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Everything posted by Matt

  1. I would bet National Anthem, the song by itself, would not win at all. Blue Jeans would maybe have a chance, so could Born to Die - but Video Games is just the route to go.
  2. With untrustworthy people and awful biographies detailing lies about your life, it can be achieved. For example, let's take a look at that Mailer biography about Marilyn, lies. Liz might be next, for example that recent GLOBE article detailing an affair with Reagan, suicide attempt, Shirley Temple fued. Ridiculous. It doesn't boil down to what you do in life, it just is how well it is publicized and how your image is used afterwards. Marilyn's image has been abused to such an extent it's impossible, beyond impossible, to save from all the dirt and rips to it. I PRAY Lana is not the next Monroe, I pray she does not get trampled upon, backstabbed, lied about, and all these other awful things that Marilyn is in the grave - unable to witness. An icon can be good and/or bad, but if you want Lana to be the next Monroe, that's just bad. I get sad seeing all these fake Marilyn quotes around the web and all these lies about her. She was a kind but depressed soul and I'm just glad she isn't alive to witness what has happened to her memory.
  3. Also there's another factor to it - her image. If it gets sold out, then she'll probably become an icon in the future. Marilyn's image was sold out and now she's the cover girl of everything from lipgloss to french fries. It's sad, Marilyn can't rest in peace because of the people she trusted now went back and took advantage of her image. Not only that but Marilyn's entire reputation is just slandered from lies and rumors turned "facts" by biographies. So yeah, your image really needs to be sold out. Like Jayne, she died in a car crash in her 30s I believe, we don't see her as a cover girl for any products. Only Marilyn for the most part.
  4. If she overdoses before age 40 she'll be one for sure.
  5. Hmm, I think Video Games has a chance of winning. It seems to be a favorite whether you like Lana or not.
  6. The pinball machine brought back memories of The Accused - and that's not too good.
  7. SOMEONE ELSE AGREES. THANK GOD. Carmen slays all the other videos.
  8. Ugh I would love to hear Lana getting sassy in this.
  9. That oystermag interview was just... awkward to read.
  10. Delicious was a cool song, not awful at all.
  11. They're very... er. I'm not even sure how to explain it. But they're worried about my sexuality since I like female artists and am not an athletic boy, so any female artist I like - they automatically assume their material is for gays and gays only. I asked if I could go to the Fiona Apple concert next week in my town - and they refused since they said she's for lesbians. I brought up Lana once, and my mom watched the first minute of the National Anthem video and she said "Do gay guys love her? Since she's trying to be like Marilyn Monroe right, and gays like Marilyn Monroe?" She then told my father about how I like gay music and whenever they hear me listening to Lana they look at me weird and ask why I'm listening to her and they once asked me if I was gay because the "music I listened to kinda seems it" So yeah, my life in a nutshell. But I really wish I could buy Lana's album, physically, but they kinda barred it. But It's my money so I really want to do what I want with it, and I would just love to have a Lana album, in my hands, it'd feel so special. So hopefully I can get Paradise Edition physically. If not then another Amazon or iTunes download behind their backs I guess.
  12. I have nothing, no CDs or anything. My parents won't let me buy a copy since they think it's gay. So I bought the downloadable version of BTD with an Amazon giftcard. I plan on buying a physical copy of the Paradise Edition though. I also have a clipping of her performing from my local newspaper. Feel like a bad fan.
  13. It sounds like a dying orca.
  14. Not sure where it was, maybe Montreal or some other place in Canada - but there's a YouTube video of her singing off to the races there and it was great, I loved it. She needs to sing it more often live.
  15. Give it a chance it's eargasmic.
  16. I feel like it sounds more like a leak than something for born to die. The million dollar man version on the album is all over the place. And what the hell is up with that odd electric sound after the chorus.
  17. I've grown to appreciate the dark undertone in Summertime Sadness. Blue Jeans is great. The weak link on Born to Die though is Radio. It feels so out of place. Million dollar man is still iffy to me, the chorus is wonderful - the rest of the song irritates me though.
  18. I can't stand that song. It's just bad. Hollywood's Dead was good except for the vocals - now Backfire was sexy.
  19. Not sure if I've said this in this thread before but... Serial Killer is overrated, extremely. The snippet of it that first came out made it sound so promising - but the full song is just bad in my opinion. The production I can't stand. Some of the lyrics are okay, but overall I think it's extremely overrated and just a weak song.
  20. I am calm, haha, I was just pointing out I really didn't get why you said "It's a music video tbh" - I really don't think that should have any bearing on how seriously you should take it - maybe that's just me. But I'm not angry at all, I was just a little baffled on the wording of that statement.
  21. What is that supposed to mean? I like IAmThatGirlLily's post. It seems like you're shooting down any chance of there being a deeper message or anything profound by simply saying "It's a music video." Maybe it means much more than just a "music video" to Lana? I don't know, just because it's a music video doesn't mean it can't have a meaning or be some deep or profound piece of art. My opinion. Of course I'm not referring specifically to "Ride" - but in general.
  22. EXACTLY, I was looking through her Tumblr and it seems as if she just jumped on the bandwagon of saying "This is bad because people say it's bad." - She even asked people what she should say as a response to Lana! Sad, sad. People can't even have a mind of their own.
  23. When I first saw the close-ups of her heels I thought there was going to be a Go-Go Dancer-themed scene thrown in but no luck
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