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  1. GirlAfraid liked a post in a topic by Viva in UV abandoned?   
    I love how some people put themselves in a position of peasants making look like Lana is doing as a favor for making music or touring. LOL
    Lana is a singer, she writes and sings. That's the profession she chose for herself and touring and promoting comes with it. Expectation comes with success which Lana had and has, so she's doing me no favor, she's doing herself a favor for being good at what she chose to do with her life 
  2. Viva liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    Somebody quick leak something!
    Distract everyone from this mess
  3. Viva liked a post in a topic by ConeyIslandQueen262 in UV abandoned?   
    I really agree with @@Viva !
    Imo Lana always strived for fame, beauty and becoming an icon like Marilyn or Elvis but she never really realized that there were unpleasant reasons why Elvis, for example, took a lot of pills. You're under huge pressure in this business and you have to work hard to receive worldwide popularity. I think Lana was sure that loving music, writing good songs and expressing your beliefs in form of music videos was enough to gain that fame she wished for. She isn't a big fan of interviews, TV appearances and lenghty touring but this is a significant factor that leads to massive album sales or wide-spread recognition. I don't want to say that Taylor's fanbase isn't HUGE and I'm sure she could pull a Beyoncé without any problems, but the main reason why 600,000 people bought 1989 in its release day is that she updates her fans daily on social media and visits as many TV shows as possible, she absolutely builds up excitement for her stuff.
    Lana wasn't born to do so and I respect that but if she wants to be successful she should fucking stop cancelling almost everything (which isn't that much anyways) ! Although Interscope might not be quite supportive, these cancellations aren't their fault. Maybe they don't give her enough money but Lana knows how to create homemade videos, so she could've definitely came up with a better idea for the UV video.
      I'm a lazy girl, I'm a lazy girl, I'm a laaaaaaaaazy girl
  4. GirlAfraid liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I think we all agreed the title and theme of this era is  CANCELLED 
    Me Lana. The Elusive I Cancel It Chanteuse
  5. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Viva in UV abandoned?   
    Lana be like

  6. leaked_version liked a post in a topic by Viva in UV abandoned?   
    Lana be like

  7. Viva liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in UV abandoned?   
    It's strange, cause I have actually never thought of her as being lazy in the sense that she is not driven or does not want to execute the visuals and everything regards to how her material is presented.
    I doubt that she doesn't care like she said recently. I doubt that she is not driven to write and record. Everything is a speculation right now, but I assume that her labels reaction and how it was mishandled really took away the joy she had for making this album. The BTD era seemed to have one of the biggest budgets I have seen for a new artist when it comes to videos and exposure. 
    And let's confess: we have all loved it.
    That this era didn't even have like 10 % of it, must have srsly disappointed her. 
    While the critics have warmed up to Lana, the music buying public didn't appreciate the album in the way everybody hoped for (well before the material was heard). And let's not talk about the interviews. That Guardian interview and the cancellation of the BBC promo killed her career in the UK. It took her 5 months to outsell the first week sales of BTD.
    Nobody can tell me that she is fine now. She always struck me as an artist who is determined and by no means fragile. I just hope that she gets the joy back of being a popstar.
    And I want her to be successful. I know, what a terrible fan I am wishing my favourite artist to be successful and outselling the basic bitches.
  8. naachoboy liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I think we all agreed the title and theme of this era is  CANCELLED 
    Me Lana. The Elusive I Cancel It Chanteuse
  9. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I expect something like this tbh


  10. fessle liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I think we all agreed the title and theme of this era is  CANCELLED 
    Me Lana. The Elusive I Cancel It Chanteuse
  11. ConeyIslandQueen262 liked a post in a topic by Viva in UV abandoned?   
    Maybe all you guy's are writing is true, or maybe Lana is just that lazy. Maybe is quite simple, she doesn't want to tour, doesn't give 2 fucks about giving interviews, promoting the album because she doesn't give 2 fucks and doesn't want to get out of the bed before 2PM. Maybe in her thirsty for fame she forgot to take in count you actually have to work for the fame work, and lana is to lazy to work that fame. At this moment she is chewing some pasta and watching Keeping Up With The Katarshians with her cell on mute. Do not disturb 
  12. butterflies liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana Del Rey @ Vogue Dubai Fashion Experience 30th of October!!!   
    I think we all agreed the title and theme of this era is  CANCELLED 
    Me Lana. The Elusive I Cancel It Chanteuse
  13. Viva liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in UV abandoned?   
    Did Ultraviolence get released as a single in the end? I have not kept up at all
    Tbh I'm still kinda bummed paradise didn't get more love, another single at least. Still the best thing she's ever done IMO
  14. Viva liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in UV abandoned?   
    Well, in that one interview she gave, she said she was "tempted to say yes" to some things. Then a few weeks later she uploaded that picture "Film" so maybe she was over this album when it came out. Maybe she just wanted to release it after all the fuckery that went down before it came out, the cut budget, the dispute with the label and just head off to new things.
    Maybe she will really be in a movie or something like that, maybe porn.
  15. Viva liked a post in a topic by Sitar in UV abandoned?   
    Stop relying on stuff that isn't music to enjoy music
  16. Viva liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in UV abandoned?   
    Well. she can still tryi it in the adult movie industry, can't she?
  17. Viva liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in UV abandoned?   
    I don't wanna face it but it seems like this is the truth, this era had so much potential it's a shame it was wasted like this. She could've done amazing music videos, that's the only thing that hurts a little. But there's still a bit of hope, at least for me. Bitch may still surprise us...
  18. Viva liked a post in a topic by Creyk in UV abandoned?   
    UV sold just fine considering the promotion it got.
    An album needs continual support to keep selling for a long time.
    Look at Beyonce's latest album, that was out of the top 200 relatively soon after the album came out, since there was nothing to keep it alive, no singles to keep the cycle going.
    As for the record company, they can't do much since Lana owns the rights to the songs now, so they can't even pull a SS 2.0.
  19. Viva liked a post in a topic by howiet1971 in UV abandoned?   
    It feels like the UV project has been abandoned by both Lana and the record company. Even the UV single was a non starter . Not even a tour in the UK to promote it. I really don't understand what's happened, really frustrating as a fan who was looking forward to the videos and remixes etc.
    Any ideas or have I missed something?
  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Viva in Lana & Gaga : The Jazz Era   
    Miley stole a good part in the beginning of the year, now Taylor Pop Swift will steal the remain ones. It's the rise of Hope Destiny, Pop Bop Taytay and Elizabeth the Great. Gaga is screaming and making voodoo dolls to get her gays back while Madonna gives that smirk smile and evil laugh at them and thinking : enjoy bitches because I will get all those queers back, their souls belongs to me
  21. Viva liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Profanities   
    So for the sake of those tweens this thread should be deleted
  22. Viva liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Profanities   
    That does really seem like a lot of work for absolutely no reason...
  23. Viva liked a post in a topic by NamiraWilhelm in Profanities   
    Give the op a break, what the fuck else is there for a Lana fan to do right now
  24. Viva liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Profanities   
    we're counting screwed as profanity? i thought screwed was kinda like intentionally euphemistic~
  25. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kitty   
    music you hear before a very tragic suicide
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