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  1. ruined peaches liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Paradise tour merchandise   
    I have the one in M and it's HUGE. Should have chosen a S
  2. ruined peaches liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey Reveals Details About "Spiritual" New Album   
    Man, I wish she would vary her lyrics more. But being strongly inspired by something will do that to you I guess.
    Nabokov *cough* Whitman *cough*
  3. ExoticFlower liked a post in a topic by BillyD in Lana Del Rey Reveals Details About "Spiritual" New Album   
    I'd actually like similar songs to LDR aka Lizzy Grant tbh
    Sirens had amazing lyrics too imo
  4. cola liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Calendar 2013 (1600x2450)   
    Imagine the possibilities... so many pretty photos of Lana to use 
  5. Amadeus liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Paradise Tour Wardrobe Choices   
    The dress is no longer up for sale at it was torn away pretty fast because of Lana, but I do know that she bought a lot of other dresses from that place
    I love the outfit (hippie power!), but the makeup is freaking dreadful. I loved the neutrals and the red lips of her BTD era, bring it back 
  6. Mileena liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Boston Marathon Explosion   
    You know what? When innocent kids were being hunted like dogs and killed at Utøya and when the executive government quarter of Norway was bombed people went all "oh shit, damn those muslims!" But in reality it was a blonde, blue eyed, white man who was all to blame for the tragedy. We all learned something that day...
    Please don't blame an entire group of humans just because there's some lunatics out there. About 23% of the worlds population are muslim, if they all were terrorists, we'd be fucked by now. But instead we're at LanaBoards having a pretty good time. 
    People will always find someone to blame for tragedies, I don't think religion should be dragged into this. There are bad seeds in every religion, every culture, every country. No matter what we do or don't do there will always be evil in this world...
  7. phahad liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Boston Marathon Explosion   
    You know what? When innocent kids were being hunted like dogs and killed at Utøya and when the executive government quarter of Norway was bombed people went all "oh shit, damn those muslims!" But in reality it was a blonde, blue eyed, white man who was all to blame for the tragedy. We all learned something that day...
    Please don't blame an entire group of humans just because there's some lunatics out there. About 23% of the worlds population are muslim, if they all were terrorists, we'd be fucked by now. But instead we're at LanaBoards having a pretty good time. 
    People will always find someone to blame for tragedies, I don't think religion should be dragged into this. There are bad seeds in every religion, every culture, every country. No matter what we do or don't do there will always be evil in this world...
  8. TrailerParkDarling liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Boston Marathon Explosion   
    You know what? When innocent kids were being hunted like dogs and killed at Utøya and when the executive government quarter of Norway was bombed people went all "oh shit, damn those muslims!" But in reality it was a blonde, blue eyed, white man who was all to blame for the tragedy. We all learned something that day...
    Please don't blame an entire group of humans just because there's some lunatics out there. About 23% of the worlds population are muslim, if they all were terrorists, we'd be fucked by now. But instead we're at LanaBoards having a pretty good time. 
    People will always find someone to blame for tragedies, I don't think religion should be dragged into this. There are bad seeds in every religion, every culture, every country. No matter what we do or don't do there will always be evil in this world...
  9. yayoop liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lanas Ass appreciation Thread   
    Am I the only one who can imagine her going all fifty shades of freaky in bed?   So yeah, I do think she's into anal.
  10. MermaidTrailerHeaven liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Boston Marathon Explosion   
    You know what? When innocent kids were being hunted like dogs and killed at Utøya and when the executive government quarter of Norway was bombed people went all "oh shit, damn those muslims!" But in reality it was a blonde, blue eyed, white man who was all to blame for the tragedy. We all learned something that day...
    Please don't blame an entire group of humans just because there's some lunatics out there. About 23% of the worlds population are muslim, if they all were terrorists, we'd be fucked by now. But instead we're at LanaBoards having a pretty good time. 
    People will always find someone to blame for tragedies, I don't think religion should be dragged into this. There are bad seeds in every religion, every culture, every country. No matter what we do or don't do there will always be evil in this world...
