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Everything posted by slowdancetorockmusic

  1. I like her outfit but I expected her to change for the show haha, she really is low maintenance
  2. I thought she might wear a nice dress or something but I'm not surprised by her outfit. I always wish she would dress up more sometimes, but honestly I also love that she doesn't. I love that she stays simple and she feels comfortable like that. It's incredible. Plus she always looks amazing anyway.
  3. Thank you! We really never mean to be malicious or anything - we are just sharing. I am thankful you understand! ♥
  4. hi! just want to let you guys know - i do most of the posts and photo uploads on lanadelreyfan.com and we often find photos reposted and not from their original source. If you would like crediting on the twitter or in the gallery (or want your photo removed completely) PLEASE do tweet or email us! I can also pass on credit notes to the person who runs the lanadelreyworld twitter! we would be more than happy to credit you or remove your content! my twitter is: @ldreyfans you can also email me directly here: toni@lanadelreyfan.com
  5. i was at the liverpool show, it's really upsetting to hear she cut the show short in glasgow. i mean maybe she felt crappy who knows, and if it was something like that then that's fair enough. it's just shit because she rarely comes to places like this and then she cuts the performance short? especially as so many people have travelled and booked hotels for it..
  6. there were loads of places to get food and drinks from outside the actual stage/seating area lol
  7. Merch: https://twitter.com/echoarena/status/900022605301915648
  8. Yeah they've said on their Facebook there's no support and they've changed Lana's time to 9pm
  9. She's supposed to be on stage at 8pm. Doors open at 6:30pm but there's no mention of a support anywhere
  10. if anyone wants tickets for this show, a friend of a friend is selling 2 for £50 each and will meet in person for collection: https://t.co/311htxnPtl i wonder what she'll be wearing and if she's having any merch on sale!! also i want to try and spot her in liverpool too but i'm not familiar with the city at all hahaa
  11. someone has probably asked this already, but did she have any merch on sale?
  12. i don't mind some of her adidas stuff but this looked so weird lol she can still pull off anything though I think it's a water bottle ?
  13. omg I know! Like thank god I got tickets eventually otherwise I'd be so mad and upset haha. I'm so happy you got tickets too! yes I did get a signed CD and I got it pretty quickly actually which really surprised me! They seemed to be on top of that. That's so ridiculous though, I hope you do manage to get it soon!
  14. Customer services got back in touch. They said: "Thank you for your email. Please accept my sincere apologies you did not receive your presale code. I can confirm all emails were sent Thursday 27th July PM and I can see you code was due to be VC8E32YZ. You may wish to speak to your email service provider to see if that for any reason they did not allow the email through as this was sent. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us." I'm with gmail. Is anyone else with gmail who got there's or didn't?
  15. i wish she wouldn't wear the adidas pants for performances?? like ultimately i don't care at all but it's just she usually has such cute outfits. and also i'm just like how much are they paying her?? lmao
  16. i agree! i love when she shares personal stuff too like how she was nervous about stevie and the story about lana being stevie's "little echo"
  17. I GOT TICKETS!! I was at work but my friend got us them. We're seated though, I would've preferred standing I am STILL so happy!! I'm not going to complain because anything is better than nothing!
  18. good luck to everyone trying to get tickets tomorrow morning!!!
  19. No I didn't go to Brixton. My friend tried to get us tickets but because they sold out in 12 seconds, she didn't quite make the cut. Decent theory though! But it does seem like so many people didn't get an email when they should have. I imagine you should get an email for pre-sale for every show in your area if you've bought something, because that seems to be what they've made it out to be like. I will def post on here if customer services get back to me though!! Good luck to us on Monday
  20. O2 priority people always go in first at any venue. not sure why they tweeted that. I know it's unfair but they've always done it! Change your phone to O2 haha
  21. me!! I still don't have it and so I've missed out I bought the signed LFL CD as soon as it was available in the UK. I've complained to the customer services on their website because it's ridiculous and I don't think anything was made clear anyway. Did you ever get yours in the end?
  22. omg how can yall hate cruel world, gods and monsters, west coast and burning desire THEY GO OFF I feel personally attacked why did I make this thread hahaha
  23. I imagine this might've been done ages ago but still! Some of my least favourite songs are: 13 Beaches Tomorrow Never Came Bel Air Blue Velvet Without Out Lolita Lucky Ones This is What Makes Us Girls
  24. In Cherry I thought "my cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme. and all of my beaches are ruined" It's peaches apparently but it sounded like beaches to me. She pronounces things weirdly sometimes lol
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