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Everything posted by lannisterpussy

  1. 2 REQUEST SONGS?? she must be feeling really bad for being late lmao
  2. as they should! that’s the best part of the song and i was pissed she skipped it last week
  3. i’m starting to get worried i hope everything’s okay
  4. she’s so unprofessional it boggles my mind sometimes
  5. You think I'll ever transform into the man God meant to make when he began? from the bridge in drive is an all timer lana lyric to me and i can’t believe she’s never reused this. so so stunning
  6. i know we don’t want anymore btd songs but tbh body electric would’ve been perfect on the setlist like the way she was leaning on blake for a few of the songs reminded me of that one iconic body electric performance
  7. i don’t think there’s going to be a twist ending. i think it’ll be kendall tbh. also i just hope there’s going to be more gerri and tabitha scenes.
  8. flipside live oh she’s beating the never changing the setlist allegations
  9. byron is going to absolutely demolish that piano i just know it
  10. LOVE SONG AND HONEYMOON?? i used to pray for times like this
  11. i would die for a higher quality release of stay be the one, tomorrow you didn’t, and falling into history. same i haven’t really kept up with her music since self titled album. i listened to love sux and thought it was enjoyable but never revisited since release night.
  12. wow… the euphoria i just got. yth has never been a fav of mine but listening to this officially just transported me back to the feeling i had back on christmas 2016… the chokehold this woman has on me
  13. i LOVE this. so so meta extremely cool concept. blurring the lines between real and the fake. it’s like her version of the movie perfect blue almost.
  14. lannisterpussy

    Charli XCX

    when she makes another i got it/shake it, she should have ice spice as one of the features. like…
  15. one of the best to ever do it. love brandy so much
  16. good gpa, more money, and reconciliation lmao i’m going through it
  17. i like the new album i think it’s pretty fantastic! on initial listen, i don’t think it’s better than what’s your pleasure but with time, i could see myself liking this more than wyp
  18. wait the second song is reminding me of biophilia actually… oh i love this
  19. listening now! so excited. first song definitely interesting. it’s giving hard drive by cassandra jenkins.
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