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Everything posted by Deleted Member

  1. i kind of wish she would do deluxe editions again even though i know she hates them. i love hearing as much as possible from the sessions, but i also think once you reach the 12+ track mark on an album there is bound to be quite a bit of filler or just songs that aren’t as cohesive and strong as the other ones, which brings the quality of the entire project down quite a bit. a 10-11 track standard edition plus a deluxe edition with 5 or 6 other songs would be very nice. it’s not a coincidence that lana’s shortest albums/standard editions have the least skips and are her most cohesive bodies of work where everything compliments each other
  2. i wouldn’t trust her either if the website weren’t blacked out and neil didn’t tease anything, but i think it’s safe to say that all evidence this time is pointing to this announcement being very planned out and structured, i’m not really worried about that this time
  3. until it’s nowhere to be found on the album and becomes lipster lore
  4. wednesday morning is gonna be a nightmare refreshing honeymoon over and over again
  5. i can’t believe it’s still sunday… this is going to be such a long next couple days
  6. small possibility of the whole album on friday aside, do you guys think we’re getting a single this week too or just an announcement?
  7. i have a feeling Tuesday is gonna be kind of messy like something is going to leak 😭
  8. literally that’s what’s kind of throwing me off, i feel like besides true jazz and true country, the only areas of music she hasn’t explored yet are areas that she will never explore at this point in her career i think with Black Bathing Suit she dipped her toes into something new for her that she could very naturally expand upon though and it will stick out as very different
  9. Eclipse and BOZ spilled, BOZ tweeted about the album quite a bit and it’s in his twitter replies currently. Eclipse kinda hinted at the album channeling “coven leader”, if i’m interpreting what he said correctly
  10. i do think digital drops do decrease sales though and Interscope knows that. i used to be a big vinyl collector but i’ve cut down a lot; if Lana announced the album on wednesday with a release date next year i would be so excited that i would probably end up preordering a couple variants. if it’s a digital drop, i won’t be buying a physical edition unless i really really like the album, and even then i would probably wait until quite a bit later when i have some more money to throw around more wisely instead of my excitement making me make impulse purchases (hello to the 3 Chemtrails variants on my shelf I haven’t touched since March 2021). i think many people are in the same boat
  11. honestly, i don’t think the 9th is that unrealistic if lana was able to convince the label to let her do a digital drop like she’s wanted to for a long time. but if it is by miracle released on friday, record stores would not have it by then. that lady at spin me round is huge on tiktok for being quirky so she was probably just being quirky
  12. to be honest i really don’t think we’re getting any music videos for this era, if we do i think it’s gonna be something the second Arcadia video. while i think people have been exaggerating how the robbery possibly changed plans for this album rollout, i do think that it affected all of the plans she had for the videos, and tbh knowing lana i don’t think she would really care to film anything else now that everything she did have was lost
  13. if “coven leader” has anything to do with this album i fear for the serve that the visuals will bring…
  14. when the Wednesday announcement is, “Surprise! My new album is out tomorrow night”
  15. while every lana album is very different to me, they also all feel like a natural progression from the previous one and reminiscent of the album that came before it. because of that, i’ve been expecting LDR9 to be a more refined and intentional Blue Banisters (which felt very unrealized to me but still had a lot of potential); more horns, more strings, more heavy percussion, more of the weird time signature and tempo changes like in Black Bathing Suit and Text Book. i’ve been expecting almost a more orchestral/less bare take on Fetch the Bolt Cutters honestly, that’s what naturally feels next for her. i’m so excited im really interested in how lana can do something “unlike anything we’ve heard before”, because i do feel like she has explored and dipped her toes in every art pop sound besides like electronic which i do not think is happening lol
  16. IT’S SUNDAY YALL!! we’re officially in announcement/possibly release week
  17. violet discourse if lana considers it an album, it’s an album. just because it’s different for her doesn’t mean it’s not an album. there’s really not much of a difference in this situation than, for example, Brian Eno releasing Music for Airports and his other ambient projects off the heels of records like Here Come the Warm Jets and No Pussyfooting. it’s still music, still an album, just meant to be experienced in a different way. and i don’t really think Violet not being on streaming changes anything either, it was pressed to vinyl, CD, and cassette and sold at music outlets (and LA Who Am I to Love You was on streaming at one point). tbh i did consider it separate from her discography before she said anything about it, so it is kind of hard to try to see it as its whole own thing now and i think a lot of people are struggling with that. but can you imagine being Lana, pouring your heart and soul and time into something that you want to stand beside your other work (she’s literally said it’s her favorite album of hers 😭), and then your fans are like, “nope, this isn’t an album or part of your discography no matter what you say” streaming especially has blurred the lines and changed the rules of what an album is. the only factor nowadays that determines if a collection of songs is an album, EP, mixtape, project, playlist, compilation, etc etc is what the artist’s intention was to make. and lana intended to make an album and even being technical, it’s also worth noting that even though Violet is on iTunes under “audiobook”, so is every current Grammy nomination for Best Spoken Word Album as well
  18. this gives me flashbacks to LFL era and the picture of lana with that orange background holding up that sign and everyone thought she was going to release something every full moon leading up to the album… that still actually would’ve been such a fun concept
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