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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Miss Autorama Daytona Race Queen Lola/Dolores Rio Rock & Roll Baby Doll Crystal Iris Neon Dahlia Cora Smith Jane Francisco
  2. I'm not sure the clips in particular, but Lana uses primarily YouTube. When I've been collecting clips for my videos, I've run into a lot of clips Lana has used herself.
  3. Woops, the website I got the birthday info from made an error with Gene Tierney's birthday. It's today! Happy Birthday Gene!
  4. My memory probably is wrong, but didn't Lana say in an interview she dropped out of college?
  5. That's probably more adventurous than anything I've done in my life, to be honest. I wish I was the type of wild child I see in TV and movies and stuff, but sadly - I'm not.
  6. First Base - Sky Ferreira Such a fun song. Reminds me of the wild party-child side I don't have :/
  7. Kill Kill 25 Queen Of The Gas Station 19 For K Part 2 40 Mermaid Motel 39 Raise Me Up 26 Put Me In A Movie 12 Yayo 31
  8. Lizzy all the way. Adele has a good voice, but it feels so common.
  9. I love their duets. Some Velvet Morning & Summer Wine are wonderful.
  10. She reminds me a lot of Cherie Currie from The Runaways in some songs. My favorites at the moment, and bless Madrigal's soul for sending me Sky's music, are: - Great Mistake - Femme Fatale - Red Lips (the music video... well that was very interesting. TBH, when I saw Terry directed it I was cautious about watching it). - C'est La Mort - Lolita - American Dream - Everything is Embarrassing - Sad Dream I can't really get into the song "Ghost" though. Not sure why. I remember the first time I actually heard Sky was on Last.fm, and the song was "Obsession" - I liked the first verse a bit, but not the chorus. It sounds like some other song I've heard. I personally don't like it much. The pictures of her I've looked at seem like they were designed for Tumblr. They seem to always play up on the grunge, coke-party girl theme and it creeps me out slightly.
  11. Killed? :/ That seems a bit bizarre.
  12. Pulp Fiction, Once Upon a Time in America, Reservoir Dogs, Mean Streets, The Departed, and The Untouchables maybe you'd like?
  13. Who are you? In other news, I just watched "The Maltese Falcon" (1941) and if anyone is interested, in 10 minutes - Turner Classic Movies is showing "The Big Sleep" - also another groovy side-note, the Twitter for Humphrey Bogart's estate made a few cool tweets about the movie while it was running, some facts like the budget, script, and stuff about Humphrey.
  14. Also, if anyone cares. Here's some Hollywood birthdays this month: November 5th - Vivien Leigh November 9th - Dorothy Dandridge November 10th - Claude Rains November 12th - Grace Kelly November 14th - Veronica Lake November 17th - Martin Scorsese November 19th - Gene Tierney November 23rd - Boris Karloff November 29th - Joel Coen November 30th - Virginia Mayo
  15. Have you seen Wait Until Dark? It's Audrey's finest performance in my opinion.
  16. Watch at least one! If you ever feel like, read the sloppy list I made in the original post of this thread for some recommendations. And if there's a certain genre/actor/actress you prefer most, I'd gladly make up a list of recommendations for you.
  17. As long as it's somehow related to movies, it's never out of topic.
  18. Have you ever seen Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte? Bette stars w/ Olivia and it's great. EDIT: Not relevant but Lauren & Liz look gorgeous on What's My Line?
  19. Lana Tierney? That's a lovely old Hollywood star name. Lana Turner meets Gene Tierney (whom I have no relation to sadly :/) But I am a male so Lana doesn't cut it for me. I'll name my kid "Lana Del Rio" or something exotic. WYR live a happy life and die young or live a sad life and die old.
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