoughts of the album as a whole. I love it! I like it more than BTD because BTD gets a little monotonous at times and it's too polished, whereas this album is polished differently in a way that I can handle and enjoy. I also think that there's a great variation of styles song-wise. Each song sounds and feels different, which I cannot say the same for about BTD. I do think that BTD has much better lyrics overall. What Paradise lacks in lyrics it makes up for in every other aspect though. Main complaint of Paradise: the bridges. Normally Lana has amazing bridges that are really satisfying, but a lot of these songs don't have that. Blahblah, let's move on to the songs. sagbkjghakljhfajsdfhal
    Ride 4.5/5
    I think this is a great opening song, very cinematic and emotional. I love how Lana has done more vocal layering in this song and the album in general. I won't give it a 5 because something Maru pointed out a month or so ago stays true with me as well; The song is lovely and beautiful, but it's kind of generic when you think about it. I also would have liked it better if she hit the high note in the bridge a little cleaner because it seems restrained and it sounds like she struggled with it a bit. It's great single material but I can see myself skipping over it in a few months to get to the higher points of the album.
    American 5/5
    Sitar said a lot for me, I'd have to say we're on the same page about something for once! This song is a great build-up to a really satisying end. I can't say if it's my favorite yet, but it could definitely become so, and even if it doesn't, it's still one of the best on the album. I really just fucking can't with those of you complaining about the lyrics to this song. They are so natural and heartfelt, what is wrong with you. I saw Matt complaining about the line, "I was like, 'Hell yeah, that guy can sing,'" and that irritated me to no end. Guys, she doesn't need to have eloquent adjectives and amazing metaphors in every line of every song. This song is simplistically written yet direct. I feel like she's singing me a page of her diary when I play this song, it's lovely. How else would she have said those lines? There's no other way, this song is perfect. It is a feeling, it's a fucking adventure. I love it.
    ALSO-one complaining thought. Does anyone else think it sounds like Lana is singing from behind like, a wall of paper or something? It seems like they used a weird vocal effect, idk. Sorry.
    Cola 5/5
    You know, after hearing the second snippet, I was really worried that this song would bore me and be one of those songs that you skip after verse one, but DAMN was I wrong. This song is fucking great, and it's so much more than I expected. I wanted to love this song and it has exceeded that feeling for me. It reminds me of vanilla ice cream. It's got the best bridge of the album, which really, it didn't have much competition considering most of the other bridges were lackluster, but it's a really great bridge. This song doesn't build up like American, rather, it sails smoothly until the bridge, and then just fucking EXPLODES in your face (sexual innuendos plz, this song also makes me horny ). The high note she hits in the bridge is what Jesus died for, the guitar that comes in during the bridge is the blood from God's veins. This song is perfect. It will probably become my favorite, and I don't really doubt that. I also really want to touch on the fact that this song fucking fades out, oh my god. I LOVE it when a good song ends by fading out, this song literally has everything I could ever want.
    Body Electric 2.5/5
    I'm not even going to touch on this song, it's such a disappointment.
    Blue Velvet 4/5
    This song is great, but it feels so out of place between Body Electric and Gods & Monsters. Why did they put it there? It should have been near the end, ugh. Anyway, it's a really good song, I don't see why people don't like it. I don't have much to say on it because it's a solid song. I love the Loon here, very well placed.
    Gods & Monsters 5/5
    I love this song! I agree with some complaints others have had about it, but overall I really love the beat and the feel it gives off. The Loon in the chorus fucking kills me and I wish it were a bit louder because I'm a Loon-Lover, no shame. The main thing I want to say is that I am kind of disappointed with the bridge. I wish she had taken some kind of direction with it, it's too short and not different enough from the rest of the song. I'm okay with it though. I'd have given it a 4.5, but I love everything else about the song completely. I think the way that the beat stays the same keeps you in the moment with this song, and the moment is so strong that consistency is a good thing here. The lyrics are definitely better here than most other places. It would probably end up my favorite if it weren't for the bridge, but it's definitely up there. I'm just really happy with it in general though!
    Yayo 4.5/5
    I really like this version, as I far prefer the melody done with piano instead of guitar, but it's no 2010 Yayo, not at all. The lack of echoing/repeating "dark night" in the bridge makes the song feel so... empty. My first listen of this song, I was anticipating that moment so much, and i was so upset that it wasn't there. As I think of it though, I guess that makes the whole feel of the song work to its advantage, because the empty feeling that the silence gives me works really well with the haunting effect of the song. Maybe I'll change my rating from a 4 to a 4.5 when I'm done typing my review.. I like that she sings on beat for the second chorus, as i was worried she'd sing way off for every chorus. It makes me really happy that the Loon is here. This song is very violet to me, and this version upsets me a lot more than the 2010 version, in a good (i guess?) way. I LOVE the breathing in the beginning and during the bridge. I love it so much. It kind of sounds like Lana is about to cough in the last chorus, right when she says "I wear your sparkle," lol. Here's a funny thought brought about by that cough, what if Lana didn't just do each song in one take, but the whole album in one take? There's a challenge for you, Lizzy.
