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  1. reputation

    Melanie Martinez

    Ace was right. What a surprise Take this as an example as why you can't to off just an allegation of rape Let's leave this in 2017
  2. WHAT does this song even try to say??? Oh my god WHAT? This is religious appropriation.
  3. Well, I wasn't wrong when I said she was brought for a promotional single Top 30 radio hit is cancelled
  4. reputation


    skinny pale white girl claims she eats very little, oh what a groundbreaking discovery
  5. me: just realizing this is just a double liner
  6. https://www.dailywire.com/news/25249/wikileaks-drops-proof-proves-nytimes-colluded-joseph-curl
  7. Why is this not just posted in Nicole Nodland 2012? Literally the same exact shoot
  8. reputation


    [insert rant about eurocentric beauty standards dominating the patriarchy]
  9. just finished black museum.. wow! the girl played such a stunning role made up for hang the dj for sure
  10. nobody cares for white christmas anyway
  11. uh, just saw hang the dj. I hope I don't see anymore of this "it's all a simulation" shit
  12. reputation


    yes, I have been both the main, side and the other woman at the same time but now I am a strong independent woman. I also think Lolita is stupid had I been in an underaged relationship and Florida Kilos is also stupid because I once snorted coke in Miami
  13. I smell a radio hit. Lana & Borns having gucci campgain.. both Interscope clients.. new year amidst new album.. both photographed by Grant. bookmark me on this
  14. no only a snippet did http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/9716-snippet-god-save-our-young-blood-feat-borns/?view=findpost&p=586794
  15. *freak video was apart of ultraviolence visuals*
  16. Guys @@Brooklyn Baby is a pedophile Oh look, now since one person said @@Brooklyn Baby is a pedophile they're not a pedophile. Let's not associate ourselves with them because of one allegation! Kek
  17. Guess who's not updating the OP? That's @'s job Y'all WILL feast upon picosong links.
  18. This thread reminds me why @@Trash Magic and @@Electric Body are among my favorite members. This sounds like something featured on GTAV radio station
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