  11. ExoticFlower liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lanas Ass appreciation Thread   
    my first thought was -- god she looks gorgeous in prada
    so gay
  12. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in delete   
    Yup, but words do not always express the truth. And what the ever living fuck is up with all these gaga gifs, my brain hurts 
  13. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in delete   
    No one is 
  14. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in delete   
    Yup, but words do not always express the truth. And what the ever living fuck is up with all these gaga gifs, my brain hurts 
  15. tunnelonadarknight liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in delete   
    I think part of her success is not letting us fully know. But I'm sure she's well aware of who she is herself... she seems happy, at least now a days. 
  16. ExoticFlower liked a post in a topic by DUKE in If AKA was released by Lana & BTD was released by Lizzy   
    I have a hard time thinking my way into this. I can't imagine how Lana Del Rey would record AKA, an album that was released at a time when she already had different things in mind. At the same time, I can't imagine how Lizzy Grant would record Born to Die, which pretty much is the effort of a different person. Really, this is giving me a headache. I get to a point in my head... and then there's nothing. I just can't imagine this, it's impossible.
  17. ExoticFlower liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Every Man Gets His Wish   
    This is some of your best work yet, oh humble narrator of ours. I really like this one.
    While we’re on the subject, does anyone know the origin of the saying that you can't have your cake and eat it too? It makes no sense. What else is one supposed to do with their cake if not eat it? Make it levitate by concentrating really hard? Here, have your cake, go on, take it. But don’t eat it, okay? Just sit there and look at it and think about how much you want to eat it, but i swear if you lay a finger on it... God, you always want everything. So greedy, so insatiable! I mean, look at you, you want your cake AND you want to eat it too? Who do you think you are? Ingrate!
    SitarSlut, watch out, i’m going to flood your mind with SEXXX anecdotes from my life, like the one time i had sex to a Mister Rogers record (oddly enough, it wasn’t really an odd experience at all).
  18. technicolor liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in delete   
    Yup, but words do not always express the truth. And what the ever living fuck is up with all these gaga gifs, my brain hurts 
  19. lola liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in delete   
    Yup, but words do not always express the truth. And what the ever living fuck is up with all these gaga gifs, my brain hurts 
  20. Cinnamon Girl liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in delete   
    I think part of her success is not letting us fully know. But I'm sure she's well aware of who she is herself... she seems happy, at least now a days. 
  21. Poison Ivy liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in delete   
    I think part of her success is not letting us fully know. But I'm sure she's well aware of who she is herself... she seems happy, at least now a days. 
  22. ExoticFlower liked a post in a topic by Limelight in delete   
    Ok, but just to answer your question: She's Elizabeth, that is all
  23. ExoticFlower liked a post in a topic by technicolor in "Young & Beautiful" - Lead single from The Great Gatsby Soundtrack, OUT NOW!   
    It's funny how we get surprise videos for songs we didn't expect at all but the ones we were told are coming out are mysteriously absent.
  24. ExoticFlower liked a post in a topic by Monicker in "Young & Beautiful" - Lead single from The Great Gatsby Soundtrack, OUT NOW!   
    There is a night and day difference between Auto-Tune and similar programs being used as effect (Kanye West) and as pitch correction (Y&B). They're not really comparable situations. In the case of the former, the listener is supposed to hear it because the software is purposely being misused to clearly alter the singer's voice, whereas when it's used to correct pitch, it is intended to be transparent, unnoticeable--though, of course, there are those situations where it slips through and it can be heard. 
    In theory, i am not against the use of it. It is, after all, just another studio tool. I don't have a problem with "cheating" in the studio. There are plenty of tricks that have been used since the advent of recorded music to get a better sound or performance. It's just that, in practice, i think it sounds bad. Something happens to the voice when you run it through the software and drive it too hard. It has the tendency to strip away a lot of the nuance, the heart and soul of a vocal and make it sound sterile (even when that's not the intention). That's my problem with it when it's used not as an effect.
    And the thing is, i believe that even if the listener doesn't have the ear, experience, knowledge, terminology, etc. to detect details like this and determine and describe what exactly is going on with the vocal, that at a very fundamental level, most people can still feel that something is "off" without knowing what to attribute it to.
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