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The Siren

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Everything posted by The Siren

  1. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    i need mermaid/siren merch
  2. THIS ROLLERCOASTER @Cherry Blossom how could you betray me like this brb i gotta use the bathroom <3
  3. all the time its probably either Roses (which is my ringtone), Trash Magic, or either version of Butterflues
  4. i did until i read this https://fotpforums.com/topic/189071-poppy-fear-of-dying-may-26th-2021/?do=findComment&comment=1063163473
  5. post the night quickly cos we're getting close to page 4
  6. id say each day is a new page grr my posts were merged
  7. i have minecraft but idk how to play it theres 48 total
  8. we were having a listening party, it was a double homicide
  9. tbh i havent seen the films for Mockingjay and i dont remember how any of the three books went ';fdsvSVS
  10. id like to volunteer @bigspender & @Surf Noir
  11. i better not die first like i did in a round of Hunger Games last night in a twitch stream 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
  12. The Siren

    Kim Petras

    my tweet btw who is this SUPERPOWER BITCH person? also
  13. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    omg this reply gif aifshkSGVK https://twitter.com/crybabyboiiiii/status/1495049346097860617?s=20&t=qmX6vC2IBSkZfy8TaM5yxg
  14. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    is this close enough? "shifting and adjusting to new realities" ooooooh
  15. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    i always cycle myself through phases where i obsess over an artist or two (sometimes a third) at at time and its rotates amongst other artists. Kesha will always be my #1 of all time, even if i dont listen to her music every day
  16. PLEASE i hope she did quick smoking she has too beautiful a voice to damage it with smoking
  17. The Siren


    BRUNETTESHA IS MY FAV -SHA POST 2017 SHE LOOKS SO GOOD WITH DARK HAIR other than Brunettesha i LOVED Classysha from warrior-rainbow era
  18. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    she may be the queen of leaks the good sis and her collaborators need to UP their security
  19. I do have a near complete marina collection I can upload for you <3 lemme know what you need. The albums are in apple lossless.
  20. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    I meant that we know of 💀 And nobody is posting them here 👀
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