    Bel Air 5/5
    I can see this one creeping up and becoming my favorite overall in a few months. It's absolutely beautiful, and like others have said, best lyrics on the album here. I LOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEE the sounds of children in the beginning and end, and sometimes I can hear them during the verses. Birds chirping, too. God, this song is magnificent. Here's a confession for you, I thought this song was overrated from the snippets, people were going way too crazy over this song. Now that I have it in full though, I love it and I understand the appeal with it. I like how she sings high in this song, it's like Lucky Ones. I love Lucky Ones. This song just makes me feel really nice inside. It makes me want to hug Lana so badly, like, when i meet her, I'm going to thank her for making this song, this song specifically. It's so nice... dreamy sigh
    Burning Desire 5/5
    This song is so damn catchy. A lot of people said it's a grower, but I liked it right away. I love the huskiness in her voice, it's such a sexy song. It kind of makes me want to have sweaty bear-sex in the middle of a forest right next to the California coast. One complaint though, and this is going to sound insane coming from me, but... I HATE THE LOON IN THIS SONG. IT DOES NOT BELONG. IT'S SO OUT OF PLACE, WHY THE FUCK DID THEY PUT HIM THERE. It's like, I'm sitting here, sexyfied up, ready to have swex (sweaty + sex = swex ) in the forest, and the bridge comes along, and I'm like yyyeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh, enjoying the repitition of it until the Loon comes in like "lol hey wuss6p" ..... <_____< no go away u suck.
    askjfhsjklghjk so many words klsajgl
  2. CHARLIXCX liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    Maybe she's alluding to a video of Bel Air soon to come?
  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Ride - 3.5/5
    Ride is nice, I like the instrumentation but I'm not particularly fond of it lyrically apart from a few lines.
    American - 5/5
    Perfect really. Upon hearing the first verse I felt this huge rush of warmth and remembered this time when I was living with an old boyfriend and we used to get some kind of intoxicated, put on Graceland by Paul Simon and dance in the kitchen in our underwear while making pancakes. I can't really judge this track objectively because of that. I have very fond feelings towards it.
    Cola 4/5
    A few things really make this track for me. Firstly, that high note oh God wow. So impressed. Secondly the line
    I pledge allegiance to my Dad for teaching me everything he knows
    Just because she doesn't sing about family much and I was very moved by that. Do I have daddy issues?
    Body Electric 3.5/5
    I prefer the live version but it's still a strong track and I'll always be intrigued by it lyrically.
    Blue Velvet 4/5
    I like this, I don't get you guys. It's so swoony. Have you ever had listened to it with your eyes closed while lying down?
    God & Monsters 2/5
    Weakest track, in my opinion. It's not that it's bad but it's just kind of background music for me. Like I can listen to it and zone out a little and it's pleasant, but I'm not overly impressed. I do like the surf rock sounding guitar though, very La Sera.
    Yayo 4.5/5
    To be honest there isn't a lot she could have done to this track that I wouldn't have enjoyed. Only disappoint was the lack of DAAAAARK NIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.
    Bel Air 4/5
    It just feels like something Tim Burton would use in a film. I feel like it breaks up the album really nicely too, because it's a different sound to me.
    Burning Desire 3.5/5
    I like the low vocals. I think it wraps up the album nicely. It's like Bel Air really draws you in and holds you up and this lowers you down slowly and you're left nicely content.
  4. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The ugly side of PrettyBaby...
    Alright, lemme do this and further put off the paper I should be writing. I'm hesitant to give anything below a 4, tbh, so I'll post my order of preference as well.
    Ride - 5/5
    A perfect lead single and emotional track overall. The production is actually flawless. I guess it's sad, like any other Lana song, but it's this new feeling of triumph and freedom that I don't think she's ever captured before. I'll say my favorite part is the production.
    American - 5/5
    I will not stand for the criticism of these lyrics, because this song is a fucking feeling, you know? What's so wrong with a song being felt, sort of visceral, instead of analyzed for brilliant lyrical trickery? The bridge and onward ensures that this is a gem. It's all about the buildup, gradually progressing towards something really satisfying. As for it's content, it's very cute and the melody is one of the best on the album. Can I just say how cute the "like an American" at the end is?
    Cola - 5/5
