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Everything posted by lannisterpussy

  1. omg same i’ve just started watching his lana reactions and i’m really enjoying it so far. i kind of want to tell him to react to sirens and ldr aka lizzy grant before starting born to die but idk if he’ll do it or if he’ll even notice me
  2. it’s a cover of daniel johnston’s song. i really love dance for money, lift your eyes, in the sun and money hunny. they’re hardly if ever discussed. i really miss when songs were leaking constantly and we had to download them from picosong what a time to be alive
  3. taste omg. faye wong is amazing fuzao is one of my favourite albums of all time.
  4. when kintsugi becomes a smash hit and then rina sawayama reaches out to lana and introduces her to hikaru utada who introduces her to ichiko aoba and sheena ringo and then they all form a supergroup omg lana’s mind
  5. hoping praying crying pleading begging that the interludes flow into one another like cuff it - energy or potf - virgo’s groove rather than something random and inconsequential
  6. while it is a bit disappointing that the album was delayed i still think march 24 is a great date. it starts of aries season and the album has been described as angry and conversational among other things which fits in better with aries than pisces anyway
  7. idk how but i feel like fingertips will be one of her best songs ever paris,texas gives me julee cruise vibes https://youtu.be/oXkegHyURbI sweet gives me natalie prass vibes https://youtu.be/5MgadJlTfdk in conclusion this will be her magnum opus i can feel it
  8. i would do several unspeakable things for lana to make an album in the same vein as ys or have one on me or even divers. i’ve been saying for years that i always thought lana would make a STELLAR cover of autumn
  9. if we manifest hard enough this could happen actually! lana and guillermo del toro are well acquainted iirc she gave a speech during his walk of fame induction
  10. God put such onerous tasks suddenly on my future - weapons he deemed substantially fair Girls persists so tactfully, singing our memoirs/melodies, feigning weaknesses history deemed shamefully feminine idk im high and sleep deprived but it’s surprisingly fun coming up with potential song titles
  11. God please save our time so our married friends won’t have dreary sad futures Guitars play songs of the soul obfuscating my future so wistfulness's humourlessness dies sad fates God put safety over the shore of my father’s seas weathering his debilitated faith
  12. hurts to liv third best song ever made and tbh i can see lana making something similar to it lemme manifest a tlsp situation with lana and liv real quick
  13. hi @BlackoutZone. are you able to give any insight into why the american standards and classics album was scrapped? or the album with covers of country songs?
  14. alexis petridis deserved lana’s ire far more than ann powers ever did like it’s crazy how biased his reviews of lana’s albums always are. hopefully someone else from guardian will review tunnel
  15. tbh the same could be said for almost all her albums (except maybe btd and lfl) but woww words cannot describe how excited i am
  16. the billie holiday like cover omgg i see the vision like this is truly going to be her most acclaimed album which will finally get lana the appreciation and respect she deserves which will in turn get more people to listen to her previous albums and honeymoon in particular because of the billie holiday reference in the blackest day which will then get more people to finally appreciate honeymoon as the masterpiece it is and then world peace will finally be achieved like y'all hear me out!! stay with me STAY WITH ME LISTENN
  17. manifesting noir rawness, shades of cool/venice bitch guitars, mermaid motel weirdness, chemtrails drums, and dealer vocals on american whore
  18. im shaking this might really be her best album ever. as much as i love chemtrails and blue banisters, they felt like transition records to me; records more-so meant for her to reflect on her career; her fame and what’s truly important to her (her community). great records for sure but a little aimless because of it. but this feels like she truly has a vision omgg it could be a new career defining moment for her incredibly excited
  19. hold on what if The Grants is her most theatrical jazzy cinematic bombastic but reflective song she’s ever made and becomes her most critically acclaimed track and her magnum opus and all the praise gets her to finally start working on that broadway musical she said would make omggg i see the vision
  20. American whore will be this record’s off to the races/gods and monsters/fmwuttt/freak/cherry/cinnamon girl/tulsa jesus freak/bbs calling it now
  21. she is such a scorpio rising it’s insane
  22. why is the mixing on beautiful so bad like there’s so much clipping towards the end of the song it’s unbearable which is a shame because the song is terrific
  23. this is truly a new era omg finally no more recycling scrapped lfl songs
  24. obviously there’s going to be new lyrics in this album but for some odd reason, i have a feeling she’ll recycle lyrics or at least rehash the themes of several unreleased songs in this album. so apropos to nothing, based on my intuition here are some lyrics i feel like she’ll use/reference in the album: ”loving you isn’t right, it’s original sin” - I don’t wanna go ”you think i’ll ever transform into the man God meant to make when he began?” - drive ”i think we’re losing what we used to have you know, you loved me better one year ago” - your band is all the rage ”in his one line plea, in his dull edged knife” - money hunny ”i make it a point to rest through my day, to close my eyes and visualize my troubles away” - you mister
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