    My hands-down favorite. It's not even them ~controversial~ lyrics. Just take in the beautiful instrumentation and the effortless sail of the chorus. Does that make sense? The chorus sails, dammit. Let's not forget the ending. It's so damn hectic. She really needs you to understand the taste of her pussy. It just goes crazy. The high notes are impressive. It reminds me of the bridge to "Match Made in Heaven" (you know, I am your queen), fully realized and perfected.
    Body Electric - 4/5
    I'm afraid this is a little more lukewarm than I anticipated, but it has it's redeeming qualities. I'm loving the drums, I just wish the final product was a little...darker. The verses seem too quiet and the bridge isn't as emotional as it needs to be. But the chorus, from "we get DOWN" to the dare I say ritualistic chanting of "I sing the body electric", is honestly top-notch. I love a quietly seething song--I just need more happening everywhere but the chorus. Definite demo-itis on this one.
    Blue Velvet - 4/5
    It sticks out like a goddamn sore thumb, but it's good. Maybe the tracklisting could have been slightly rearranged to prevent its placement on the album from bothering me so much. It's definitely the least exciting song on the album, but her performance on it is pretty good. What is there to say about this one? It's lovely and it has its place. I still weep for what could have been with "Heart-Shaped Box".
    Gods & Monsters - 4.5/5
    I'm awful close to this song. It's been my most anticipated since it's beginnings in the tracklist as "In the Land of Gods and Monsters". I love when Lana goes dark. This has some of the better lyrics on an album where lyrics are definitely not the strong point. The half of a point it's missing is on account of a bothersome lack of melody. In certain ways, this works, I guess. The chorus is everything, and that intro that got practically the entire fanbase drooling those months ago. Neither of these should be overlooked. This is less a review and more of a defense, but yeah. I pray she performs this live. I bet it'll be great.
    Yayo - 4/5
    Much better than I expected! Still don't like the initial "bla-ACK motorcycle", but her vocals sound a lot lovelier than I originally would have thought. Although I would say the best part of the 2010 version is the ending, I think I can also say that for this one--but for different reasons. Sure, there isn't an echoing "dark night", but the husky vocals serve this one well. It's more haunting than the original, I can give it that.
    Bel Air - 4.5/5
    Wow, this goddamn production! I'm no expert, but I think a lot of what Born to Die overdid is made up for flawlessly on this EP. It's not my favorite, but I think it's safe to call it the quintessential Paradise Edition song. Easily the best lyrics on the album. A huge portion of my praise goes to that bridge. This song does what The Paradise Edition does best--it haunts you and simultaneously captivates you.
    Burning Desire - 5/5
    This song will be the ending of the album for me, whether it's marketed that way or not. Why? It's a perfect ending. Again with that production. I've been loving those often criticized super husky vocals since it first came out. It's just a well-written song, simple and built to mesmerize. Let's be real--it's also the sexiest thing she's ever recorded, which doesn't hurt its score.
    1. Cola
    2. American
    3. Ride
    4. Burning Desire
    5. Gods & Monsters
    6. Bel Air
    7. Yayo
    8. Body Electric
    9. Blue Velvet
    Watching the progression of songs from Born to Die up and down my favorites, it'll be interesting to see what the result of this is in a few months.
    Perhaps I got a bit long-winded there.
  5. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic in Yayo + Paradise (EP)   
    I would go anywhere your brilliant erection leads me, lemon pie.
  6. Tyler liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Cola   
    I like my men rough, saggy and old.
  7. lola liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Cola   
    I like my men rough, saggy and old.
  8. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Cola   
    My eyes are wide like my tar black soul.
  9. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    But there's no him, except in her dreams tonight!!!
  10. lola liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    Maybe she's alluding to a video of Bel Air soon to come?
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by lola in "Bel Air" Video + First Mention of New Film "TROPICO"   
    I think this is like that Born to Die video with Soileau in front of the American flag, it's definitely not a real music video.
  12. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Del Rey and Soileau   
    that is brilliant oh God. 8.3/10 Best New Name.
  13. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Poison Ivy in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Well of course I'm crazy after DP then, Melodrama is my middle name I actually like it for most of the reasons Hundred Dollar Bill dislikes it! See what I mean.
    (by the way I'm aware a lot of you love Dark Paradise, but it just tends to get overlooked )
  14. Penilicious84 liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Dark Paradise.... where do I start with this one. I am on the same page as Matt with it, like he said, it was one of my favorites for the first week of having the album. Then the annoyance set in. "EVERYTIME I CLOSE MY EYESS..........." ughkjshgdkslhjda the way she yells the chorus, which has terrible lyrics, by the way, is horrible. Let's just take a few seconds to process how stupid the lyrics to the chorus are:

    Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise
    No one compares to you, I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side
    Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise
    No one compares to you, but there's no you, except in my dreams tonight

    k am guna giv u a few moer secnds 2 prosess tht infermasion


    r u redy 2 go on????? k

    if those lyrics weren't bad and boring enough, the stupid trademark of BTD really shits all over and ruins this song. see here:
    "every time i close my eyes" *SHAWWWW*
    .... rlly? rlly. Even the amazing Auto-Tuned Loon, Jesus Christ's own breath, couldn't save this song. You can hear him desperately coming in before the chorus to warn you, trying to save you the horrid plight of it all. Bless his soul.

    The opening: it sounds pretty at first, but after a few listens.. it's just too overdramatic to deal with. Lana starts singing and it's okay, until the bass kicks in. There are too many bass beats. This song might have done better had it been more ballad-y, with less beats and more attention to her voice and strings or something. That's why the demos are better than the album, they do the beat much differently. I still can't listen to those much though just because the chorus is so bad. The lyrics just really don't go with the beat. I'm too lazy to look it up, but someone actually did a mashup of Gaga's Judas with this song, where it was the backing track of DP with the vocal track of Judas, and I've got to say, I love that version. Gaga's lyrics to her song fit the beat of DP so much better than Lana's lyrics. Google it and see for yourself! Also, the bridge. This needs to be addressed...

    "Telling me I'm FIIIIINEEE-E-E--E-E"

    My god, Lana, if your haters ever poked fun about your wobbly vocals, you sure didn't prove them wrong here. The way she hits that note (or fails to, rather) is cringe-worthy. The only thing I really like about the song is the "ah-ahahsahdjshfkjhfgsj" part. Because really, it's the only line where I'm not focused on the boring/melodramatic aspect of the lyrics. It also tries too hard. I mean, was the "Dead like you" really necessary? Sometimes it's better to not directly explain what you're singing about in the song. The fact that she states that her man is dead kind of kills the illusion she was trying to build in the verses. idk.

    I also really hate the weird-celestial wind chime noises in the chorus, after she says "won't be waiting on the other side." the piano in the pre-choruses is also really painful for me to hear, as it doesn't fit the rest of the backing track at all imo. this song is just such a mess. i can't

    There is one part of the song I really love, though! It's after the last chorus, when the song is over.

    you asked for it
  15. DOPE liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    here, please take this you'll need it

    I love Burning Desire! That song is great. I like your views on the other songs though, it makes sense. I can't wait to listen to Paradise! All the diverse opinions are getting me really excited to listen to it myself.
  16. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Sorry but the only way to feel the FULL FORCE of Dark Paradise is to stand on the edge of a mountain in a flowing gown, clearly SOME of you haven't done this.
  17. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Guy in Yayo + Paradise (EP)   
    Lead me to war with your brilliant erection
  18. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Paradise - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Cola is actually sexual intercourse.
  19. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Dimitry Kubrick in Paradise - Pre-Release Thread   
    Haha exactly.
    And, as i said previously, the DIGIPACK edition is only made for the BOX SET EDITION
  20. DOPE liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Dark Paradise.... where do I start with this one. I am on the same page as Matt with it, like he said, it was one of my favorites for the first week of having the album. Then the annoyance set in. "EVERYTIME I CLOSE MY EYESS..........." ughkjshgdkslhjda the way she yells the chorus, which has terrible lyrics, by the way, is horrible. Let's just take a few seconds to process how stupid the lyrics to the chorus are:

    Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise
    No one compares to you, I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side
    Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise
    No one compares to you, but there's no you, except in my dreams tonight

    k am guna giv u a few moer secnds 2 prosess tht infermasion


    r u redy 2 go on????? k

    if those lyrics weren't bad and boring enough, the stupid trademark of BTD really shits all over and ruins this song. see here:
    "every time i close my eyes" *SHAWWWW*
    .... rlly? rlly. Even the amazing Auto-Tuned Loon, Jesus Christ's own breath, couldn't save this song. You can hear him desperately coming in before the chorus to warn you, trying to save you the horrid plight of it all. Bless his soul.

    The opening: it sounds pretty at first, but after a few listens.. it's just too overdramatic to deal with. Lana starts singing and it's okay, until the bass kicks in. There are too many bass beats. This song might have done better had it been more ballad-y, with less beats and more attention to her voice and strings or something. That's why the demos are better than the album, they do the beat much differently. I still can't listen to those much though just because the chorus is so bad. The lyrics just really don't go with the beat. I'm too lazy to look it up, but someone actually did a mashup of Gaga's Judas with this song, where it was the backing track of DP with the vocal track of Judas, and I've got to say, I love that version. Gaga's lyrics to her song fit the beat of DP so much better than Lana's lyrics. Google it and see for yourself! Also, the bridge. This needs to be addressed...

    "Telling me I'm FIIIIINEEE-E-E--E-E"

    My god, Lana, if your haters ever poked fun about your wobbly vocals, you sure didn't prove them wrong here. The way she hits that note (or fails to, rather) is cringe-worthy. The only thing I really like about the song is the "ah-ahahsahdjshfkjhfgsj" part. Because really, it's the only line where I'm not focused on the boring/melodramatic aspect of the lyrics. It also tries too hard. I mean, was the "Dead like you" really necessary? Sometimes it's better to not directly explain what you're singing about in the song. The fact that she states that her man is dead kind of kills the illusion she was trying to build in the verses. idk.

    I also really hate the weird-celestial wind chime noises in the chorus, after she says "won't be waiting on the other side." the piano in the pre-choruses is also really painful for me to hear, as it doesn't fit the rest of the backing track at all imo. this song is just such a mess. i can't

    There is one part of the song I really love, though! It's after the last chorus, when the song is over.

    you asked for it
  21. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    If you don't, I will.

    (I like when we actually agree )
  22. Hellion liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    k gimme like 20 minutes to type it out
  23. YUNGATA liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    k gimme like 20 minutes to type it out
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